Still. Read the manga.Steroyd said:Wandering Son - 11
Still couldn't read Doi, tells Anna how it is, and acceptance, what the... a satisfying conclusion to a series that doesn't troll me with READ THE MANGA syndrome. O_O
I'm hoping that the director gets to make a TV series out of it, or just a science-fiction anime series in general, there's not enough science-fiction being made in anime today.Branduil said:I'm going to be really sad if more of Time of Eve is never made.
France wins?Geneijin said:Edit: Infinite Stratos - 12
Holy hell. Where was this 11 episodes ago?
Should have been like this since the beginning, terrible story notwithstanding.
Even better.firehawk12 said:France wins?
This is really disappointing for some reason.HisshouBuraiKen said:Yes sir I am, and thank youUsed to be in Dattebayo too (we weren't actually seized by ICE but it is pretty much dead, as is fansubbing in general nowadays). Contrary to popular belief, IRL everyone in DB is really cool and not at all a bunch of assholes who would troll the shit out of you at a moment's notice.
Umm... yay! :lolGeneijin said:Even better.Ichika got denied giving a kiss to Houki from his harem. Chifuyu-nee is confirmed as number one in my book.
Infinite CockblockGeneijin said:Even better.Ichika got denied giving a kiss to Houki from his harem. Chifuyu-nee is confirmed as number one in my book.
Oh wow, having watched it, it's really stupid. Fucking harems!Dresden said:Infinite Cockblock
I haven't seen it yet, but I'll take your word for it!firehawk12 said:Oh wow, having watched it, it's really stupid. Fucking harems!
Until Seasons 2 and 3...and 4,5,6,ect.Dresden said:I haven't seen it yet, but I'll take your word for it!
Just gotta get through this and the last episode of Index II, and I'll be FREE, FREE, FREEEEEE
No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.Hellsing321 said:Until Seasons 2 and 3...and 4,5,6,ect.
ARRGGHHHH!Dresden said:No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.
No you don't!Dresden said:No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.
Dresden said:No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.[/IMG[/QUOTE]
Oh hell yes.Aigis said:
Dresden said:No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.
Dresden said:No no, I'll have enough self control to not watch them.
InfiniteNine said:There is a joke episode 11 of Madoka out guys so beware! On the good news side of thing the Muv-Luv Alternative full patch leaked so I'll be playing that in a minute~!
Well, tomorrow is April 1st.DrForester said:I'm shocked it didn't happen 2 weeks ago.
Aigis said:People who use Rightstuf: They don't charge until they ship right? I'm (probably) preordering the Baccano BD set to give it another chance with a rewatch on something that has better quality than the asstastic Funimation DVDs.
:lolflawfuls said:It's from K-On 2002.
Well, I waste a few minutes at least (not THAT much), mainly because I keep rewriting the damn post until I think it "sounds" good. I am little insecure in that aspect!Jexhius said:Unless all your posts take one hour to write!
Well, it's a limited release and Aniplex stuff is usually really expensive. This seems to be their cheapest release yet. Amazon probably wouldn't be any cheaper.Dedication Through Light said:I was going to get that too, but with them doing Durarara on PSN, I was like, might as well just hope it shows up on there eventually too for just 1.99 an episode...I hate how they dont sell it on Amazon, rightstuff seems higher cost.
Seems fine to me.El Sloth said:WHATS WRONG WITH HER FACE
Needs more lens flare.icarus-daedelus said:Odin Photon Sailer Starlight
icarus-daedelus said:A little glare, anyone?[IMG]
I think this is a brofist?
Are you blind yet?
[B]Odin Photon Sailer Starlight[/B][/QUOTE]
So basically this is the Wandering Son of Sci-fi anime.
It was about as good of an ending as I ever could have hoped for.Geneijin said:Edit: Infinite Stratos - 12
Holy hell. Where was this 11 episodes ago?
Should have been like this since the beginning, terrible story notwithstanding.
Yep. It's like predicting that Madoka will have a bad ending though!jman2050 said:I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that Ichika ends up with nobody and everyone is still after his dick.
Well it might be good for Kyuubey.firehawk12 said:Yep. It's like predicting that Madoka will have a bad ending though!
Maybe he keepsInfiniteNine said:Well it might be good for Kyuubey.
Kyubey no ecchi.trejo said:I, for one, hope Kyubey gets a harem ending.
Cwarrior said:Kite
ehhh it was pretty meh the space of 60 minutes there quite a bit of rape/false rape
I don't really have much to say, I didn't really care for movie and am pretty sure it won't be long before,I forget about every watching it. I felt like, haven't I already seen a lot movie's with a similar story line, but with less sex scenes.
So is this meant to be a classic?
oh girl's got weird eyes
firehawk12 said:Kyubey no ecchi.
KuwabaraTheMan said:That's the first spinoff to be produced.
jman2050 said:![]()
I'm available, ladies
jman2050 said:![]()
I'm available, ladies
Makes him look like some sort of pedo. Duh.flawfuls said:Why in the world would you not post the one with the sexy moustache?
To be fair, I think Shimura has no idea where the story is going either. :lolMaster Milk said:hourou musuko 11 ended at an interesting spot
nothing really felt resolved, but as a manga reader i can't bring myself to care
at least, assuming that really was the last episode
good times, regardless