SCII isn't going anywhere guys. It's no dead game.
Still a dead game in terms of casuals.
Perhaps Archon mode will regain Starcraft's casual popularity.
Still a dead game in terms of casuals. Rarely anyone in the GAF group is online.
Perhaps Archon mode will regain Starcraft's casual popularity.
I have no idea if I'm in the GAF group but my friends and I play almost every day.
What a fucking great finals, best one in a while from what I can remember.
i play every day pretty much. varies how many games though.
plus I suck ass at sc2
What's your friend ID and code, get your friends to join the gaf group as well.
Swarm host redesign patch comes out for HotS this tuesday. I hope it won't throw off the balance, the game is in a really good spot right now.
Swarm host redesign patch comes out for HotS this tuesday. I hope it won't throw off the balance, the game is in a really good spot right now.
Yeah, Terran went on a run in the middle of last year after the MSC balance updates but I'd say it was about 6 months after those big updates when all races started to slowly figure things out.
Starting from the KeSPA Cup in September 2014, distribution of winners and runner-ups by race in premier tournaments:
Terran - 11
Zerg - 7
Protoss - 10
Obviously Zerg still needs a little help. Life made up over half of their appearances in the finals of premier tournaments over the past 6 months. lol
i have one friend that plays SC2 lol
The Adrenal Glands buff won't change much as if Zerg got it by that point they've probably already won. The bigger problem in the match up is it takes Zerg about 350/350 and around 3 minutes to just be able to go from 2/2 to 3/3 compared to Terran who don't have to do anything else. I've consistently said that getting to Hive needs to be cheaper/quicker and then Ultra's could probably use a small nerf.
Lol watching GSL reruns and that YongHwa-Byul game 5 was amusing as hell.
Lol 3 gate vs DT's in Proleague.
Carmack said:I had to search to 2013 to find a #WCS peak concurrent viewers count higher than today's.
Keep getting unable to find player on NA and EU![]()
Good question, I want to know this as well!hey guys, how do you cancel a medivac drop? like say I already pressed D and clicked on the medivac and it's dropping units as it moves. What if I need to suddenly get the hell out of there?
Bomber barely holding on in GSL. Needs to go back to the glasses.
1) Engines of War - (P)MyuNgSiK vs (Z)Ian
2) Deck 16 (2v2) - (Z)TerrOr and (Z)BBoongBBoong vs (T)Vanilla and (P)Has
3) Orichalcum - (T)TANGTANG vs (P)Has
4) Legacy of the Void Beta - (Z)BBoongBBoong vs (T)Vanilla
5) Crazy Clash - (Z)TerrOr vs (Z)Leenock
6) Neo Emerald Plaza - (T)KeeN vs (Z)Slam
7) (ACE) Penisula
Upcoming Ladder Map Pool Update - April 8
Hey everyone,
Wed like to update you regarding few schedule changes were making for the upcoming Season 2 season roll and map publish. We previously announced that we would be adjusting the season roll by one week. In addition, we will be updating the Season 2 1v1 ladder map pool slightly ahead of the season roll.
This should provide additional practice time on these maps to players hoping to compete in the World Championship Series Qualifiers, while allowing all other players an earlier preview of the map pool. If you havent seen the maps coming next season, feel free to check out our Season 2 maps blog which outlines them in full detail. Besides these 1v1 maps, the seasonal map update will operate as usual with new team maps joining the ladder upon the season roll.
Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the new maps! news today. @totalbiscuit is in remission. Final CT Scan is all clear.
I tried to watch but he kept pronouncing it "Yoh" Flash Wolves.![]()
ApolloSC2 said:Whattttttttts uppppppppppp.
I am going to run a fun and entertaining evening for you all, a Fight Night show-match evening for Legacy of the Void with some of your favourite players.
With the first Season of WCS over, I have some spare time before Season 2 starts up and wanted to have some fun with LotV this coming Friday!
Image created by @_borsti - Thank you buddy
When? - April 10th 8pm CEST
Where? -
Who with? - I will ask numerous people to come join me for fun and giggles!!
Format - Best of 5
Oribital Shipyard
Cactus Valley
Iron Fortress
Ruins of Seras
As of announcing this: There isn't any prize pool.
What I want to do is open up the prize pool for each matchup to be public, if you as a community member wants to a little money on the line for a matchup you want to see, send the money to me and I will add it to the pool.
Example: Destiny vs Showtime - 0euros
If you wanted to see this increased, you can donate into the matchup and see it increased. Johnny69 donates 10euros, prize pool is now increased to 10euros
How to donate into these showmatches, you can send the money to my paypal with a message of which match-up you want the money to go towards and if you want to be anonymous or not: PAYPAL: [email protected]
What's the MKP situation? Has he been convicted (so to say)? There is a possibility that he just MKP'd it and thought the spot on the mini map was an overlord. It's possible that someone leaked the prepared strategy of Byul hence the traffic activity on the illegal betting sites.
