Fatal Futanari
Some new Screenshots from the Virtual Reality Visual Novel:
Some new Screenshots from the Virtual Reality Visual Novel:
i mean, i was just being broad strokes about it (and some points you just went a bit crazy lol, i didn't say all cult games do great, i said these are cult games that are gonna do great)1) 360 games are easy to port to pc
not necessarily. they're easier than, lets say a PS3 game which they've already done, but it's not some baby port job either depending on the title and engine associated with it.
2) cult games that are all but guaranteed to sell well on pc
eh, plenty of cult games have just done okay on PC. It's one of those things where it can either do 20-30k or 500k easily. The swings can be that hard
3) bayo was already ported to wii u so if any exclusivity deals exist they might be negotiable/might have like clauses to buy out porting rights or something?
we don't know the exact terms with Bayo after the Bayo 2 deal. They might have an agreement with Nintendo to keep it off other platforms for a period of time. So, Bayo 1 showing up on the Wii U might actually have been a bad thing as it might have confirmed some exclusivity for the franchise for a while.
4) sega has been doing pretty good supporting pc and porting games that didn't do great on console (like binary domain)
But they've been really bad at following through with new announcements. Remember, VC came out in 2014 and only thing they've announced since has been Sonic's Lost Worldo and modded genesis rom support.
So meh to them until they give a reason to not meh
yeah i considered it but i just bought overwatch today so i'm capped off expensive games for a bitMafia 3 is 30$ on Nuuvem but it is region lockedI guess it is good news for zky, Salsa and rest of the SA SteamGAF
is that Alienation PS4 indie game also coming to PC eventually?
Corpse Party is out in two hours, I am really curious about that one. It's a shame that the updated art hasn't been incorporated into the PC release.
yeah i considered it but i just bought overwatch today so i'm capped off expensive games for a bit
it's also not like i'm DYING to play freaking mafia 3There is still time until October and they will probably delay game at lest once![]()
Mafia 3 is 30$ on Nuuvem but it is region lockedI guess it is good news for zky, Salsa and rest of the SA SteamGAF
brazil-gaf maybe. I think Nuuvem is cranking out brazil-only keys for a lot of stuff now and we're from argentina and uruguay respectively
The art in Corpse Party sucks in both versions anyway. Sure, "eyes escaping their faces" style is a bit worse, but only by degrees.
speaking of, it's awesome that the invoice email you get from blizz when you preorder overwatch is like, spoken by tracer
wish rito had like a hundred different invoice templates with each champion's voice for when you buy rp lol
brazil-gaf maybe. I think Nuuvem is cranking out brazil-only keys for a lot of stuff now and we're from argentina and uruguay respectively
speaking of, it's awesome that the invoice email you get from blizz when you preorder overwatch is like, spoken by tracer
wish rito had like a hundred different invoice templates with each champion's voice for when you buy rp lol
I listened to Tracer's voice lines, and after my ears stopped bleeding, I ended up rather puzzled as to what exactly her accent is meant to be. It sounds like some bizarre mix of Cockney and Australian, but ending up being something no British person has ever sounded like in the history of the world.
Rocket League has currently a 4-Pack on Bundlestars for 33, that's ~8 per copy (Europe).
It's 36$ from USA, so 9$ a copy.
Tip for future: You can save cart for up to 72 hours by starting check out & closing tab in payment processor (eg. Paypal). Then you can automatically restore it to cart with discounts from helpdesk.
Ucchedavāda;201868959 said:So I just started playing Scholar of the First Sin and why is everyone killing themselves?
I've only ventured a little bit past Majula, but so far every place is littered in bloodstains from people throwing themselves off cliff-sides and the like, including whole groups of people. It's getting to the point where I'm considering playing offline just so that I can walk 5 feet without stumbling over a suicide.
speaking of, it's awesome that the invoice email you get from blizz when you preorder overwatch is like, spoken by tracer
Got an invite for Paragon weekend beta event. But I won't be at home on the upcoming weekend. /otl
Fortunately, they're going to open more beta events in the future.
I find that creepy. Like the cash machines in the US. Their receipts are all written out in first person.
Like "I gave you 30$".
Why would you want to play a moba?
Why would you want to play a moba?
According to the early impressions, NiOh sounds like a legit copy of Dark Souls. Can't wait to play it in 2017..
I dunno it seems like a Samurai version of Ninja Gaiden to me.
Even after watching the gameplay streamers?
Wonder how long Mafia III stays £34.99 on steam? Not a bad price
I made 1800 gold then got sidetracked by Dark Souls 3 lol.50 Booster, 3K Gold, and 6000 Dust, Whispers of the old Gods can cometh.
Even after watching the gameplay streamers?
I find that creepy. Like the cash machines in the US. Their receipts are all written out in first person.
Like "I gave you 30$".
you're assuming the cash machine isn't alive
never assume
I didn't see any of that I'm just going on what I've seen thus far. I downloaded the demo though so I can find out myself.
Hard not to see it with a lot of reused Ryu Hayabusa animations though.
10 copies sold! o/Xseed tweeted that Corpse Party had a "great first day" whatever that means
It's a nice game, I didn't finish it because I needed to wipe-out my hdd due to a windows installation error and I forgot to back-up the saves, it's a very bland Tomb-Raiderish game, with less puzzles and more action. It's ok, nothing great or spectacular, but funny if you lke the character.
My one real problem with Rocket League is the AI. Your own team mates will drive the ball halfway down the court the wrong way and put it in the goal for the other team...
why are you playing Rocket League with the AI
During the free weekend I thought that playing a season would be good practice.
During the free weekend I thought that playing a season would be good practice.