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Star Trek Online Free to Play |OT| Boldly freeloading where others have subbed before


Yes! Will do so tonight, about 20:00 England time.

News on the Fleet front: we tried faffing around with it last night, but it seemed to error that one of our party was too new to the game or something. I'm looking into it still though, and of course every new person on the friends list makes it more likely there'll be five of us on at the same time to make the Fleet. :)

How do we check our invites in game?


Ok, so after a few hours of play:

  • A full bridge team (2 tacticals, 1 science, 1 engineering)
  • A slightly upgraded starter ship
  • 300 or so 'credits'
  • A hodge podge collection of weapons and personal items

At what point can I start collecting dilithium?

Sources of Dilithium:

  • Fleet Actions: i.e. Starbase 24, Mirror Universe Incursion.
  • Daily Lore Mission: go to Starfleet Academy and look inside the northern building for a quest giver.
  • PvP
  • Special Task Force Missions: You'll need to be max rank.
  • Daily UGC Mission: Look in your available quest list and there should be something like "do three UGC missions" for either a rank specific item or some dilithium.
  • Duty Officer Assignments: Some DOFF assignments give you dilithium in return.
  • Exploration Daily: Pretty certain there's a wrapper mission for the Exploration Clusters which gives you Dilithium.

How do we check our invites in game?
Can't remember the key press, but the message window has a button which expands to show a list of functions, one of which is "Friends". There's a "Show Friends List" link there. I'll post a picture when I'm home!


So, I deleted my character and started over last night so I could redo skill points. Has the same name though.

So, reposting here: Askani@Guyver000003. Feel free to add me.
Couple of days, but not full days. I mostly just do quests. I think I did one or two of the Klingon episodes, the rest it says I'm not high enough in level to start them. For some reason I only have 2 duty officers so far. Something about level 7 unlocks the duty officer system, so like I can pick and choose who I want?
It seems like you keep getting new ones as you progress, similar to bridge officers. I've never played from the beginning since it was implemented, though, so it gave me like 10 "HERE'S NEW DUTY OFFICERS" messages when I logged in after.
About chatting, Silver tier doesn't get to chat in /zone at all? I thought maybe it unlocks after a certain time spent in the game. Couple times I wanted to say something in a zone, but not local. No big deal I guess.
It'll come.
Rate limited, broadcast chat restricted, private messages only to friends. Limits go away when any of the following is met: 20 hours of aggregate play across all characters, account has ever had a subscription, account carries a Cryptic Points balance, account has made a C-Store purchase.
So, I deleted my character and started over last night so I could redo skill points. Has the same name though.

So, reposting here: Askani@Guyver000003. Feel free to add me.

Are the skill points that important? Does special "builds" and such become a necessity later on?


I have no idea, but I knew I didn't want to have to pay to repsec later on and I was already unhappy with one or two placed skill points. At endgame it just would have annoyed me. I can only find minuscule information online about specific character builds and whatnot. So, and I'm assuming, I wouldn't say it is game breaking because you can have lots of play styles and most builds will work on some level. That being said, I would like to tweak mine more.

For me, I was only level 5 or so anyway. Nothing of value was lost.

Escape Goat

I'm downloading just because its a Star Trek game and I have to play it at least once. I fully expect it to blow and suck at the same time, but I can hope for a mild diversion seeing as it is free.


I'm downloading just because its a Star Trek game and I have to play it at least once. I fully expect it to blow and suck at the same time, but I can hope for a mild diversion seeing as it is free.

It really doesn't suck. Ship combat is fun, ground combat is typical MMO.


I'm downloading just because its a Star Trek game and I have to play it at least once. I fully expect it to blow and suck at the same time, but I can hope for a mild diversion seeing as it is free.

Doesn't suck at all. So far one of the most enjoyable MMOs I have ever played (and I have played a LOT of them).


Really? Care to elaborate more?

Well I haven't played that long yet, but so far it's all good. The character creation system is the best of any MMO I've played. It really is possible to not have everyone look exactly the same. You can make your character one of the established races or start completely from scratch and make up your own race with its own backstory. After spending a couple of hours fine tuning my character, I really cannot go back to the WoW or SW:TOR character creation system.

Some people said the ground combat is bad, but I don't really know if they are talking about the group dynamics or what, as I cannot comment on that. But as far as the mechanics, it's actually pretty innovative. You can switch between a "RPG" mode which is just your standard MMO combat and a "Third Person Shooter" mode where it's kind of like Mass Effect.

