It has been a quite fruitful couple of months, gaming wise, considering the amount of my free time considerably dropped to sub-hour-per-day due to work being a major pain in the butt.
I've finished Persona 4, my first JRPG in a very long time (I think that, excluding the bi-yearly Skies of Arcadia playthrough, the last one was FFX back when it came out - or maybe it was SMT Nocturne? anyway it was something from the PS2 era).
I quite enjoyed it, even though halfway through its story definitely starts to drag, but at least the combat system is so fast that it never really bothered me as I was expecting due to my current intolerance to useless X-button-mashing turn-based combats.
Just one thing I didn't quite get: but does the main character receive
in a fade to black scene while ranking up the Devil?

(also: it emulates gloriously with PCSX2, if you can stand some shadow (actual, not the shadow monsters) not rendering properly as plain black, but getting the whirling animation of the TV world - which to be honest is even more enthralling to look)
Then I said fuck you to me being a chicken, and started my first horror game since Silent Hill 2: Alan Wake.
I enjoyed it A LOT. Much more than both Remedy's Max Payne (but less than Rockstar's MP, it being the bestest TPS ever), anyway, and I even liked the combat system and how tense it gets - even though of course I'd loved a bit more stamina, to make running to the light less of a chore.
I don't understand why some people says it's sort of an heir to Twin Peaks. I mean, ok, there is a lady holding a lamp instead of a log, and it's set in a place with a forest and a sawmill, but that's it really. Honestly, it shares more with Californication than Twin Peaks.
Quite tired from the anxiety inducing horror gaming, I decided to space out AW and American Nightmare with a lighter game: Wolfenstein TNO.
Well, surprisingly enough, I can run it at best quality (which is more than ultra) at solid 60 fps. Except cutscenes, which run at 30fps, and anyway get a huge stutter of 1 second every time they begin.
Now, why the heck would they lock the framerate of in-engine cutscenes, even - I guess - making them more prone to frame drops and whatnot? They also look considerably worse than the actual in-game.
Oh well.
As for the game, I just started it but woah, I totally forgot how cumbersome was to control old-school FPS, with number keys to switch weapons.
Oh, and fuck me, during the tutorial there's a scene where you have to run and crouch, to slide under a thing. So, you are supposed to holding down W (middle finger), then left shift (ring) and finally left ctrl (pinky). WTF? Why would they want to destroy my wrist?
But eh, at least it's fun as hell.