It's almost completely impossible to license anything GPL for a traditional commercial product, so no.Do you think it would have been easier/less resource consuming to just licence Dolphin (GPLv2+) instead of making the port?
... just barely
It's almost completely impossible to license anything GPL for a traditional commercial product, so no.Do you think it would have been easier/less resource consuming to just licence Dolphin (GPLv2+) instead of making the port?
I hope so, but I got a feeling they're going to Sleeping Dogs 2 the series and just let it wither by moving the Deus Ex team to other series, as they already have.
Every franchise needs to breath from time to time. Better wait 3-4 years and then get a good game and not get sequel after sequel pumped out
I forgot to sell my sale cards lmao.
My first. Hope it's good. Every other bundles has looked excellent
wouldnt mind deadly tower of monsters on tomorow's monthly, seems like the kind of semi-high profile indie title they would slap in a monthly
Vanilla XCOM 2 is enough of a curve to start with. Performance is better than launch. Try Long War 2 once you feel comfortable with vanilla.
And Mods? Mass Effect squad, obvs.
Vanilla XCOM 2 is enough of a curve to start with. Performance is better than launch. Try Long War 2 once you feel comfortable with vanilla.
And Mods? Mass Effect squad, obvs.
I keep trying different games but I really cant settle on anything to play because whatever it is I wont finish before the koei games come out anyway, and im having a shit week and the little free time I have ive been sleeping to Im not really playung anything :/
Are we the same person?
I beat it on no hope with Soma. Yeah the difficulty is a bit unbalanced in solo play. Professional to me is better.
So I picked up XCOM 2 with Humble monthly.
Sunk ~50 hours in the first game.
How should I proceed? Vanilla? Long War? Must-have mods?
Also, is performance still an issue?
Decided to play Civ V for the first time ever. Hate turn based games.
7 hours later.
Tutorial doesn't let you save :/
That could be a general slogan for 4x games.7 hours later.
Decided to play Civ V for the first time ever. Hate turn based games.
7 hours later.
Tutorial doesn't let you save :/
It's unfortunate, but it seems like River City Ransom Underground might swoop in and save the day (on February 27th).
-Fixed X-Input controllers that were connected prior to login getting incorrect configuration settings due to not having account data.
Enjoying RE7 lot more than I thought I would, Capcom really has done it.
Really wish I'd enjoyed RE7, second biggest disappointment of the generation behind Quantum Break which was unbelievably dull and outdated.
I wish it was as good as RE6
I wish it was as good as RE6
That's just not a sword worth immolating yourself with.
RE7 has simpler combat, but that doesn't mean it's worse. D-pad assignable weapons, no knockdown-effect when you lose a bit of health, and shots have almost RE5-levels of heft to them. Oh, and item storage. The complexity to RE6's combat means little if they fuck the basics so massively. And the campaign...
That seems like an incredibly low bar to wish for. Luckily we got something that was much, much better.![]()
what are you guys talking about
RE7 is GOTY-tier stuff
Nah. Like maybe if you were thirsting for a return to this style of gameplay and are easily scared. But after the main house the game dips a lot in quality. The last 25% especially.
This will actually be the first time a mainline RE game isn't my GOTY. Unless I somehow play nothing else this year.
nah i wasn't thirsting for thati actually love the more action-y RE games. Even though 6 is the weaker one of the three, for me, i still love it.
RE7 is incredible, though. Great characters, great setting, slower but excellent gameplay... I love everything about it, especially the bakers
it has a drop in quality but the level design and pacing is far superior than RE6.
I'm really starting to think Jaw is trolling. There are just so, so many negatives to RE6, things you simply can't argue for. Everything that it seems to want to be- an action-focused shooter with cool melee counters and shit, is undermined by the terrible encounters, and crap like an inventory that's difficult to utilize in the heat of combat and you falling down each time you lose a block of health. Your character falls on their ass dramatically. I want to stress how fucking horrible that is. Chris' campaign is like 99% dudes shooting at you from far away, and the game penalizes you for playing it NOT like a cover-based Gears clone.
I wasn't much of a bundle buyer but being subbed to the monthly has ruined me when it comes to buying games.
The problem with munch's RE6 thing isn't that he likes it, its that he says its the best.
Thats like me saying that Marvel Heroes is better than, I dunno, Diablo 2 or whatever you kids think is the best one of those.
I'm sorry Jaw, but I'm putting you on notice. Every time you jump into a thread and say RE6 is better than RE7 or Revelations 2, etc. I'm going to want receipts. A full-on, mostly objective and entirely coherent argument as to why the bullshit in RE6 is less offensive than the bullshit in those games. I've played RE4-7, TEW, REV1 and 2 multiple times. I can throw down a soap box and wank myself off something spectacular while talking about the pros and cons, with my hairy bare naked ass ready to hit the mattresses for said knowingly trivial opinions.
Yes, if someone thinks something is the absolute best and constantly jumps into conversations spouting so, they better be damn ready to back it up ad fucking nauseum. The door is open.
The problem with munch's RE6 thing isn't that he likes it, its that he says its the best.
Thats like me saying that Marvel Heroes is better than, I dunno, Diablo 2 or whatever you kids think is the best one of those.
Bundles ruined sales.
Rhaknar tm 2016