And don't forget that you can also take a mission from someone on K7 so that you get 1440 dilithium ore for every three war zones you complete. I forgot what rank you have to be to accept them, but as soon as you complete your third war zone, you can just go back to K7, get your ore and then start the mission again.
Question: If we were to run a Fleet-wide Foundry mission creation contest, giving an in-game prize to the winner, would there be much interest?
Yes from me, although I don't know how many people would be willing to buy Foundry slots.
Err, no.
They broke it. While in space type "/defaultautoattack 1" (no quotes) into the chat bar to fix it. If some weapons don't light up green, rightclick them and type it again.So did they break autofire in the last patch or is it just me?
So did they break autofire in the last patch or is it just me?
I think so. I just played a three hour session and autofire was bugged for me. The UI is atrocious. Trying to do simple things like move dialog boxes is a nightmare - having to press escape to edit the layout and guessing what the results might be is truly baffling. No overview for selecting objects in space. Can't move items around without removing them first. Using the bank and inventory is an exercise in frustration. My neck is sore from shaking my head at the damn thing. The UI dev/s need to play EVE for a month as that game has the small details I mentioned down pat and should do after nearly nine years of development. The game is compelling though, but as I said, the minor details sometimes make a huge difference in how players can interact with the gameplay and STO seems to have quite a bit to go in that regard.
I'm just glad that the latest patch brought horizontal resizing of the inventory. I've been calling for that for 24 months now.
Seriously, did they break auto-fire on ship phasers?
Kind folks out in the Sol System helped with a workaround to fix the issue:
Right-click your weapons and then type /defaultautoattack 1 — any that are still not enabled after that, right-click them and type it again!
I'm just glad that the latest patch brought horizontal resizing of the inventory. I've been calling for that for 24 months now.
Level 49
Fucking Borg drones adapting to my weapons, good thing I had a Captain Kirk style spade thing in my inventory to cut them to shreds with..........I couldn't find any nodes to destroy =/
Now if they would only add in an auto-sort inventory button.
God yes. So much little jank like this is so annoying. Moving inventory around anywhere in the game is a pain
Post your character@account name and I'll see what I can doHow does one join GAF fleet?
Post your character@account name and I'll see what I can do
Hmm, it's not finding you, can you shoot me a tell? - Purslane@DarkflightJackpot@temp89
God yes. So much little jank like this is so annoying. Moving inventory around anywhere in the game is a pain
For things like inventory increases the C-Store lists a limit, but I don't see one for the ship slots purchase. So it's probably at least in the dozens, like the character slot limit.Now if they would only add in an auto-sort inventory button.
Also, what is the maximum number of ship slots we can get? I don't like decommissioning any of my ships, not even the starter ship. How many do we get at maximum level for free? How many can I buy in addition to that?
For things like inventory increases the C-Store lists a limit, but I don't see one for the ship slots purchase. So it's probably at least in the dozens, like the character slot limit.
I've started a new Klingon faction character, a Lethean. For some reason my character started as a Commander level, instead of the beginner rank. Not that I'm complaining. Hopefully I can get to level 21 before the 2nd anniversary is over so that I may have a chance to win the Bortas class ship, the Odyssey equivalent on the Klingon side, but way way better.
The Bortas isn't just an easy giveaway freebie for anyone? I thought the Odyssey was.
Damn I guess I should roll a Klingon and try to claim the Bortas too. Where do you go to get the Bortas mission?
So uhh STF missions, they need more variety of them lol
But I do want to pimp out the USS Jack Bauer with more purples, ugh
Damnit can someone help me? I'm stuck at the last group of Romulans on this ground explore mission, they wipe out my party every time, I have no idea what to do
I know that you can unlock transwarp abilities by ascending diplomatic ranks, but I don't know of any other ways (besides "paying" for it with energy credits).How do I unlock other Transwarp locations?
How do I unlock other Transwarp locations?
How do I unlock other Transwarp locations?