We need one more player for our squad, password is 0123
I'd play, but I'll just let my team down. I don't want to be a detriment to my team.
What's your id soul?
Don't worry about it, you'll pick it up fastAnd better to start playing with some GAFers than randoms.
EDIT: or Violet? we could use a charger
I honestly have no idea what's going on. You take a zone, then lose it, then take it again? What's those numbers up there?
I need to look up these things first before I play these again.
Are the EU servers offline or something? Can't connect to the lobby at all.
I've installed the update.
You need to restart the Wii U or go to settings and test the connection (that worked for me) after you install the update.
so how do I join a squad? Do I need an invite?
I'm up for some games after the map change
so how do I join a squad? Do I need an invite?
I'm up for some games after the map change
The update had downloaded during the night here, and I just started Splatoon and everything worked. Perhaps it's different if the update didn't download in the background?
You need to restart the Wii U or go to settings and test the connection (that worked for me) after you install the update.
Join us, Violet, password 0123
In case anyone wondered what Judd gives you at level 25. It appears to be a(source: this person who had a glitch that put them from level 20 straight to level 26).3 slot piece of armour (armour hat replica
signing up now
That was fun,. I have to go now. Bye guys.
Still an hour before I can play, what's the max exp points you can get in one ranked battle?
Europe here too. Just turned it off but I can add you later. Or you can add me if you wsh, NNID: Messer_Schmitt
Violet are you on discord?
Random ass thought as I sign off trying to get some sleep, what are SplatGAF's dream weapon configs? (Max. 3)
1. Inkbrush/Burst Bombs/Burst Bomb Rush
2. .96 Gal/Suction Bombs/Bubbler
I'll do #3 and explanations later. I wanna see what kind of crazy you all can come up with.
1.For everyone battling online we're launching a friend networking service called "Ikaling" starting today. Login with your Nintendo Network ID and you can see at a glance your friends' play statuses.
2.In Ikaling, you can input your planned battle times beforehand so that you can let your friends meet up with you. It's linked to Twitter, so you can make plans that way too. If you see a friend who meets your schedule, go and enter a battle together!
3.In Ikaling, you can see the rankings amongst your friends. Score is calculated individually for both Turf Wars and Ranked Battles based on how many times you've won and win percentage. It is reset every week on Sunday at midnight, so you can compete with your friends every week.
Never heard thisFrom reddit about the new website.
I wish they would break down those ranking numbers as well for you -- I wouldn't mind seeing how many matches I've played.From reddit about the new website.