So can you win the campaign or is this more or less real life pac man, where its only a matter of time before you get got?
Played the demo and as soon as I got to the ranger station I bought it.
I've played for a couple of hours now. Haven't died yet and morale is at max so it seems a little easy so far.
It's saying I need to build a sleeping area but I have no idea how to build stuff. I could do with a manual. How do you build things/make improvements?
Project Zomboid and Dead State guys have to be crying right now playing this game. This game just made it real hard for the other 2 and I am a guy that like Zomboid.
A few things I'm not sure of
How do you get neighbours to join/like you? I come across some survivors holed up in a house but they won't join me.
How do I extend my base? I wanna build outposts but not sure how or why?
It sometimes says I can build a new place (the building has a supply chest) but how do I do this?
I've only done the meds mission near the church area.
It helps to stop the spread of infestations. Building outposts I mean.
You need to be at a certain point in the story. I think the mission is called House Hunting. You can choose a new base out of three choices. After that story-related move, you can move to any base you want.I cant build a different house... Really? Game makes no sense if it tells me I have enough resources but it has no option to build it.
Reading this thread is REALLY making me want to play it.
I love the "How do I/How do you" posts. Reminds me a lot of Dark Souls early days discussions. Sounds like there is little handholding and you just figure shit out or depend on the community. LOVE shit like that.![]()
Whereabouts is it? I've been meaning to relocate but the place the story mission suggested seemed like a pretty bad area.I just moved to a farm. It's far away from the urban area, so the zombies aren't a problem, and you can build up to nine facilities. It's perfect!
Where am I supposed to park a car to get it repaired at the church? I have a workshop, but the cars aren't repairing.
A few questions-
Where am I supposed to park a car to get it repaired at the church? I have a workshop, but the cars aren't repairing.
You need to upgrade your workshop to repair cars.
How do I use outpost traps? It says "traps ready" and there's a full bar, but I have no idea what to do.
Traps go off automatically if a horde passes by the outpost.
Should I be throwing outposts everywhere? What does the white circle around an outpost do? Does it stop hordes from walking through? Should I blanket the town outside the church with outposts?
Well you can have a certain amount of outposts. The church allows for four. You can access your supply locker from outposts, they provide a small safe zone they can expand, they reduce zombies and hordes in the area as well as reduce infestations
I just moved to a farm. It's far away from the urban area, so the zombies aren't a problem, and you can build up to nine facilities. It's perfect!
A few questions-
Where am I supposed to park a car to get it repaired at the church? I have a workshop, but the cars aren't repairing.
How do I use outpost traps? It says "traps ready" and there's a full bar, but I have no idea what to do.
Should I be throwing outposts everywhere? What does the white circle around an outpost do? Does it stop hordes from walking through? Should I blanket the town outside the church with outposts?
Whereabouts is it? I've been meaning to relocate but the place the story mission suggested seemed like a pretty bad area.
Is there a way to build fences in church?There are empty spaces without the wires.
man, as soon as I move to the farm the shit hits the fan. there are THREE hords heading towards the farm and I was forced to quit.
how do you fix weapons? i built the shop or w/e it is but i don't understand how it works. do i place a broken weapon on it or something?
There is a limit on how many outposts you can build depending on which base you are using. You can see the limit in the journal on the base improvement screen.
Place the weapon in the supply locker and it should be fixed over night.
He means actual overnight btw, not game time. much this...and I'm loving every minute of itWhen this game wants to fuck with you, it does it so hard. In my last play session, 5 zombie infestations popped up, which killed my moral, and because I had low moral, people started doing their own things and thus became missing. I had three people go missing, but I did find one of them. I also lost three more survivors, all thanks to Feral Zombies + Zombie hordes.
So now I have 7 survivors, 2 of which are still missing. On the plus side, I have a ton of Meds, Food, Ammo, and Materials.
like, it takes 24 real life hours to fix? so, is the game "playing" while my xbox is off?
Yes it is and yes its 24 real hours. I talk about it in my video a few posts above.Some things run on 24 clocks.
Also I returned to once again have a manic depressive shit kill 2 of my survivors. Fucker. Its JUST like playing the Walking Dead.
Yes it is and yes its 24 real hours. I talk about it in my video a few posts above.Some things run on 24 clocks.
Also I returned to once again have a manic depressive shit kill 2 of my survivors. Fucker. Its JUST like playing the Walking Dead.
Yes it is and yes its 24 real hours. I talk about it in my video a few posts above.Some things run on 24 clocks.
Also I returned to once again have a manic depressive shit kill 2 of my survivors. Fucker. Its JUST like playing the Walking Dead.
Just started up and noticed 200k people on the leaderboards. Wow!
XBLA strikes again with another hit. This game is surprisingly fun and will suck up hours of my life in the future. Can't wait for the MMO version of this.