Charlotte 8-13
Alright, I'll say episode 7 had be a bit worried on how things would turn out but overall I really enjoyed this series. Although some aspects definitely need to be more fleshed out, I really enjoyed the direction the story took at the end. The biggest flaw it had for sure was it's pacing, mainly due to being a bit too ambitious of a story for a 13 episode series. Basically like Angel Beats, I'd say this show essentially managed to be less than the sum of it's parts. The setting, premise, characters, and overall plot were all pretty interesting to see unfold, and each episode aside from the 7th I felt did a good enough job getting things going, but there just wasn't enough time to fully flesh out some aspects to make them all really satisfying, particularly the romance subplot which, while I could buy going on from Yu's side of things, felt kind of forced for Nao (aside from the one before the time leaping). I would have liked to see more from her side of things during the final episode, since it felt like it dragged on Yu's mission a bit too much. It was effective in the beginning but again, like episode 7, the bit with his maniacal laughter kind of killed it.
And like a few other series that I've finished recently, I saw that this one has an OVA as well, which seems to be just a random side story set during his student council time. This sort of things really pisses me off, if they're going to bother going back and add an episode I'd really prefer that it be some sort of epilogue to the series, not just some random nonsense in the middle. This, Angel Beats, Ano Natus, and Toradora all did this shit, plus Hanasaku Iroha with it's movie also being set at some other point during the series instead of after. Stop it Japan, I want to see more from after the story
