how many fps night of azure run?
30 or 60?
HumbleEducationDeVoss Bundle.
Play such classic indie games as:
2+2 = 5
F = sqrt(m)+a
Violet is 590-620 nm
Black = #FFFFFF
It can run at 144FPS.
oh. wekk there you go then He asked 30 or 60 and 60 is as high as I cn go so I was speaking from experience only.
and on PS4?
This the first time Starbound's been on sale?
Also Cities Skylines Bundle at last
jshackles alert XD
Am I supposed to know who any of those people are? =/
You don't know who jshackles is?
jshackles, yes
Jason Momoa, no
I never questioned who his avatar actually was supposed to be =/
jshackles, yes
Jason Momoa, no
I never questioned who his avatar actually was supposed to be =/
Am I supposed to know who any of these people actually are? =/
they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
I don't watch the Walking Dead TV series and I don't live in the US so I don't watch US commercials to know who she is.they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
I mean I've seen the guy playing Aquaman before but without telling me I honestly wouldn't have known that's him since I forget his real name and since he's not in costume.they are actors and a mma fighters. Jason Momoa is in a lot of things, and is Aquaman in various DC movies soon. The lady is from Walking Dead, so yes, you should know who they are.
And no you dont need to watch the walking dead or dc movies to know that, you just need to not live in a bubble. Surely you would have seen her on some comercial or on the internet or somewhere in the 8 years the walking dead has been on the air.
Sheesh ok =/
I wish I lived in a bubble and never saw The Walking Dead.
dude you asked if you should know those people, and you should, at least some of them![]()
dude you asked if you should know those people, and you should, at least some of them
Aquaman gonna wreck everyone in that tournament.
He punched a comet, and it was as OUTRAGOUESly awesome as it sounds.
Close enough, sweety.
She is the voice of your avatar :V
Should've just said it was a repeat bundle :V
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven – Aya Tsuji
Another Star Wars bundle. Great.