Cool thanks for the tips. I'm at zero Eeth shards, but my Chewie is one of my top Light Side characters. I've done nothing with my cantina energy other than farm stage C for his shards, so i'm hoping to get him ranked up to 5* soon. I've been using him as leader for the def bonus, but it just feels like the enemy never gives me a real chance. I even have Luminara at 5* along with JC in my party, and between the both of them they just can't out-heal the damage. It's just shocking to me that the difficulty jumped up so quickly and so steeply.
What's worse, is I've been trying to 3* a few stages so I can sim them, and that's a damn near impossibility at this point. I really can't wait til i get enough Old Daka shards, she should help my dark side team tremendously.
Couple tips:
1- Stop farming Chewie, he sucks

I seriously think all early game shards should go to Geno Soldier (1-1 in Cantina). He's incredibly solid, gets good HP, he's VERY fast, and assist every other turn is super important. Dead characters don't deal any damage.
2- Defense is really bad. Defense is STRAIGHT damage reduction, so if you have like 20 defense that's literally -20 damage from that attack. When you're getting hit for several hundred (or thousand depending on your level) damage, taking 50ish damage off the top of that is seriously depressing.
3- Borrow a high level ally, preferably one with AoE. If you find any Maul allies hold onto them forever. You can get full wave clears out of their AoE's a lot of the time (or serious damage) and allies who die don't count against you for star rating either, so Maul's low HP doesn't end up mattering that much either provided he gets you to where you need to be.
FWIW, I ended up 3-starring all the dark side missions without any healer. My team was usually:
Sidious (L), Dooku, Geno Soldier, IG-86, Ventress with a borrowed Phasma from an ally. This was when Ventress sucked too, she's much more PvE capable with her massive life steal now. Daka would have made a great replacement though.
If you stun someone, move onto a new target. The idea being to either kill or stun every character before they get a turn. Healers honestly suck for dark side and I would only consider Daka for the stun/double stun chance otherwise, another DPS would be better. You simply aren't going to be able to heal through the AoE damage in the tougher levels... so don't bother.
Make sure you're targeting/kililng the AoE bad guys and not the worthless taunters. Let them waste their first turn taunting (or healing). Much better they heal/taunt than deal damage.
Light side, I haven't had any trouble healing past most shit but I do run Barriss/Lum/JC so meh. Again, if you can borrow a high level hero that certainly helps. A high level QGJ with a mostly jedi squad makes PvE pretty easy... you want to ditch Chewie as soon as possible though. Too much healing/tanking and not enough damage will screw you over. You'll just hit a point where all your heals are on cooldown and your lowest HP characters start getting picked off. Need damage to counteract that at some point.
FWIW, Fives is PvE gold. Every AoE he counters with speed down which is like a death sentence for PvE targets. His tankiness means he doesn't need a whole lot of healing either.