every AC game requires Uplay.
Sadly it has Uplay as a requirement. It was the progenitor of it. Though the always online requirement has been long gone now.
Dark Souls still use Game for Windows?
I have a warning on the store page...
When will they move it out of beta?
Valkyria Chronicles.
Shit deal!
25% off valkyria at $15
oh sega
people expecting more than 25% on Valkyria... the game JUST came out what, a month ago?
every AC game requires Uplay.
I can stop you from buying it just saying its made by Ubisoft.
It's great, the ship combat is awesome, the graphics are really nice, it's nearly universally praised as one of the best AC games, and it's 75% off.
the day I finally grab bandera negra
im guessing the gold edition is crap right
where is Jase in the one game subject he has input
my bad, seems that AC1 doesn't require uplay. I stand corrected.
But really, no good person is going to buy AC1 unless they simply dont value their free time.
So this sale is pretty cool so far eh?
every AC game requires Uplay.
I talked to Jase about the FC4 and ACU gold editions last night.
It's just the game + season pass in one package.
Annnnd there goes my servers, catching on fire again.
I've spent more on ES servers this sale than I have on games. It's pretty interesting seeing how all of these servers scale before they crash though. I've been working for a while building a standardized ova template that I can easily deploy to a server behind the reverse proxy to bring more resources online as quickly as possible. Sadly the process hasn't been as smooth as I would like given that my current hosting company is averaging about 12 hours deployment time.
This is good though, because I've got enough servers in place now to (hopefully) meet the demand as soon as they're all deployed. I've made a mental note of this to scale the servers up big time about a week before the summer sale starts just to make sure there aren't any hiccups when the sale starts like there was this time.
In either case, after the sale is over and the load returns to normal, I can scale these servers back down because I'm not locked into any sort of contract which is very nice as I couldn't afford to keep this number of servers going year-round.
Why am I even thinking about buying Black Flag on Steam. Have it on Uplay and it would run start Uplay anyway. Fuck you, brain..
These are the reasons i want it, Uplay is the reason i don't but its how i play FC4 and i force myself to play that.
Speaking of GreenManGaming!If people are wanting more than 25% off Valkyria Chronicles you can get it for that price plus a further 20% off at Green Man Gaming with their voucher code...
makes it $12
season pass seems shitty tho
like extra slots for stuff and MP characters, except for freedom cry which itself is just $2.5
so think im gonna go nope
I just went to see the new deals and it looks like I won't be playing VC until at least this summer.
all the Deus Ex stuff is 75% off too btw. Might get The Fall just for completion sake
edit: Space Run looks fun, I had no idea what kind of game it actuall was
If people are wanting more than 25% off Valkyria Chronicles you can get it for that price plus a further 20% off at Green Man Gaming with their voucher code...
makes it $12
What issues do you have? I have all my Ubisoft games there and 0 issues for now.
FYI Ass Creed Unity is now finally available in UK.
You should put your money on a much better Deus Ex game, like Bad RatsOooo i might get invisible war.
Do we have a Sale Trading Cards swapping/begging thread
FYI Ass Creed Unity is now finally available in UK.
That poor thread is still a graveyard. Oh well time to give it a little life. Cheers.
Yeah, though I had success yesterday with my post in there. I mostly just use steamtradematcher.com and the Card Trades bot.
Yeah, though I had success yesterday with my post in there. I mostly just use steamtradematcher.com and the Card Trades bot.
I'd use those if they didn't ask 3 cards for one card. I'd rather take the old way, and just ask people who have it.
I don't think Valkyria is going to drop in price so soon. Will it?
Ohhh thanks I'll have a look see. I take it you need your inventory set to public view though?
I don't think Valkyria is going to drop in price so soon. Will it?
seems the 60% off on Gal Civ 3 was a mistake, now its 50%