lol @ getting REAL loot from "killing" shit in the holodeck
lol @ getting REAL loot from "killing" shit in the holodeck
I think after avoiding turrets for so long, I love em. When you equip them on a ship that can do DHC's, it's almost like having extra firepower for the front as well as behind... so instead of just 4 DHC's firing, a turret or 2 makes a huge difference in the wave of blasts coming an enemy's way and shred their shields to nothing even if they are on the same level as you... ah so good
I've done this on my Bortas ship and now my Fed side Fleet escort ship
I think after avoiding turrets for so long, I love em. When you equip them on a ship that can do DHC's, it's almost like having extra firepower for the front as well as behind... so instead of just 4 DHC's firing, a turret or 2 makes a huge difference in the wave of blasts coming an enemy's way and shred their shields to nothing even if they are on the same level as you... ah so good
I've done this on my Bortas ship and now my Fed side Fleet escort ship
I've been doing something similar with my KDF character. Works nice for for the big ships, but it's a bit of a pain when something maneuverable enough to get out of the cannons' way is just getting hit by turrets.BigJonsson said:The posters on the STO forums pretty much all agree on using 3 DHCs, 1 quantum torpedo and 3 turrets to get maximum DPS
Boosted my Klingon to 40 by sitting in Kerrat all day, and now I'll do the story missions to 50 without worrying about not being level for them, I hope. Doubling my dilithium per day feels good, hooray for C Points. I like the birds of prey, but it doesn't seem like 50 offers much in terms of ship choice for that. The B'Rel retrofit isn't better than the ship you get at 40. I have a Bortas, but I doubt I'll want to play with it much after sticking to the amazingly maneuverable birds of prey. Really looking at that Kar'fi carrier though, since it would be a different style of play, and that's appealing. Plus it looks amazing!
Edit: First thing I'm doing when I hit 45 is running 5 STFs for that Borg engine, sector travel is agonizingly slow without it =(
It won't take long to get to level 50 now!
I did the KDF mirror events when they were available to level up from 40-50 - I will have to check out Kerrat? Haven't seen that one - is that the daily distress call mission?
I am still using my QIN Heavy Raptor at 50 and it works well in the Borg STF's but am considering the Garumba in the C-Store as it has similar specs to my FED Fleet Escort. (Equipped with 3 DHC's and 1 Quantum Torp in front and 3 Turrets in back)
It's been discussed, but nobody's gotten around to making one.quick question, is there a separate gaf klingon fleet or is it 1 fleet for everybody?
I predict people are just losing interest to not even bother
Here's the info at STOWiki. In short, bridge officers have certain traits like our player characters do. Some every member of a species will have, others not. Rarer bridge officers will have more of these traits amplified to greater effect.i have 3 purple candidates, but i dont think their abilities are better, and even if i trained them in all the ones i want, what benefit is there to the purple ones?
Yeah, I feel the same way, getting attached to my crew. Unless you're a real number cruncher and know there are certain specific traits you want that extra edge on, it shouldn't make a big difference to the experience.i kind of like my roster of existing bridge officers anyway, how they look.
Got an awesome bug on the last Cardassian mission. The nav beacon I need to land on Bajor is inside the planet. No way to finish it so I can go onto the borg missions, ugh.
What are you guys talking about? What is the name of this episode you refer to, is this on the Fed side or Klingon side?
Awesome claw ship picture
I already have polaron and disruptor tactical consoles to improve the power of those respective weapons. I'm mostly wondering if antiproton weapons are the better choice or if it mostly comes down to a subjective decision.Stick to one type of energy weapon and then stack tactical consoles that boost that energy type![]()
I already have polaron and disruptor tactical consoles to improve the power of those respective weapons. I'm mostly wondering if antiproton weapons are the better choice or if it mostly comes down to a subjective decision.
I was thinking in particular of ways in which to improve my performance in elite STFs against the Borg, which was why I considered whether antiprotons would give me more of an advantage.As far as I can see, Antiproton by itself serves no real purpose other than to combat the Borg especially otherwise it's not much better than any other or even less so of an energy type against other non-Borg
I have both Antiproton and Polaron weapons almost maxed out on Fed side
Disruptors nearly maxed out on Klingon side
I already have polaron and disruptor tactical consoles to improve the power of those respective weapons. I'm mostly wondering if antiproton weapons are the better choice or if it mostly comes down to a subjective decision.
wanna know why no one listens to their teammates during STF's, that fucking window is scrolling a million miles a second with status updates of who accepted or rejected loot of cardassian lockboxes or other loot, and who freakin won a cardassian galor
seeing a pattern, darn spoonheads