HARK, MORTALS! Before you lies hallowed ground, the likes of which may only be passed if you have completed Dangan Ronpa 2's harrowing tale!

Should my Dark Devas of Destruction weigh your experience with the game and deem you wanting, or find you lack a Hell Found Earring, neither I nor these fearsome arbiters can ensure safe passage. You may soon discover that spoilers are ravenous beasts, indeed, with no qualms over sparing you any quarter!

Now, if you fancy yourself capable of braving such sights, I will not deign to halt your advance. You may proceed with Cham-P's blessing!

...May I don the unholy garb now?
Some School Rules (Guidelines):
- Spoilers for this game's ending should stay here. If you have completed this game, don't post your impressions in the main OT for 1 or 2, or the spoiler thread for 1, for that matter. Even though we're all grateful to NISA for releasing both games this year, that also means that everyone will have had comparatively less time to play through the titles. Don't assume that everyone is on the same page.
- Even though Dangan Ronpa If is unlocked by beating DR2's story mode, that is not free-game, as it is technically a separate work. You may discuss it, but please make proper use of spoiler tags. Some people might be interested in discussing the plot of the second game before jumping into the light novel.
- On that note, discussing Dangan Ronpa Zero should be treated the same way. Although it covers story events that lead up to DR2 and was released prior to it, it still has no official release outside Japan. Pay your fellow GAFers some courtesy and get tagging!
- The soothing tones of Ibuki Mioda are required daily listening. Failure to adhere to this rule is punishable by death.