Rightfully call it out as me being nationalistic about this, but that instrument was not a Koto. 'tis called Kantele, which is the most Finnish instrument one could possibly imagine. Our local folklore equivalent of Gandalf (well,it was actually Kalevala that influenced the creation of the Lord of the Rings but w/e) had one fashioned from the jawbones of giant pike. The BGM itself played during the mini-operation of taking out the Karl is an old, folksy Finnish song, Säkkijärven Polkka.
Thanks, I didn't know this. It looked a little like a koto so I assumed that's what it was, but I guess not. I know I'm not a music fan, but I would have liked less of her playing it, and more of an actual introduction to the team, instead of the pretty much nothing they have...
2 of the girls were casually namedropped during the action, but their names were actually male. Mika and Mikko are both 100% male Finnish names that reaaaaally don't work for females on any possible level, except ofc this is all still happening in Japan where both names are fully functional feminine names, go figure. Some Wiki-ing revealed the loader/gunner being named Aki, which makes her much the same with the other two.
That kind of thing is weird, yes. But don't some people at these themed schools have Japanese names? Or are they just Japanese people taking on names themed for the school they're attending, is that the idea? I've generally thought that that's it.
The presence of the Finnic team in the movie seems to be a continued proof of the weird mutual cultural boner between Finns and Japanese, plus I guess they wanted to get the last of the Axis states included in the movie, despite the fact we got all our tanks from other countries.
All? Unless Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and such are included somewhere I don't know about, it's not actually ALL. I know Japan likes Finland for whatever reason and always includes them in this kind of thing (also see Strike Witches), but those others are always forgotten... though the Serbs certainly remember how horrible the Croatian WWII state was.
The BT-42 was a horrible scratch-built and welded compromise vehicle used as a desperate stopgap measure to help combat the overwhelming difference between the tank arsenal of Finland and the Soviets. A failed one at that, as the BT-42s didn't achieve shit, unlike in this movie
Heh... yeah, I did look up the tank after watching the movie, and it sounds like it was near-useless in reality, quite different from the really useful, tough tank of the film...
So I have no idea what that form is for, but I assumed it was a transfer form to get back to Maho's school since everyone was going to be sent their to different places.
We don't know where they were going to transfer to, it was never mentioned. I didn't have an assumption like that while watching it, it more seemed like they were just hoping that somehow the President would save the school somehow... and whatever school was on that form, it wasn't important enough to mention. You think she'd go back to Black Forest Academy? I don't know about that, she wasn't happy there...
But even without that assumption, it looks like the mother knew that Miho was there all along, but things were just awkward to the point where they couldn't or didn't want to see each other, so Maho was just the one smoothing things over between them.
I don't know, you think the mother knew? I wasn't sure if she knew or not, and I thought that Maho's "ssh" motion when Miho asked about how it got stamped was a 'well I just did it without asking mother' sign... you think she maybe actually told their mother, but then didn't tell Miho about that? I don't know, that seems unlikely to me. I mean, if the mother actually was that okay with reconciling while Miho was there, even given Miho's issues with her mother, I'd think Maho would in some way broach the subject while Miho was home, but she didn't.
The fact that the mother helps save Miho's school is a way for her to acknowledge that Miho's way of driving tanks is as effective as their own family tank tradition, so she wants to let her keep developing on her own without being forced to come back home against her will.
But yes, I still would have liked to see a scene with them in the same room at least. Even if it was in the credits. lol
Well, Maho was at the match as well, so the mother has the out of potentially saying that she was really there to watch Maho and not Miho, I guess, had the issue come up... but yes, that she helped save Miho's school was avery good sign, regardless of her excuse for why. That's the main reason I was disappointed when there wasn't a scene in the ending between the two of them, that set me up to expect more, and it didn't happen.
I'm of the mind that an S2 of GuP is inevitable so if they're going to have any closure with the family they'll put it there or in a second movie.
I don't really have anything to base this off other than that the movie was hella successful, but still.
Well, that the movie was quite successful definitely is a good sign for the franchise continuing, but it isn't any kind of guarantee. I'd love to see an S2 of course though, yes. The series is good, and that ending probably was incomplete on purpose...
I'm sure it's inevitable. Gotta milk that cow while it's still producing!
This time they have to save Maho's school from closing and Miho is the only one who can do it. lol
Here's hoping there is a S2, but come up with a better plot than "a revision of the same thing again" would be my suggestion.