You are restricted to two quickbars (action bars) as a F2P account and have the option of purchasing more or sub to get them all. It used to be one quickbar until people complained. The quickbars should've never been a microtransaction in the first place as it doesn't make any sense other than to punish players.
You are restricted to two quickbars (action bars) as a F2P account and have the option of purchasing more or sub to get them all. It used to be one quickbar until people complained. The quickbars should've never been a microtransaction in the first place as it doesn't make any sense other than to punish players.
Is two quickbars enough for most classes when going from 1 to 50?
Might be enough for some. When I played I used two bars and had a third available for buffs, medpacs, quick travel, etc. This was as an Imperial Agent and Sith Juggernaut during leveling.Is two quickbars enough for most classes when going from 1 to 50?
I don't think they altered the amount of XP required for each level. At least not since launch. I don't know about 1.5 though.Also have they reduced the amount of XP to level at any point since launch?
Is two quickbars enough for most classes when going from 1 to 50?
Been a while since I have played but how much of a disadvantage will 2 quickbars be? Also have they reduced the amount of XP to level at any point since launch?
Been a while since I have played but how much of a disadvantage will 2 quickbars be? Also have they reduced the amount of XP to level at any point since launch?
That's a really shitty thing to hide behind a paywall.
It's been about 10 months since I finished the storyline on my consular. I'll probably go back when it's F2P to finish my Sith Inquisitor storyline. Should be fun again with some time apart from the game.
alone to play the awesome BG´s in swtor i will reinstall it.
many flaws but never had more fun in BG´s
I hope they are still good. How many new BG´s are beside the 3 from the Start? Are the new BG´s as good as the old BGs?
They added one more Warzone in 1.2 called Novare Coast. I thought it was pretty fun when I tried it. It's an attack and defend map like Alderaan: Civil War.alone to play the awesome BG´s in swtor i will reinstall it.
many flaws but never had more fun in BG´s
I hope they are still good. How many new BG´s are beside the 3 from the Start? Are the new BG´s as good as the old BGs?
There's one newer one since the launch, Novare Coast and another new warzone coming in the next big patch. They are still amazingly fun, pvp is pretty much all I doWith the new super servers there are some super intense games and rivalries. We have a facebook group for pvp'ers on my server (Prophecy of the Five) and it's hilarious the amount of insanity that goes on even in there :lol
sounds great
BG´s really was awesome in swtor, illum on the other side was the worse pvp i have ever seen. Is Illum still in the game or maybe fixed in sth. good?
Mhh must see how it works with the new server System, i was on a RP-PvP Server before the Super Server started. Now i need to play on a normal pvp server? :/
Well, Ilum is still in the game, but the world pvp section is no longer in use. They got rid of the Ilum pvp weekly's/daily's. That said, my server(Red Eclipse) has organised some world pvp events on Ilum, they usually end up with the server dying mind.sounds great
BG´s really was awesome in swtor, illum on the other side was the worse pvp i have ever seen. Is Illum still in the game or maybe fixed in sth. good?
Mhh must see how it works with the new server System, i was on a RP-PvP Server before the Super Server started. Now i need to play on a normal pvp server? :/
When we did an Ilum event about 3 or 4 weeks back we had a load of issues. Half of my pvp guild had crappy fps, and to top it off, the server just died due to how many people were there, was like 30 seconds lag spikes.Ilum has been put on the back burner for the time being. There is going to be a world event there sometime in January to commemorate the craziness that went on there last January with 1.2. They have, however, optimized it extremely well. Had a massive war there and it ran smooth as a baby's arse. You can still earn valor points for kills, and there are people still fighting there and socializing between factions. Gone is the Ilum slideshow!
I recall guardians require many quickbars.
alone to play the awesome BG´s in swtor i will reinstall it.
many flaws but never had more fun in BG´s
I hope they are still good. How many new BG´s are beside the 3 from the Start? Are the new BG´s as good as the old BGs?
You are restricted to two quickbars (action bars) as a F2P account and have the option of purchasing more or sub to get them all. It used to be one quickbar until people complained. The quickbars should've never been a microtransaction in the first place as it doesn't make any sense other than to punish players.
Is the class story 1-50 worth the download?
every class does, and it pisses me off.
Its one of the many things I always loved about guild wars. downplaying the stupid interface and upping the actual visual gameplay.
I just looked at all the legacy skills you can unlock and holy shit. you have an obscene amount of skills at the screen at once.
sounds great
BG´s really was awesome in swtor, illum on the other side was the worse pvp i have ever seen. Is Illum still in the game or maybe fixed in sth. good?
Mhh must see how it works with the new server System, i was on a RP-PvP Server before the Super Server started. Now i need to play on a normal pvp server? :/
Imperial Agent.So are the story missions worth playing through?
Guild wars 2 is a Zerg fest though. I think swtor pvp is far better.
Not just story. Its better in every way. There is not one thing that KotOR1 does better.Imperial Agent story better than KOTOR 1? Wat???? its really nice for an MMO. Prop the best MMO story ever told. but KOTOR 1 was a really cool memorable game.
Have they fixed traveling to planets yet
i.e Space Station-->Planet
Spacestation-->Ship-->Airlock-->Orbital Station-->Planet
--> = min 1 minute loading screen
Yes. You can now go directly from your ship to orbital stations and then directly to a planet. Or from a planet directly to your ship. No more Airlock traveling unless you want to.
Imperial Agent.
Game is magnitudes better than KotOR 1 in every way.
Is there a full list of restrictions for free players?
I remember hearing about a few things :
- Can't equip "Purple" gear.
- Reduced XP rate gain.
- 5 "fields" revival. Basically, after 5 deaths you get revived at a medical station somewhere on the map and you have to run all the way back to your corpse. That's going to seriously annoy me.
- Quadrupled the wait time on fast travel. You ain't going anywhere buddy.
- Can't do any of the raids(operations).
Any answers to those?
Real war is a zerg fest too. I dont see the problem.
Is there a full list of restrictions for free players?
I remember hearing about a few things :
- Can't equip "Purple" gear.
- Reduced XP rate gain.
- 5 "fields" revival. Basically, after 5 deaths you get revived at a medical station somewhere on the map and you have to run all the way back to your corpse. That's going to seriously annoy me.
- Quadrupled the wait time on fast travel. You ain't going anywhere buddy.
- Can't do any of the raids(operations).
Any answers to those?
Its true that combat in TOR is your typical MMO combat but even that is light years beyond the combat in the original game. The first games combat is simplified to the extreme. You click on an enemy and you either shoot or run to them with a melee weapon. Both of these methods of attack have basically three skills to use no matter what class or build you are.. a powerful attack (Power Attack/Power Blast) or a rapid attack (Flurry/Rapid Shot) or a critical attack (Critical Attack/Sniper Shot). Thats basically it for the combat Feats.
if you’re a Premium Subscriber with Legacy racial unlocks and revert to a Free Account, what will have precedence, the f2p restrictions or the Legacy unlocks?
Blaine: First off – if you change from being a subscriber to a Free-to-Play player, you will always go to Preferred status and will never become a Free Account, so you’ll have some features unlocked that you otherwise would not. Additionally, you will absolutely retain the Legacy unlocks that you earned/purchased as a subscriber. In almost all cases, if you have been a subscriber, you will find that things you purchased for in-game credits will be retained when you go down to Preferred. Including things like Cargo Hold access and Inventory Slots.