How do these balance patches usually get integrated into the currently ongoing leagues? Do they wait between seasons to update, or what?
Patch is dropping today:
Swarm Host
Cost modified from 200 Minerals and 100 Vespene to 100 Minerals and 200 Vespene
Supply cost increased from 3 to 4
Movement speed increased from 2.25 to 2.95
Swarm Hosts now require the Burrow research in order to burrow
Swarm Hosts no longer collide with Locusts
Spawn Locusts This ability has been reworked
Auto-cast removed, Spawn Locusts must now be manually cast.
Spawn Locusts cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 60 seconds
Casting Spawn Locusts no longer requires a Swarm Host to be burrowed
Weapon speed increased from .8 to .6
Locust duration increased from 15 seconds (+10 seconds with Enduring Locusts) to 25 seconds
Infestation Pit
Enduring Locusts This upgrade has been removed
New upgrade: Flying Locusts - Allows Locusts spawned by Swarm Hosts to fly. Flying Locusts can use Swoop to land and attack
Requires Lair
Cost is 200 Minerals, 200 Vespene, 160 seconds
Allows Locusts spawned by Swarm Hosts to fly. Flying Locusts can use Swoop to land and attack
Swoop: Orders the Locust to land at the targeted location, allowing it to attack
Blinding Cloud range increased from 10 to 11
Point Defense Drone duration decreased from 180 seconds to 20 seconds
Bonus damage versus massive air units decreased from +50 damage to +14 damage.
een having a bunch of fun with Archon mode, although more often than not I get beat by a team of two pros!
I've been think of some ways it could be improved to make the teamwork more fluid. I wrote a post a while ago, and although it was about Team Games I think some of my points are applicable to Archon Mode as well (such as Smart Ping and "looking for partner" features) so check it out if you didn't already see it:
Some other ideas I've thought of:
If two players control one unit, it prioritizes the commands of one player
Alternatively, you can't select units your Archon Partner already has selected
As a general rule, if you're both wrestling to use the same units, thats mostly a sign of bad teamwork and something you need to work on -- but I still think this feature would helpful simply in the case of mistakes. For an example if two players try to burrow their Lurkers because they're not sure if the other one is watching and they don't want the Lurkers caught unborrowed, currently this will cause the Lurker to burrow and then immediately unburrow. In this case, just giving priority to one player so it only takes one burrow command would be fine.
An example where just not allowing the player to select units already selected by their partner would be if one player is controlling the majority of a mech army and the other player is microing some tank drops with the mech army -- this change would prevent one player from accidentally selecting the other player's units.
Show allies camera, cursors, and units selected
I think this would be 100% the best change to Archon Mode regardless, but it may also solve the above problem: If you knew what units your ally was controlling, you could avoid the above mistakes without having constantly yell at each-other exactly what units you're selecting and without having to disable the ability to select a unit your ally has selected.
For clarification: Your allies camera view-finder would show on the mini-map. Dotted selection circles would appear on units your ally has selected, just like what occurs in team games with shared control. As for the cursor, I don't think it would be necessary to actually show their mouse cursor position at all times (you can kind of tell based on their camera position and the units they have selected) but I do think the issues they've ordered should be visible, like in replays when you follow the players camera and can see their move/attack move commands.
Production tab
This one was suggested by Lowko:
Again, its solved by good team communication, but it would be helpful to have a production tab for your partner visible so you can tell what he's building for you. This is useful even for things as small as supply blocks: You notice you are about to be supply blocked and are supply blocked, but you're not sure if your ally has already started an overlord/depo/pylon to solve the issue or not. You can just ask your ally, but SC2 is so fast paced and so much is happening you really need to be discussing other things or building them as soon as possible, not trying to spend a long time figuring out if your ally has already started them or not.
Shared control groups?
In a similar vein to the previous one, in 1v1s most players will add units to their control groups right when you build them. But if your ally is building for you, you can't do that. It makes it very hard to have all of your units in control groups when playing Archon Mode. It would be neat if the player building could control group units as they build, and the other player would automatically inherit those control groups. I feel like this would have to be optional though, as this wouldn't always work out.
Ryung with one of the latest GG's I've seen in awhile.
Dark destroying Ryung with cheeses because why not.
Well his match is on the rebroadcast right now: there anywhere I can watch the matches for Flash making it to Code S (for free)?
Terran 3 (StarCraft II) Guitar Cover
Well his match is on the rebroadcast right now: