Anohana ending - Aww... so sad...

Poor Menma...
Iria 05-06 - It's really too bad that this is such a short series, it's pretty good. I wish it had continued (I know there's also a movie, and I want to see that, but beyond that I mean)> There's plenty of room for a continuation, and Iria is a great character so it'd be cool to see more with her in it.
(On that note, she was MIA for way too long in ep. 5, why wait so long in that battle before showing up? Should have come out to fight sooner. Oh well.)
Street Fighter II V 20-22 - Coming towards a climax I guess... Ryu's sort of brainwashed, Chun Li needs to be rescued... I wonder, can Ken do both? I expect Ryu to break free of the mind control and make up for losing the first time by beating Bison or something along those lines, unless Ken has to rescue him before that happens.
Hidan no Aria 10
gg is awesome, yeah. The only problem is that their subs make this episode quite difficult to understand... I have no idea if what I just watched has much to do with what actually happened in this episode. Either way though it was pretty awesome, the episode was kind of ridiculous as usual and the subs were completely absurd. gg keeps exceeding themselves almost every episode... between the stupidly literal translation, the screens full of translation notes, and that absurdity, it made for a fun watch for sure.