This is isn't as usual, this is the totally insane start of thread which can hit 1,200 posts in around a day.tafer said:As usual, this thread is impossible to follow.
This is isn't as usual, this is the totally insane start of thread which can hit 1,200 posts in around a day.tafer said:As usual, this thread is impossible to follow.
Apparently. The Best Buy near me doesn't even carry Anime anymore.Uchip said:the best kind
You shut your mouth!Jexhius said:The harsh truth.
Well, it doesn't exactly justify it but I thought it was a pretty darn stupid explanations as well. It's fair to say you aren't alone on that point.doomed1 said:Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 9
Oh great, and they were doing so well too... They're combining a poor understanding of conservation of energy with metaphysics to justify all this bullshit.
HEB. I bought Mnemosyne there.Hellsing321 said:What kind of grocery store sells anime blu-rays?
Billy Murrary can't pull off ZA WARUDO.doomed1 said:Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 10
I've seen this movie before! I think Bill Murray was in it...
challengeaccepted.jpgicarus-daedelus said:Jesus, I hadn't realized it's been just one day and we're already at 1300+ posts.
At this rate we'll easily cheese our way to 20000.
icarus-daedelus said:Jesus, I hadn't realized it's been just one day and we're already at 1300+ posts.
At this rate we'll easily cheese our way to 20000.
Um he's probably the worst part about the show to, and he's very out-of-place with the rest of the series.Koi Kaze 1
Brilliant. It wasn't the actual plot, but it was the small things in the background, the look on Koshiro's boss's face as he struggled to give Nanoka the theme park tickets, and then the recurring bear mascot with colorful balloons. And then there's that co-worker with the glasses! Ha! He's a creepy lolicon! It's funny!
It's not even really like this is the worst explanation I've seen, it's flat out just dumb. It would actually be brilliant if it was all an elaborate lie and the REAL reason they're doing this is because they just fucking feel like it.Jexhius said:Well, it doesn't exactly justify it but I thought it was a pretty darn stupid explanations as well. It's fair to say you aren't alone on that point.
SHUT YO WHORE MOUTH, YES HE CAN.Jexhius said:Billy Murrary can't pull off ZA WARUDO.
Kaiji is incredibly moe.icarus-daedelus said:What, you guys never have feelings of protectiveness towards Kaiji?
You talk like being an elitist is a bad thing.Infinite Justice said:your posts really give off that vibe though (more so than others), which is unfortunate.
Are you kidding me? He's right at home as a fantastic juxtaposition to HOW SQUICK THIS SHIT ACTUALLY IS.Lafiel said:Um he's probably the worst part about the show to, and he's very out-of-place with the rest of the series.
Jexhius said:This is isn't as usual, this is the totally insane start of thread which can hit 1,200 posts in around a day.
Where do you live? Do they have FYE's?icarus-daedelus said:Really? Best Buy is the only retail outlet around me that carries animu anymore. Unless you count Halo Legends and Ponyo being carried at Target, which I don't.
Well, if you removed him it'd certainly help. Then you'd have no stupid 2D characters in the show.Lafiel said:Um he's probably the worst part about the show to, and he's very out-of-place with the rest of the series.
No no, elitists can wrangle and even greater enjoyment out of K-On!(!) than regular fans.doomed1 said:Oh Good, cause I enjoyed K-ON![]()
Yes, I believe they did, when Clarissa was discussing it,icarus-daedelus said:Didn't they talk/rant about this on AWO once or am I imagining it?
They kept cutting down the section more an more until one day they just said fuck it and put everything they had left on clearance. I got All of Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star out of it anyway. Unfortunately I also got all of the ZOE anime.icarus-daedelus said:Really? Best Buy is the only retail outlet around me that carries animu anymore. Unless you count Halo Legends and Ponyo being carried at Target, which I don't.
Sweet, topping the list. It's hard work, but is it really work if you enjoy it?cosmicblizzard said:cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:
Class S: Super Monocle People
1. Branduil and Jexhius (tied)
3. Nonoriri
Class A: Fake Monocle People
4. Macodin
5. 7th
6. Jerk...
Yup. Got my DVDs through the mail. I don't know if it's still on though.tafer said:As usual, this thread is impossible to follow.
Hmm... small question, anyone here ordered the Toradora DVDs and got the replacement for the first volume?
Or the lack of creepy sisters-bending over shots.Branduil said:I think doomed's real problem with Madoka is the lack of a creepy 4th-wall-breaking otaku to pant over the girls.
That would be like picking my favourite children.Geneijin said:This talk of Mushishi got me to check out Episode 7 again. It was always one of my most favorite episodes above the others even though Mushishi as a whole is superb. Not sure why it particular sticks out to me.
Anyone have any special favorites as well?
Then you know you've crossed that fine, fine line.icarus-daedelus said:If you start legitimately enjoying Kanon 2002 (you know, except for the art!) then you really know you're too far gone.
icarus-daedelus said:Jesus, I hadn't realized it's been just one day and we're already at 1300+ posts.
At this rate we'll easily cheese our way to 20000.
Ah, the truth comes to surface.Branduil said:I think doomed's real problem with Madoka is the lack of a creepy 4th-wall-breaking otaku to pant over the girls.
