So the Omega Battle Events will take place over the next three weekends and the character requirements have been updated:
May 21-22
Bespin : Rebels and Geonosian
Coruscant : Empire and Ewoks
May 28-29
Dathomir : Jedi and Tusken
Hoth : Sith and Droids
June 4-5
Jakku : First Order and Jawas
Imperial Fleet : Resistance and Clones
As it was before, there are three versions that unlock at:
Level 30
Level 50
Level 75
Based on your feedback, the final stage will unlock at level 75, instead of 77. Be aware, however, it's still tuned for Level 78.
Due to the fact that players are now higher levels, the Level 75 version is an updated challenge, tuned for 78+
Omega materials will only drop off the Level 75 version
It will still be 3 characters, tuned for ABOUT 3*
Additional refreshes will still cost Crystals
7 star Rey boooooooys.
Ally code is 276-464-824. I'm just getting my first 7 star characters at this point. Playing on iOS, if that makes any difference.
Ally code 357-478-918
I am level 73, have a few 7* characters and play most days and would like to try the Raiding. Have mostly randoms on my ally list right now.
Ally Code is 876-276-956
Omega event is up.
But I won't get any due to the characters I have being weak AF.
Level 80 grind continues for me.
Omega event is up.
But I won't get any due to the characters I have being weak AF.
Level 80 grind continues for me.
Ewok Elder is your friend. The chap is a beast. My Ewok squad (plus Poggle) are mashing up the arena. Well lightly mashed, I'm keeping them deliberately underleveled so I get an easy Galactic War. But still fun twatting the same boring Dooku, Darth Sidious, Luminara, etc etc squads with fucking Ewoks.
That's how GW works? If I send out my Ewok Squad, GW is easier because they aren't very high power? Although, I don't have Poggle, so I'll need a replacement for him.
Kind of. I think it's based on the overall power of your last team that won a match. So you usually have to bomb your ranking a bit (I normally sit in the 1500-2000 range) but it makes GW a piece of piss.
The rewards I get for being in the top 50 or top 20 of the arena far outweigh an easier GW for me. I also have built up a large enough roster since I've been playing since December so I don't mind if it's more difficult. I'm able to purchase 2 arena packages a day and get an additional 150/200 crystal to use towards refreshes or save up for a mk 5 furnace from the shipment store.
I'm level 77 and I've never been able to beat GW. I just don't get it.
GW is ruthless of you're over level 50 and don't have anything that is six or seven star and at your level cap.
Also GW is very dependant on bringing a good healer and sidious, because otherwise you're gonna get ruined by healer due to battles taking too long and your heroes taking too much damage
GW is ruthless of you're over level 50 and don't have anything that is six or seven star and at your level cap.
Also GW is very dependant on bringing a good healer and sidious, because otherwise you're gonna get ruined by healer due to battles taking too long and your heroes taking too much damage
Sidious is great in GW because you can exploit healers and have them waste turns. But I find massive damage/stuns to be far better. Stuns waste everyone's turn and dead people don't fight back. My team is usually Phasma, Daka, Rey, QGJ, Geo Soldier.
I'm gonna have to give this a shot, it's very similar to my basic line up which is just massive assists and damage.
It's just Phasma, Lumi, Geo Soldier, IG-86 and Sidious.
I've been thinking about swapping out IG-86 with an RG once I get enough shards for him to be 4 or 5 star. I wanna use old daka but my Lumi is just so much stronger than my old daka (lumi is 6 star and level 68 while old daka is 4 star level 60) so it's kind of a weird thing where I don't think the stuns would be more useful than the damage and abiltiy lock lumi brings.
My GW B team is typically a stun team, it's Ventress lead, phasma, Ahsoka, Rey and RG and it is quite fun but it takes a while.
I think you may be underrating stuns a bit... that said, I wasn't a huge Daka advocate until after I omega'd her basic and it's been amazing. I'm not sure if she would still stack up with a 45/40 chance at a stun(s).
Stuns are great. My team lasts through 12 fights and rarely loses anyone (bad RNG happens, I don't bother resetting for RNG as I have the roster to keep fighting regardless). Daka is just very solid overall, stuns become INSANELY important for high level cantina/dark side missions where even trash mobs 2 shot your guys... you'll be endlessly cursing in later light side missions that you don't have access to her (or Phasma). As reference, I've 3* all cantina/dark side missions but there are still 3 light side missions I haven't been able to 3* yet.
What do people think of the droid event rewards? They don't seem worth it to me for the energy cost involved.
I haven't bothered with it after reading what the rewards are. If these are the types of events to expect going forward I'll probably skip all of them. The rewards just aren't worth the cost.
Also they call it a droid event and pay you in jawa shards. Maybe the next Yoda event can pay out Cad Bane shards instead![]()
At least in the first event, we got those droid packs. I was really hoping they came back.
I think people were saying the last node has much higher difficulty compared to the restI'll probably do all but the last node. Seems like first time rewards are pretty worth it but repeated tries not so much. I don't know if I have the team for the last node, only 86 is 7* and the others are 6* but not fully geared/ability matted up. May give it a try but meh.
I think people were saying the last node has much higher difficulty compared to the rest
I love this game, but every time they have an event that should be fun and enjoyable, they ALWAYS manage to cock it up. Even though they fix it sometimes (Yoda event), they still find a way to make things less and less enjoyable. "You loved the last droid event? Here, try it with using your precious energy!" Seems like they're pushing how much players can tolerate each update. Why can't every developer be like Psyonix?
Does anyone know if there is chat in this game?
there's guild chat when you join a guild, that's about it.
New event against the Empire coming up. Going to need rebels or clones to take part. 8 waves seems like an awful lot for a group without a decent healer but we'll see how it's tuned.
I'm not going to hold my breath that it will be completable for me or most players... going off their recent track record and all. Seems like more of an event for whales with Rex, echo, and Leia being for paying players. Then you got clone sergeant who is a bit difficult to farm off hard nodes. ST Han and Ackbar splitting arena shipments. Then Lando and Luke splitting cantina farming nodes. Don't see how this is going to work for anyone except whales or people who built a rebel team from the very start. And of course people like me who tried to diversify with a bunch of characters are going to get screwed by it. Whatever, I'm use to disappointment when it comes to CG/EA.
Seems we have 4 or 5 inactive members if anyone is still wanting to join the guild.
Also, did anyone notice in their developer notes how proud they are of themselves for "looking at several player complaints" but never once mentioned the obnoxious credit drought, which seems to be at the top of the list?
Is that the level 78 event?
I'm currently banking cantina credits since I'm not sure who to invest in. I'm hoping they add someone to the list soon. I can't justify spending credits on Ashoka after leveling up a full team of jedi for the Yoda event. The other characters don't appeal to me either.
You finishing Galactic War regularly?Oh man I just hit that point where I am out of money and training droids.
This feels really bad.
I'm down to my last million credits and even though I'm level 72 only two of my characters are over level 65 and the bulk of my main characters are 60.