You'll get your Sonic 06 news and like it.
Why not Sonic Boom?
You'll get your Sonic 06 news and like it.
srsly an obsidian deus ex game would've been great
Nights of Azure is... bizarre.
I was extremely annoyed at first since the game launcher doesn't let you select a resolution higher than 1080p, but then...
Why not Sonic Boom?
....Sooo... I need to go into the registry to edit the resoltuion?
idk, another fallout by obsidian is something that i think about a lotMaybe. I still think the Aliens RPG was our greatest loss.
Unless they change the launcher, if you want more than 1920x1080, then yeah.....Sooo... I need to go into the registry to edit the resoltuion?
put their name up and details so people know not to deal with them
I've only ever dealt with 1 person on there a few times and have never had any issues
Nights of Azure is... bizarre.
I was extremely annoyed at first since the game launcher doesn't let you select a resolution higher than 1080p, but then...
You'll get your Sonic 06 news and like it.
The port will also be locked at 600p, run at sub 30 on a GTX 1080, and be always online for some strange reason.
Unless they change the launcher, if you want more than 1920x1080, then yeah.
So I'm not at my PC, but the humble Namco is all repeats from last time? At least the cheapy tiers?
Also: praise to the creator of that script that blocks threads by title. No more switch/Trump clogging up my screen...
What about an Obsidian Vampire: The Masquerade?
Didn't a lot of Troika go onto form Obsidian anyway? Or is my history a little off?
history is a little off
ex black isle members founded both troika and obsidian, with some ex troika members later joining obsidian also after troika went down
all of these developers made great games
I don't feel much confidence on Obsidian after Avellone left the team tbh. His philosophy and outlook is the antithesis of Josh Sawyer, and dialectic between the two kept their ideals in check and in turn makes their games more interesting (the stark contrast between Fallout New Vegas and its subsequent DLCs being the prime example). It shame really since the two really complement each other to makes great RPGs (Sawyer with his worldbuilding and Avellone with his character), and now they have split apart.
I actually really enjoyed Sonic 06 so I'd love it
idk, mca is obviously a fantastic writer and storyteller but he didn't write everything in obsidian games
i would rather he was still working there for sure but i believe they'll pull ahead without him
What's the best way to quick-sell my Steam cards on Firefox?
Steam Database works, but the quick-sell doesn't. And Firefox prevents Enhanced Steam from installing.
Geeze, you move that decimal place to the left one spot and I'm lucky if I hit that for 30 seconds (the fake download boost I think)Got to love Steam's download servers.
I hope you're telling KT in advance any issues you have with Sophie/Azure so they can fix it. Save the game before releaseNights of Azure is... bizarre.
I was extremely annoyed at first since the game launcher doesn't let you select a resolution higher than 1080p, but then...
Steam economy enhancer uses Greasemonkey, which is on Firefox, right?
I feel like buying a game when I finally get home from this fam CNY event.
What to buy..
Hmm.. it's been a while since I fiddled with Greasemonkey stuff. I guess I'll try, thanks.
Tales of Berseria.
That is too deep for me >.<
No, just Enslaved and Ace Combat are repeats from the last Namco bundle and Project Cars is a repeat from a Humble Monthly bundle.
Another case of weird-ass port of KT. But I guess if it can changed from the registry and it's playable at 60fps, then they perhaps can patch it to support resolution above 1080p.
I don't feel much confidence on Obsidian after Avellone left the team tbh. His philosophy and outlook is the antithesis of Josh Sawyer, and dialectic between the two kept their ideals in check and in turn makes their games more interesting (the stark contrast between Fallout New Vegas and its subsequent DLCs being the prime example). It shame really since the two really complement each other to makes great RPGs (Sawyer with his worldbuilding and Avellone with his character), and now they have split apart.
I'm with you boyo.feels like im the lst person on earth still playing at 1080p around here lol. Or its just another case of silent majority syndrome.
is Azure 60fps at least?
feels like im the lst person on earth still playing at 1080p around here lol. Or its just another case of silent majority syndrome.
is Azure 60fps at least?
I'm 1080p too. If I had any higher resolution I might need to seriously consider a better graphics card.feels like im the lst person on earth still playing at 1080p around here lol. Or its just another case of silent majority syndrome.
is Azure 60fps at least?