Space combat is definitely where it's at though. You really can do nearly everything you see in the show. Diverting auxiliary power to aft shields and all that jazz. You can fly pretty much anywhere you've ever heard of in the tv shows and movies - Alpha Quadrant, Delta Quadrant, the Cardassian sector, wherever you want.

I just love the variety of being able to beam down to planets and space stations or travelling in your ship. The sense of scale is really awesome.

Lastly, I believe they actually got Leonard Nemoy to do narration. Correct me if I'm wrong someone, but it definitely sounds like him. Each time you go into a new sector, he narrates some background about the sector and even references things like the '09 Abrams movie. For a Star Trek fan like me, that was simply awesome.

EDIT: OH yeah, I forgot to mention, virtually EVERY single ship I've ever heard of is in the game. There are also many ships that were designed just for the game. The only ship that I was disappointed about not being able to pilot was the original Phoenix that Zephram Cochran piloted that resulted in first contact. I know that ship didn't have weapons, but it would be an awesome "fluff" ship to just fly around in. I mean it's basically a missile with two nacelles, but I just love the design for some reason!


I just did a quest, and got a whole lot of duty officers! Mostly ship ones, any way I can put them on my away team? Can't seem to figure that out.


I just did a quest, and got a whole lot of duty officers! Mostly ship ones, any way I can put them on my away team? Can't seem to figure that out.

You can't take DOFFs on away missions - they slot into your ground roster and provide passive bonuses there though.


Argh! How do you get more away members then? I don't like the team I have.

You get them randomly as you level up, and randomly from doing missions. You can also buy them from a vendor at a starbase but you rarely have to since you'll get so many for free.


Am I missing something? I only have 2 so far, the other 3 are generic A.I or something. When I fight ship battles, I only have 2 doing ship skills.
Am I missing something? I only have 2 so far, the other 3 are generic A.I or something. When I fight ship battles, I only have 2 doing ship skills.
You're not missing anything, man, you're just new. :) Cooler ships, more duty officers, more bridge officers, all this stuff comes with time. MMOs are meant to take a long time to dole out everything.

About the ship skills: I don't remember what the initial ships were like, but more bridge officers might not do that ship any good. Different ships have different number of bridge officer slots to fill, which increase with the higher level ships.


Teaser of the next Dominion Feature Episode series:

I received a second tactical officer last night, and while leveling him up, I noticed that his skill set is different from my other tactical officer's. My first one, a buxom Andorian, has an ability to fire 2 over-charged torpedoes during space combat, whereas my second, a hulking Betazoid, has some 'Tactical Team' ability.


I received a second tactical officer last night, and while leveling him up, I noticed that his skill set is different from my other tactical officer's. My first one, a buxom Andorian, has an ability to fire 2 over-charged torpedoes during space combat, whereas my second, a hulking Betazoid, has some 'Tactical Team' ability.

Yup. You can overwrite their active abilities at the trainer on Earth Space Dock, or you can consume a BOFF in your roster to grant one of their skills to an existing BOFF. Alternatively, if you invest 6 ranks in certain players skills you are then able to train those skills to your BOFFs.
Any EJ like resources for this? I'm trying to read through the (new I guess?) skill trees and figure out what's best. I get the diminishing returns 3/6/9 business but am having a hard time finding up to date info/builds.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Have I messed up by filling up both of my Lt. level space skills? (Starship Attack Patterns and Starship Weapon Proficiency I think) I know there are diminishing returns, but I was hoping that one could eventually get nearly all the skills in their branch of the tree. I guess not?

Edit: Guess I'd only filled Starship Weapons Training. Had six slots in Starship Attack Patterns and four in Ground Weapons Proficiency.


Anyone have any tips on builds for tanking? I haven't used any of my skill points for fear of min/maxing wrong.
I'm trying to balance some things but load up on attack power...........if I get more involved in this game then I'll pay to fix things if needed
Gonna try that, SWTOR doesn't really have much going for me (it's Star War's WoW), and I cannot go back to yet another fantasy MMO (hoping Terra will be different).


So, where do you go to look at new ships to buy?
Go to Earth Spacedock or Deep Space Nine, really any major Space Station I suppose


At Earth Space Dock there is the shipyard area, next to Admiral Quinn's office that looks like the picture above, then take the turbolift on the same level (not upstairs) to the area you need to get the Starship requisition area, talk to the Commander's to the far top-right corner
I just reinstalled STO and I noticed I could make a Klingon character. I thought they weren`t available until you hit lvl 25?
Anyway I started a Klingon charter if any one wants to group up look me up (iscar79)


You gotta be a Lieutenant lvl 6 at least, playing as a Fed character first, then you can create a new character that can be Klingon if you wish later.



