Does anyone use #SplatoonGAF IRC chat? I'm there right now.
It's mostly just Discord now. Check post #2.
Does anyone use #SplatoonGAF IRC chat? I'm there right now.
Yeah Ggs, didn't know it would kick everyone out, thought it would give host duty to someone else, that sucksGGs
It's another thing Nintendo should fix on the next patch. If host leaves, which can happen at any time for any reason, it should switch over to another player in the room. I sent some of you in the room friend requests. Going to get a room going in 5 minutes or so.
So, I bought Splatoon today, any Tipps for a beginner?
Also, is there no Matchmaking in Splatfests? I struggled to get to Level 4 with all those Level 20+ Players around me >.>
Experiment with all the weapons and find your niche. Play the single player to practice with the basic weapons. Take your time, don't feel pressured to do your own thing in Turf Wars.
So, I bought Splatoon today, any Tipps for a beginner?
Also, is there no Matchmaking in Splatfests? I struggled to get to Level 4 with all those Level 20+ Players around me >.>
Keep doing that. That's a good strategy.I'm not even doing much in Turf Wars due the Splatfests. I mostly stay close to the base, and try to keep our half of the Map painted in our Colour haha
Eh, I must be getting stuck with rejects. Also played a few games with 2 or 3 squads.Hmm, I was absolutely destroying with North Pole and even found decent teams.
Are there different splat fest categories or something, what's this hot dogs and marshmallow stuff
Splatfests are region basedAre there different splat fest categories or something, what's this hot dogs and marshmallow stuff
Keep doing that. That's a good strategy.
Lots and lots of this. All offense, no defense. Drives me mentalYup I've lost lots of games being aggressive and hunting people down only to find out no one on our side was playing defense
#TeamNorthPole is fucked. :/
That'sOkay got it!![]()
I'm not even doing much in Turf Wars due the Splatfests. I mostly stay close to the base, and try to keep our half of the Map painted in our Colour haha
I don't know where all this "marshmallows are bad" nonsense is coming from. We've been tearing it up.
So are the Hot Dogs. I just came off a 15 win streak.
Re: bad teammates
Splatfests are basically "C- Rooms: Turf War Edition". If you get on a good team and stick with them you'll wreck shit. But, even if you have poor luck with teams, you should still win the vast majority of your games through carrying. Not all of them of course, but you should still be able to get well into SO HAWT!!! without much of a problem.
For reference, what I did was play defensively with the Splat Roller. Didn't have too much trouble getting to Champion.
I'm on team marshmallow and I've lost count of how many times my team has lost while I score around 1000 points.
It would be nice to at least get an occasional win. =/
Now the bad Marshmallow teammates are showing up :/
Man I don't know how to deal with teams of fast short range weapons who charge up and swarm your side of the map early on Moray, that's so different from how anyone on Gaf plays except Kas lol
Ugh, disconnects ruining my vibe meter
I played against a "Q" on Team Marshmallow. Was that you?Yup I've lost lots of games being aggressive and hunting people down only to find out no one on our side was playing defense