Man, people complain a lot about anime! It's not about the plot, it's about the mono no aware.I Am Now said:Are they actually going to wrap things up, or does nothing end up changing anyway? If I'm going to invest my time in 6 more hours of this I want closure, dammit!
They make anime in the spring? We should make a thread about that one day.Aigis how bout them spring animes
It's a cold kind of logic, that's for sure.cosmicblizzard said:Writing essays about anything will put you high up there. ABF would be higher if anyone read his.
I assumed that was valid for all threads.DrForester said:Totally wrong thread.
Umm.. K-On sucks
flawfuls said:If you're planning on skipping the races then there is absolutely nothing else there. The races are cool, but the characters are shitty and paper thin and the plot is incredibly basic.
Don't underestimate the power of flash-technology!Halycon said:Man, this looks like a goddam flash game.
You can't hide your descent into madness!icarus-daedelus said:Hells yeah, Umasou! Time to throw it on the movies-to-watch pile with Gauche the Cellist, Dog of Flanders, Nobita's Dinosaur 06and Clannad the Movie.
Branduil said:I think doomed's real problem with Madoka is the lack of a creepy 4th-wall-breaking otaku to pant over the girls.
I am okay with this. 19~21 is the classy slot for classy people.cosmicblizzard said:cosmicblizzard's totally accurate and unbiased elitist ranking list of animu thread regulars:
Class S: Super Monocle People
1. Branduil and Jexhius (tied)
3. Nonoriri
Class A: Fake Monocle People
4. Macodin
5. 7th
6. Jerk
Class B: Refined Retina Displacement Theory
7. Aigis
8. doomed1
9. icarus-daedelus
10. Lafiel
11. Hellsing321
12. trejo
13. shintoki
14. ABF
15. Jman2050
16. Drforester
17. Halycon
18. Firehawk
Class C: All around mustache club
19. Dresden, flawfuls, Kuwabaratheman (3 way tie)
22. zeroshiki
23. Geneijin
24. cosmicblizzard, steroyd, Lain, infinite justice (4 way tie)
28. tiff
29. Infinitenine
TIME-PARADOXDrForester said:I9 will ask Hito to go back in time to stop him from becoming a GAF member.
Aigis said:Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. I love K-ON but not $120 for a two year old 13 episode series love.
They're truly the master of trying to sell to as few people as possible.icarus-daedelus said:Blu-ray singles. Ouch. I thought anime distrbutors had stopped that by now. Bandai, sigh. :-/
Dresden said:I am okay with this. 19~21 is the classy slot for classy people.
Sure, why not.InfiniteNine said:Awww, have a starfish!
I don't think anyone but crazy mecha fans care about that distinction, in all honesty.zeroshiki said:But Eva isn't mecha!
(and away we gooooooooo!)
A decline is inevitable, and expected, regardless of content. Also, the better shows may well get their own threads, syphoning of the strength of the main trunk.Halycon said:Considering the roster of "watchable" shows this season (and certain new, uh, posters), I think this level of activity might be maintainable.
K-On! is pretty good, but it's certainly no K-On!!.firehawk12 said:Haha, I can't see how that would change. Now it's boring, but in English!
You haven't finished Bebop? Or started it?firehawk12 said:Utena or Bebop? You decide!
(Slam Dunk will never happen... sigh.).
Actually it used to be the 11th but it was decided to change it to the 12th.Nonoriri said:The only good spot on there is #3.
firehawk12 said:Yup. Got my DVDs through the mail. I don't know if it's still on though.
Lain said:Completely agree. The races (with the eurobeat ost going) are the only reason to watch Initial D.
I have to admit that the OST sort of brainwashed me.
Jexhius said:I don't think anyone but crazy mecha fans care about that distinction, in all honesty.
Kamon said:Its that tominoesque thing, saying its Gundam, but basically, its giant robot anime, right?
Naota said:I dont know what youre talking about!
trejo said:Actually it used to be the 11th but it was decided to change it to the 12th.
Man, you're saying robots have no souls? Why? You so some kind of robo-racist?zeroshiki said:This guy knows what's up.
They have souls. They're not robots!
But where's the theme?zeroshiki said:Does he also skip the sex scenes in hentai?
Jexhius said:Kaiji is incredibly moe.
You talk like being an elitist is a bad thing.
It's like I don't know you anymore.Jexhius said:K-On! is pretty good, but it's certainly no K-On!!.
flawfuls said:Yeah the music was pretty good. Of course the best thing about Initial D was that it inspired the greatest doujinshi ever made:
Someone needs to translate the rest of this.
flawfuls said:Yeah the music was pretty good. Of course the best thing about Initial D was that it inspired the greatest doujinshi ever made:[IMG]
Someone [I]needs[/I] to translate the rest of this.[/QUOTE]
ha gets me every time.
Its' hardly like I'm praising Legend of the Overfiend, or something!trejo said:It's like I don't know you anymore.
You and a whole lot of other people!Branduil said:Whether or not it's the best, singular, I can't think of a single series I would place clearly above it.
The most entertainingfirehawk12 said:It's the best anime ever!
kiunchbb said: