It is casual, as far as I'm concerned. Some of the audience will have problems with it as there's no scopes or attachments to grind, or layers a la Battlefield, Destiny etc.
Just to clarify, I wasn't having a go or anything

lots of people seem to be throwing it around. Out of interest, what exactly do you mean regarding layers here?
Casual isn't a dirty word to me, but the majority of people throwing it around (not yourself) don't seem to attempt to explain their phrasing. I could definitely understand battlefront getting called casual if there were no headshots or something. However all the people I see using casual as a negative adjective seem to simply want weapon attachments. I really am of the opinion that around 60% of the weapons and attachments in the battlefield series never get used!
I've not played much CS:GO but iirc it's considered one of the most (if not the most) hardcore fps currently around, and it doesn't have weapon attachments (at least for most weapons) either afaik?
I guess casual is just a buzzword for some people. This definitely is a different generation from games like quake and UT but I've missed games like that. Personally I prefer the term "arcadey" to "casual" in this instance, I was just wondering what everyone elses opinions are on all this.
Unless I am mistaken, this to me looks absolutely nothing like that. Everyone is using basically the same loadouts with the exception of different grenades or whatever. Like you're "level 1" dude is basically the same as a level 50 dude which isn't super appealing to me.
You can have 3 different items in your hand, as well as a perk (or whatever they call them) and your chosen blaster. You unlock all of these items, as well as customisation, by levelling up. So a level 50 dude would have access to way more cards for their hand, blasters, and perks than a level 1 dude. The loadouts you can't change are vehicles, or as heroes.