Splatoon just became Game-Of-Forever with this new update. It was already taking a decent chunk out of my free-time, but now it will consume me.
I love how much variety those new weapons add. A freaking gatlin ink gun?! GTFO! A couple weeks or so ago, someone in my plaza was literally begging for such a weapon in his MiiVerse post. He must be losing himself in excitement right now. I payed with the bucket(sorry, can't remember the actual names right now), and it's a beast of a weapon on turf wars, and I can picture myself doing well with it on ranked too. The gatlin is really damn cool. I won't be using it much though, but it would make one heck of a support weapon in ranked! The current weapon set feels very complete now.
The playstyles this game offers are just insane. Selecting weapons and gear is not a trivial thing, as they change your approach to battle/inking turf drastically. I've played a few online shooters - especially a ton of Battlefield - and aside from changing classes altogether, your playstyle don't really change that much. There's just something really special about Splatoon, and I hope it gets a significant sales boost with this update, and more word-of-mouth promotion.
One more loss and I'm going back to B+ rank.