(Redirected from Factions)

Factions are major powers in Star Trek Online. Only two factions are currently playable, other factions are encountered in PVE mission. The United Federation of Planets faction is available to all players at the start of the game. The Klingon Empire faction is only unlocked once players have attained a Federation character with a rank equal to or greater than Lieutenant grade 6.


So yeah, a bit lost on what I should do.

Right now, I'm just running around doing missions. Thing is, I keep getting stuff from anomalies. What are they used for? Crafting materials?


Basically those anomalies/signatures you scan from time to time in missions is used for later to either craft items at Memory Alpha outpost station or use for other away missions.

I personally have had very very little use for those things.


Are we still required to have one Klingon character? I played at launch but quit a couple months after launch after filling up all my character slots. I'd like to level a character from the start and see how levelling has changed, but the only person i'd delete is my klingon. The way it used to be, if i remember right, was one slot always had to be klingon. Was this changed? Because i've never really cared for klingons, and i wouldn't mind making a third fed.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Basically those anomalies/signatures you scan from time to time in missions is used for later to either craft items at Memory Alpha outpost station or use for other away missions.

I personally have had very very little use for those things.

I suppose if you're really hard pressed for EC, you can just dump all the stuff into crafted items and then sell them off. You need General Research skill to make the more advanced stuff anyway, so just keep making random stuff like large hypos to bump up your skill and then sell it off if you're not going to use it.


EC is pretty easy to come by, more specifically random gear from enemies.

Unless yer buying really overpriced shit on Access Exchange, it shouldn't be so bad to buy what you need.


You know what's fucked up? I like Star Trek a whole hell of a lot more than Star Wars, yet I'm playing SW instead. Not a huge MMO guy, so it's the story and voice acted stuff pulling me through more. Are there interesting story/quest lines that rival TOR in this?


I bought this thing at launch and had a subscription for a month. Do I have the same features available as a person who never bought a retail copy or subbed to it, or does it put me somewhere in the middle between gold and silver?

The main reason I'm asking is because my old character is still there, but I would rather start over since I've completely forgotten how to play. I just want to make sure I don't lose anything by starting a new character. I know in LOTRO if you created a character while subbed and then switched to free that previously subbed character would retain a few extra features over the base free account. But any new characters made while playing free wouldn't have the same benefits as the formerly paid character does. It was character based, not account based.

Is STO similar? I can't really find anything that says you retain a few extra features if you switched to free, but I just want to make sure I'm not losing something by starting a new character while not subbed.
You know what's fucked up? I like Star Trek a whole hell of a lot more than Star Wars, yet I'm playing SW instead. Not a huge MMO guy, so it's the story and voice acted stuff pulling me through more. Are there interesting story/quest lines that rival TOR in this?

There's a single loose story that goes throughout the game, though game is padded with lots of generic quests and grinding on what is essentially random generated miisions. There are some stand alone quests that are great though. User generated content shows lot of creativity from hardcore fans. Tor like character stories not like that, but some quests are set up like TV episodes which is neat.


There's a single loose story that goes throughout the game, though game is padded with lots of generic quests and grinding on what is essentially random generated miisions. There are some stand alone quests that are great though. User generated content shows lot of creativity from hardcore fans. Tor like character stories not like that, but some quests are set up like TV episodes which is neat.

Thanks. Being free to play, I'll have to give it a shot at some point.


I bought this thing at launch and had a subscription for a month. Do I have the same features available as a person who never bought a retail copy or subbed to it, or does it put me somewhere in the middle between gold and silver?

The main reason I'm asking is because my old character is still there, but I would rather start over since I've completely forgotten how to play. I just want to make sure I don't lose anything by starting a new character. I know in LOTRO if you created a character while subbed and then switched to free that previously subbed character would retain a few extra features over the base free account. But any new characters made while playing free wouldn't have the same benefits as the formerly paid character does. It was character based, not account based.

Is STO similar? I can't really find anything that says you retain a few extra features if you switched to free, but I just want to make sure I'm not losing something by starting a new character while not subbed.

I'm in the same position as you. As a former subscriber, we end up between silver and gold members.

I'm pretty sure I have 3 character slots while silver members who put in no money only get 2.

I'm not done the tutorial with my new character so I don't know what limitations I have compared to silver players.


I found the ship vendor, but they are all C point ones. Can you not buy any with energy credits?

Yer better off just waiting to get a free ship token when you reach a new rank than buying them with cryptic points or dilithium, as there are ships that only work if you are at a certain rank or higher. Everybody gets the exact same starter ship in the beginning, just ride it out.
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