Specialists die first, Rangers die after, which lets Grenadiers live another day. Meanwhile, Sharpshooters multiply like chrysallids.
This is the order of things in LurkerPrime's XCOM 2.
That goes back to the hype angle though. If people were excited about TitS they'd have completed FC and be onboard for SC. (Or at least I'm in that boat; I'm interested in it, but not excited about it. So FC and SC are still on my wishlist, rotting.)
I'm always a fan of being the sniper elite...
majora's mask is my personal favorite
the time schedule stuff was mindblowing back then and it's still smart as hell today, and i liked the generally darker atmosphere of the game, and the mask hunting and turning into one of those plant dudes and stuff
but all the others i've played are really good too, i must've beaten ocarina like 5 times and i've played a lot of a link to the past and that original gameboy one a whole bunch too
i like to use them as a sort of journal as i play the game
i finish up a session and upload all my screenshot and add some commentary to them
i like doing that, idk
i actually never played wind waker
but it's cute so i like eet
if you're not gonna give me unlimited storage (or even a reasonable amount for 2016) at least not make the interface for managing screenshots so awful
but like i said before, your screenshot limit should scale with your level just like your friendslist
Meant to reply to this earlier but I was on mobile, so it wasn't quite practical to do so.
Majora's Mask is great... it's absolutely mind blowing the stuff they accomplished with that game. However, it's uniqueness as a LoZ game makes it hard to actually compare it with the rest of the series (2D or 3D). However, it's definitely near the top for me just because it *is* different and it's so well done.
My favorite is still probably OoT, probably because I hadn't even been following it's development or release and just picked it up while on break from college when it released and got sucked into it. Maybe I didn't think a 3D zelda would work back then (sort of the same kind of thing where people were skeptical about Metroid changing drastically when they created the Prime series)... but being sucked into and floored by that game was such a pleasant surprise.
One of these days, I probably should decide to endure the terrible hardware and replay both OoT and MM on my 3DS.
The journal idea is cool... I get it, I was doing it with some of the MKX ending screens for finishing arcade mode; I also do it for games that have really cool concept artwork as unlockables and stuff now.
However, it was your journaling with TW3 screenshots that started my quest to have screenshots turned off for my activity feed. You never know what some people may consider to be spoilers and all that. Oh well, I'm slowly trying to forget and by the time that CDPR finally discounts the expansion pass and I play TW3, hopefully all will be well.
Wind Waker is one of those games that I am extremely vocal with my dislike for it because it was such a disappointing experience for me. I had no problems with the change in artstyle. I even was willing to give the ocean-covered overworld a chance. But what I ended up getting was something that felt cut short (because it was cut short, I believe) with a total of 5 dungeons or so (2 really excellent ones that left me wanting and expecting more based on the rest of the LoZ franchise in recent years) and an extremely empty overworld covered in silly islands that really weren't interesting for the most part in terms of exploring and a warp/travel system that was just a blend of annoying and boring. The game had such great potential and it was just kind of squandered at the end of the day because the team was rushed to release the game, I believe.
Yeah, that could be a good way to enhance the Steam profile level system. In addition to more friends, giving people a little more storage when they hit certain levels would certainly promote badge creation and give people who did want additional storage a way to get it at the very least.
It's a solid idea... so it will probably never happen.
If you want to be popular, you could do a giveaway of this:
I would enter and hope to win, after the comparisons to Earthbound.
Throw in an extra 10 and do disgaea pc
DMX needs to have a word with you... stop being greedy.
Fire sale for a a fight stick, awesome!
If they did a clearance to help offset any bankruptcy issues, I would consider getting a PS4 SFV stick to use with PS4/PC.