The Dong is in another level right now. I don't think I've seen him look this determined since BlizzCon 2013.
Drawing energy from the crowd like Goku launching spirit bombs.
herO vs JD and Bomber vs Rain semifinals = kreygasms to the power of infinity. :O
Gaiz i'm sad. My camera died. I might have to skip on most/all of the first semifinal series to get that sucker charged so I can paparazzi the shit outta Bomber/Rain.
thats why you always carry power banks
The more handsome Starcraft player won.
Bomber vs Rain... I need to sleep, but I can't miss this.
Shook herO's hand, got his autograph. Feels awesome. :-D
Also, got a direct confirmation from herO himself that he'll "maybe" win a GSL next season.
Damn what a weekend. Feels like I just went through a once in a lifetime experience. Again, if any of you ever have a chance you absolutely have to attend one of these live. I swear you won't regret it.![]()
Oh yeah that was today wasn't itShook herO's hand, got his autograph. Feels awesome. :-D
Also, got a direct confirmation from herO himself that he'll "maybe" win a GSL next season.
Damn what a weekend. Feels like I just went through a once in a lifetime experience. Again, if any of you ever have a chance you absolutely have to attend one of these live. I swear you won't regret it.![]()
EG.Incontrol.Amazon.Twitch.RC?twitch bought eg lolwot
Naniwa said:hey hey guys ^^ ill update things here since u guys are the only real fans i care about since you always made me feel better when i was down. right now im playing quite alot every day and i really have fun when i play again ^^ but unfortunately it seems hard to find teams and get started again so i will just take it slow and play as much as i feel like and see if i can do a "comeback" ^^ nothing set in stone etc. im mostly very interested in lotv
Jin Air called ahead to SpotTV stating they may be late. Admins held a conference with the managers/coaches on site telling us what happened, stating they would like to let Jin Air play even if they arrive a little late. Jin Air managed to arrive on time. Creator did not. Creator found out what happened with Jin Air and was pleading with the admins for them to make the same exception, he got a little too emotional (As in sobbing/raising voice. Nothing I would have called the police for but enough to disturb the players in the admin's eyes) and mall security was called, then the police on site. He was escorted out.
all of my :3
Rob Pardo, iconic game designer at Blizzard, talks about his career in a two-part interview spanning 5 hours. Pardo was with Blizzard for over 15 years, and had a hand in shaping most of their games.
Starcraft 2 is discussed mostly in the second part of the interview (the part which is linked). SC2 discussion starts at 1:19:00.
Some interesting quotes:
Talking about SC2's early development. WoW's success drained resources from SC2 development:
One of the biggest challenges with Star2, was the team had been going for well over a year, most of that without really any design guidance whatsoever. The idea was: make a new engine and basically make Starcraft 1. That would be a good base to have all the technology and have the editor again, and once I came back onto team we'd then figure out what Starcraft 2 was.
The thinking was: that ends up being a really solid design doc for anyone. That way they don't have to ask me questions. They don't have to be going off to the weeds; just make the first Starcraft. The thinking was maybe we'd even release it, kind of like Counterstrike: Source or something like that. Like releasing a new engine.
But... that's not the most exciting thing for game developers to do for a year. So invariably they were trying to do new things and generating design documents and getting attached to ideas. That was one of the biggest challenges when I went back onto the team, is: "OK, which of these ideas are right?". Going back to the drawing board on things and just trying to get the team going in the right direction on some of the stuff.
Obviously it was the right direction for the studio because WoW was really succesful.
But I think it hurt Starcraft 2 a lot. I think it caused a lot of thrash and it was one of the main reasons why the game took so long to make. It was because we spent that year-plus without design, and now we have this team that's going in one direction and now has them going in a different direction. I don't know... It was challenging.
Pardo was lead designer for a portion of SC2's development:
I was the lead designer on Star2, but I didn't ship it as lead. By then I had to do more overarching responsibilities. I was the lead for probably the first 2/3rds and then I eventually brought Dustin Browder in and he took over. He came in as a senior designer so we were kind of co-designing stuff for the first couple years he was at the studio. Then I promoted him up to lead.
Pardo pushed for unlimited selection. SC2 team took time to warm up to it:
It made the team very timid, is what it did. I think it made it very hard to try to diverge too much from the original. Because it was so successful, especially in Korea it was this huge esport game. There was so much anticipation, especially in Asia for the game to come out, and the team didn't want to let them down. We used to always call it: it's like trying to make baseball 2.0.
I think what that did was it created a lot of fear. I feel like there was a lot of decisions that were very challenging to push through the team, I'll give you a very micro one that I find kind of interesting:
So in both Starcraft and in Warcraft previously, when you group-selected units, you'd only get a limited number. So in Starcraft you could group-select 12 units max. So if you had 50 zerglings, you'd have to group-select them in smaller groups.
One thing I wanted to change in Starcraft 2 was to get rid of that restriction. My reasoning was that I felt like RTS games in the genre had evolved to a place where users just felt -- it just felt like the UI was broken. People didn't understand why it was there. I think people forgave it in earlier games.
That is one of those decisions, though, where the game is a little bit more tactical because you have that limitation. And you could also argue it even has game-balance ramifications in Zerg versus Protoss, because Protoss has less units and that sort of stuff.
But I didn't really feel like it was that load-bearing. I was like: "You know, it's going to be a little different. But I just think we put this in and we just design the game knowing now we have unlimited selection." But there was all this fear that that was the secret sauce of Starcraft. "We can't undo that"
I literally... I was getting pulled into meetings over a period of six months before I finally got them to put in unlimited selection. I mean it was crazy. A little micro decision took months before it went in.
Why didn't Blizz make a MOBA earlier? Talks about Icefrog:
Soren Johnson (interviewer): I was interested what your thoughts are about MOBAs in general. I remember when we first met, which was probably around 2006, one of the first things you told me is I should download this mod called Defence of the Ancients for Warcraft 3 and check it out. So you guys were obviously very aware of what was going on with it. Why was there not a Blizzard MOBA started back then?
Honestly it was just development bandwidth. We were aware of it. We knew it was getting really popular. I actually did have kind of an official sit-down meeting with the other execs of the studio and said: "Hey, we should really talk about this". And we walked down the path and talked about what it would take. We also actually brought Icefrog out and talked to him a bit too. We made the decision we just couldn't take it on and make it successful at that time.
[They were still dealing with WoW]. Starcraft 2 was already a couple years down the path. [Diablo 3] was another thing that was ready to happen. It didn't feel like at that time we could do a Blizzard-job on a DotA-game.
The entire interview is worth listenning to. Part 1 is also amazing with a focus on Brood War and WC3.
destiny goes full sellout for 2 days
also destiny's chat in a nutshell
warning: lots of cursing