Hmh stay at Steam lvl 50 and sell my 800+cards or push to lvl 60?
epeen or money? Tough call man.
Hmh stay at Steam lvl 50 and sell my 800+cards or push to lvl 60?
What, the game is only 7 seconds long?!?
epeen or money? Tough call man.
but that's not what's happening
i put a game from #30 to #15
after saving i see that the game is at #15 but #20 is now at #37, #10 at #6 etc.
makes no sense
yes. of course.
Oh cool, because right now FFXIII is $6.40, so that comes out to $3.20 with the voucher. Beats out the Steam deal by $7.SE Store, but you get a Steam key there anyways, so~
Well at least the "upto 4k support" was a load of marketing guff.
oh crap I thought they would be giftable.They aren't tradable or marketable and neither can non-apps be gifted.
so, I'm giving away those codes for SE discounts (on SE store, games redeem on steam). Any takers?
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris with Season Pass 33% OFF
So this was just posted on my profile...
so, I'm giving away those codes for SE discounts (on SE store, games redeem on steam). Any takers?
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris with Season Pass 33% OFF
I'll take FFIII if you're not using. Thanks!
So this was just posted on my profile...
I don't understand how some steam levels could be worth $40.
There is no meta, so you'll just get xmas cards
Hmm that Ubi free game for the AC season pass seems to have given me a Steam key. Is there anyway to test it without using the key to make sure it's a steam key and not a Uplay key?
Hmm that Ubi free game for the AC season pass seems to have given me a Steam key. Is there anyway to test it without using the key to make sure it's a steam key and not a Uplay key?
As long as we're complaining about wishlist problems... For years now I've noticed that when I add a game to my wishlist, it doesn't get added to the top or the bottom, but usually around 2/3 of the way through the list. How bizarre is that? Does it do that for everyone?
but that's not what's happening
i put a game from #30 to #15
after saving i see that the game is at #15 but #20 is now at #37, #10 at #6 etc.
makes no sense
Hmm that Ubi free game for the AC season pass seems to have given me a Steam key. Is there anyway to test it without using the key to make sure it's a steam key and not a Uplay key?
Try to activate it on a Steam account who already has the game. And what is it?
How do you get those resolutions? GeDoSaTo?
So this was just posted on my profile...
If a kind person has a spare XIII coupon, I'll take it.
Weird to see people not holding off on Dark Souls 2. Don't see a reason to jump in with the remasted edition coming soon.
Just noticed the entire wishlist on front store page after scrolling a bit.
Sogood.jpg. About time Valve utilizes such a feature.
Wait what? I thought it was XIII. Damn.XIII? You mean XIII-2, perhaps?
that doesn't happen to me.As long as we're complaining about wishlist problems... For years now I've noticed that when I add a game to my wishlist, it doesn't get added to the top or the bottom, but usually around 2/3 of the way through the list. How bizarre is that? Does it do that for everyone?
It's Far Cry 4 which I have the Gold edition of already.
so, I'm giving away those codes for SE discounts (on SE store, games redeem on steam). Any takers?
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris with Season Pass 33% OFF
hexcells is real good, everyone was right
Maybe some dont see good enough value in waiting for a remaster that'll be more than likely way more expensive?
I'd get it now if I had the funds.
No, it's worthless bullshit.
It's not sorted in any way, and it lists stuff that isn't even for sale yet too.
It's just a gigantic, confusing blob of colours, some of which are discounted.
that doesn't happen to me.
usually gets at last place.
but i do believe problems with wishlist are sporadically happening on choice user.
not everyone.
we are the unlucky ones. hah.
hexcells is real good, everyone was right
i want this to get a discount this sale
but i know it is abandoned
Not to mention it's causing the home page not to load at all (or load very slowly) for those with 100+ items on their wishlists.
hah, no worries.Well of course now that I mention it, I can't reproduce it... Oh, well, didn't exactly have much of an impact.
Thanks. Glad I could be of service.I like you.