Holy shit, I had no idea you had to accept the rewards for each Duty Officer mission you complete before you can redeploy each guy. I was wondering why I couldn't send my crew off on any more missions...
Usually happens to me at ESD. Waiting usually works, it will load eventually. I suspect it's due to player population overload in those hubs and perhaps f2p users are lower on the entry list.
I was having similiar trouble so I went looking over on the official forums and found this thread. If you ignore the fanboy argument you'll find some good info in posts like this.Is there a good way to defend against the Romulan ships? The Mogai Escorts, which were giving me a lot of trouble, were much easier to deal with once I dropped the difficulty down to normal, but now I'm forced to fight D'deridex battleships. During the Project Nightingale mission, the IRW Rea could almost instantly destroy my ship with a volley of heavy plasma torpedoes. The only way I could beat it was to stay at the edge of its weapons range, deploy quantum mines, and exit the battle to heal when necessary. It took me about 20 minutes, so it's not a very efficient strategy. The plasma torpedoes and disruptors seem to tear right through my shields (although it depends upon the strength of the ship, since birds of prey are easy to destroy). I did not have this much trouble against the Klingons.
I believe that I have some kind of alloy in my inventory that I could try. Unfortunately, since I chose something other than cruiser for my latest ship, I only have a single engineering slot to spare, but I will try to look into these suggestions. I also found that deploying quantum mines works extremely well against the Romulans. Their ship will usually target the mines with the plasma torpedoes, but it won't be enough to destroy all of them.
What type of ship are you in? Escorts can counter torp spreads with cannon scatter volley and Attack Pattern Omega wouldn't hurt either, science ships seem the best equipped to deal with them with quite a few powers which are listed in that thread as well. I'm in a heavy cruiser and hadn't really considered much in the way of armor until this point. Been relying too much on shield tanking instead but the ramp up in difficulty from the Klingons to the Romulans is going to force me to change that.I believe that I have some kind of alloy in my inventory that I could try. Unfortunately, since I chose something other than cruiser for my latest ship, I only have a single engineering slot to spare, but I will try to look into these suggestions. I also found that deploying quantum mines works extremely well against the Romulans. Their ship will usually target the mines with the plasma torpedoes, but it won't be enough to destroy all of them.
When you see the Heavy Plasma Torps, are you taking the aiming reticle to the heavy torps and firing? Cuz they can be destroyed and move very slowlyIs there a good way to defend against the Romulan ships? The Mogai Escorts, which were giving me a lot of trouble, were much easier to deal with once I dropped the difficulty down to normal, but now I'm forced to fight D'deridex battleships. During the Project Nightingale mission, the IRW Rea could almost instantly destroy my ship with a volley of heavy plasma torpedoes. The only way I could beat it was to stay at the edge of its weapons range, deploy quantum mines, and exit the battle to heal when necessary. It took me about 20 minutes, so it's not a very efficient strategy. The plasma torpedoes and disruptors seem to tear right through my shields (although it depends upon the strength of the ship, since birds of prey are easy to destroy). I did not have this much trouble against the Klingons.
Is there a good way to defend against the Romulan ships? The Mogai Escorts, which were giving me a lot of trouble, were much easier to deal with once I dropped the difficulty down to normal, but now I'm forced to fight D'deridex battleships. During the Project Nightingale mission, the IRW Rea could almost instantly destroy my ship with a volley of heavy plasma torpedoes. The only way I could beat it was to stay at the edge of its weapons range, deploy quantum mines, and exit the battle to heal when necessary. It took me about 20 minutes, so it's not a very efficient strategy. The plasma torpedoes and disruptors seem to tear right through my shields (although it depends upon the strength of the ship, since birds of prey are easy to destroy). I did not have this much trouble against the Klingons.
I bought the game a while back and used the free month before the move to F2P. Do I need to create a Perfect World Account to play for free, I'd like to use my character that I leveled to play again.
So... If I want to roll a healer in this game.... I go Science officer, Science Vessel?
Just use yer old cryptic account
People who are with Perfect World have the option of using that account to sign up and use STO, you don't need both.
At the moment I'm using a heavy escort. In battle I employ rapid fire and attack pattern alpha frequently. I also recently gained access to two different abilities - one that regenerates shields and another that regenerates health. They've been more helpful than most of the other abilities.What type of ship are you in? Escorts can counter torp spreads with cannon scatter volley and Attack Pattern Omega wouldn't hurt either, science ships seem the best equipped to deal with them with quite a few powers which are listed in that thread as well. I'm in a heavy cruiser and hadn't really considered much in the way of armor until this point. Been relying too much on shield tanking instead but the ramp up in difficulty from the Klingons to the Romulans is going to force me to change that.
I did eventually learn that I could target the torpedoes, but most of the time my quantum mines take care of them automatically. However, even without the plasma torpedoes, a Romulan warship is very difficult to destroy. Besides having so much firepower, I also encountered one with unnatural speed. It could get close enough to use its tractor beam and then move beyond weapons range to heal. I haven't seen anything else with that combination of speed and power. It seemed to me like poor design.When you see the Heavy Plasma Torps, are you taking the aiming reticle to the heavy torps and firing? Cuz they can be destroyed and move very slowly
And Plasma protection armor and hull plating is important
So is there anything you can do once you're caught in a tractor beam? I know there's a skill to improve your resistance to holds, but once you're in a lock can you break out or do you just have to wait for the timer to run down?
Just in case anyone was wondering, you can't apply the keys from multiple copies of the CE.Guess I have a couple of nifty pins at least.
Why wouldn't they let people? It's not like they are making anymore, let the ones that exist be useful so people buy them.
You should be contacted and given a set, then you'll get a few randomly as you level. You can buy officers off the Exchange as well if you need to. DO packs are like 200 C or something on the C-store.
So... If I want to roll a healer in this game.... I go Science officer, Science Vessel?
I'm a Commander, w00t
I switched to an escort this time, cannons are so beastly.........just have to be careful with my shield lol
I'd guess so. I started with the CE, and later applied the key from a digital download version.I guess it's so people can't just hoard up all the cheap copies and effectively use them as less than half-priced monthly gold subs. Not sure if you got the wrong impression, but you can still use just one. I'm wondering if a standard edition would still be usable after the CE.
This is true. PvP smart players know how to best escorts with those manuevers, but the enemies in general, save for the Romulans/Remans are dumb as shit on normal.
Tactical with Escourt is the definition of glass cannon.
With a strong pass, you can knock down a shield and lob torpedoes before they know what hit them. However, you can also blow up immediately after from taking sustained fire. It's all about whether or not you can take out the enemy ship in 2 passes. Any more and you might already be dead, at least in PvP.
Tractor Beam is an Escourt's worst nightmare, if they grab you in a position where your cannons aren't pointed at the enemy, you're already dead.
I made a character the other night, vulcan science officer. I think the traits I picked were astrophysics and techie. I want to join up with this neogaf guild. What information do I give you guys? My character name or the cryptic one?