In addition to Arena rewards dropping by 100 at my rank, I'm now no longer picking up a shipment every day (and I'm finding my matches being a lot stronger in terms of power), and I think possibly my time with this app is coming to an end.
Arena payout hasn't changed. They lowered the payout by 100 but put 100 more tokens in the "daily challenge" for completing 3 arena fights. So long as you fight 3 times per day, your arena payout is exactly the same.
Is there a preemptive way to get in the GAF Guild? Hopefully I'm strong enough. Been in this game multiple times daily since launch. I have a feeling it will be this Thursday and that's the one day I am absolutely locked in with work. I can try from my phone but depending on the setup and Guild requirements it would be a lot easier that afternoon from PC.
I'm not even sure if there's enough people here to really run a Gaf Guild. Even before the last update, the # of people posting in this thread was pretty small... it seems worse post update. If anything, there will probably be a GAF + randoms guild if I had to guess.
The update is slated for this Sunday (4/24/16 PST sometime, will require manual updating but be a mandatory update on 4/25/16):
My one concern with how guilds look (based on data-mined previews) is it seems to "force" players into pay groups... that is, the FTP players should only guild with each other, mini-spenders another tier, and whales a final tier. The way the daily rewards are structured, FTP players simply can't spend the crystals/energy on the daily tasks to complete the next "tier" of rewards and thus become a burden on the spenders/whales if within the same guild. I'm hoping I'm wrong but it certainly seems to be shaping up that way. Again, wouldn't be an issue with a GAF guild, but I don't know if anyone is stepping up to run one or not....
Also, any tips on who to focus on for GW from this point? Have yet to win and I put a level 50s moderate gear team in Arena, enough to hold me in the 2000s but I still get wrecked in GW about halfway through. Focused on getting Akbar, Luminara, and Talia to 7* right now since they are all so close anyway. Plus Sidious and Phasma gear all the way before the rest. 6*+ focus to level 80.
7* is highly overrated, especially at your level. At level 70, a star is roughly the equivalent (in power) as 10 levels (60 -> 70). It's not insignificant, but it's also not the end all-be all. With the exception of an arena team, you're almost always better off filling out your roster with 5/6* heroes than fully 7* heroes.
your focuses (IMO) should be:
1- Geo soldier (cantina 1-1)- still not nerfed, still an easy farm, still no reason not to max. He's very good in all game modes.
2- ST Han (arena)- You've farmed Ackbar this far, there's little reason to run Ackbar and not be running ST Han. Ackbar doesn't really benefit all that much from higher star level. His damage is mediocre, his skills don't scale off of stars, and he's never the "first" target in PvP so the health increase doesn't matter. You can safely stop farming him and start someone else for Arena.
3- Poggle or finish IG-86 (GW shipments) - There aren't a lot of great characters from GW. You can finish off Lum and then finish off IG-86 or start on Poggle. Poggle is solid overall and does help to make the AGI challenge easier. Pickings are slim once you finish those 2 regardless.
4- QGJ/Daka/Poe/Fives (Cantina shards) - lots of options here unfortunately, depends largely on what sort of team you ultimately want to field. Daka would probably help the most with completing GW on the daily. QGJ can certainly help that too, plus if you ever want to tackle the Yoda challenge you'll likely need him. Poe is out of favor right now, but still a super solid tank. Fives is the new hotness.
that's my two cents