It seems silly to me to talk about the amount of content in a Dark Souls game at all, since so much of the game design is based around repeating that content. Not to mention the people that play them over and over again. It's not like it's a "play 50 hours to complete all sidequests" type of game, it's a game that you play for as long as you enjoy. It's the pinball of RPGs.
That game was announced three years ago. And they haven't even started yet? What the fuck was the point of that announcement then?
Oh – and you may wonder why we announced our game so early before the release. The reason is that we’re still building our dev team so if you are a talented dude or dudette willing to work in a really different company (gamers rule & boring corporate stuff drools!) on a super ambitious project, send us your application right [email protected]
I'm over 60 hour into DS3 and haven't completed it yet.
(I've done a few hundred instances of coop and fought over 150 invaders though)
Has there been any indication on when the next steam sale may be?
Has there been any indication on when the next steam sale may be?
That game was announced three years ago. And they haven't even started yet? What the fuck was the point of that announcement then?
Smells like Killing Floor 2
It's baffling to me as well that people are finishing Dark Souls 3 in 25-27 or whatever hours on their first run, it just makes it seem like they are rushing through the game or something. Or following some kind of guide for all the secrets and shit.
I'm 50 hours in and at the young prince boss, I'm assuming it's pretty late in the game. But I have no idea.
It's baffling to me as well that people are finishing Dark Souls 3 in 25-27 or whatever hours on their first run, it just makes it seem like they are rushing through the game or something. Or following some kind of guide for all the secrets and shit.
How's the enemy scaling in Dark Souls games?
Do they scale according to my level? Is grinding level worth it?
How's the enemy scaling in Dark Souls games?
Do they scale according to my level? Is grinding level worth it?
How's the enemy scaling in Dark Souls games?
Do they scale according to my level? Is grinding level worth it?
I have a drake sword right now and just arrived at Blightown. This place is a nightmare, both the enemies and level design can kill me easily. I read that I need the Spider shield which I missed in the previous area somehow. I'll have to go back later this evening.
Oh, the days when poison was a threat... good times.
It's alrightWhat about that FPS GITS game? Was it any decent?
be ever vigilant
i have no idea how you people are finishing it on 22 hours
I watched a bit of the GITS game on the Alienware stream. I came in late, and I didn't know that's what it was based on until the end when they said it's name. I'm not sure if that was an effective use of the license.
One day, I actually play a noob game like Dark Souls.
Till that time, only hardcore shit for me. Going back to Rocket League.
I have a drake sword right now and just arrived at Blightown. This place is a nightmare, both the enemies and level design can kill me easily. I read that I need the Spider shield which I missed in the previous area somehow. I'll have to go back later this evening.
Drake Sword can be a powerful weapon early on, but you do need to be careful not to let it be a crutch. Unlike most other weapons you can have at that point, you will not have materials to upgrade the Drake Sword until much later in the game, and the weapon does not scale at all with your stats. That means the further into the game, the worse the weapon is going to be. I'd recommend looking for a new weapon sooner rather than later, since it starts to suck pretty much right after Blighttown.
point is, i've completed all of the souls games except bloodborne many times, i have over 400 hrs on all the games combined, i've beaten every boss and area solo, etc.Well, it's not really meant to be backhanded. Dying in Souls vs not dying can drastically alter your playtime.
Like when I was in junior high (early high school? dunno) I got stuck hard on False King Allant, that took 5hr. Entire playthrough of Demon Souls was ~30 hours, but that was entire sixth of it, just redoing everything so I could stand a chance against him. That's why I say it's not backhanded, I fully mean it.
As for skipping areas- I'm sure people do it accidentally. I went back to smoldering lake (hence 27hr instead of 25) and realized I completely missed the large part of the area. I thought I had so I went back and checked, and sure enough, I had
But yeah, theres also that major aspect. Some people do no pvp, others stand around as sunbros for 50hr. The "I beat <Souls game> in <hours>" only really applies for a showoff comparison with others if neither of you did online or if you both play similarly, which is never the case. I know some people who daze off into scenery for a ridiculous amount of their playthroughs, I don't get it. However, it completely makes sense as to why their playtimes are longer.
I really think the 25hr gap comes from that sort of thing. That, or perhaps certain playstyles are actually slower, since none of the above actually accounts for a 25hr gap except for someone hitting a wall a few times adding a good 10 hours or such.
Like the 'hardest boss' that plenty get stuck on for anywhere from 2hr to 2 days, if you do that in 30m, you've basically shaved off an entire portion on your game clock compared to others.
*Time in souls doesn't really matter, play to have fun, etc, zz
point is, i've completed all of the souls games except bloodborne many times, i have over 400 hrs on all the games combined, i've beaten every boss and area solo, etc.
i just take my time with these games cos i enjoy them a lot, but i've never had this much of a difference between my time and others', so when i say i'm surprised i would love it if people don't get defensive and tell me to "git gud", directly or not
i hate that
in other news what in the actual fuck is the dark souls board game that only wanted 50k pounds is gonna do with a freaking million and a half
honestly i can't see how they can make good on that amount of money cos like, wtf
Drake Sword can be a powerful weapon early on, but you do need to be careful not to let it be a crutch. Unlike most other weapons you can have at that point, you will not have materials to upgrade the Drake Sword until much later in the game, and the weapon does not scale at all with your stats. That means the further into the game, the worse the weapon is going to be. I'd recommend looking for a new weapon sooner rather than later, since it starts to suck pretty much right after Blighttown.
I picked up my main game weapon in Blighttown (Iaito). Did most of the game with that except the very end where I swapped to Quelaag's Furysword.
I believe the drake sword will be pretty useful against the ghost later, right? I got lost in my early hours and went to that damned place with all the nasty ghosts. Totally wrecked obviously, and later I found out that I was supposed to go to the Undead Burg first and get that Drake Sword.
Thanks, I'll keep my eyes on those swords.
Well true, except the Drake Sword is a huge clutch for beginners because it doesn't teach you the value of upgrading weapons until much later.there's a lighting spear in sen's fortress that's a really useful early weapon too
in general you should just grab every weapon you find and fool around with it a bit to feel if the moveset resonates with you
i wouldn't stress out too mcuh about stats, maybe raise both str and dex to like 16 which is the bare minimum of a lot of weapons and focus on endurance for the time being while you figure out what kind of character you want to play
I believe the drake sword will be pretty useful against the ghost later, right? I got lost in my early hours and went to that damned place with all the nasty ghosts. Totally wrecked obviously, and later I found out that I was supposed to go to the Undead Burg first and get that Drake Sword.
Thanks, I'll keep my eyes on those swords.