So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
Its a guilty pleasure I would say. Its like those B-movies that feel totally cheap, but are still somehow entertaining.
So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
I have it, but I haven't played it since I had a majority of the story spoiled for me years ago. Seems like there isn't a point in playing it when you know the plot twists.
So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
Yeah if you're not enjoying the combat then feel free to cheat away, you should enjoy the Witcher series for the story and quests.
Try shifting to group stance more frequently while in the swamps. Act 2 serves as a weird speed-bump in pacing and difficulty, causing a lot of players to drop it before they make it to Act 3. Which is unfortunate, since the plot actually starts moving at the very end of Act 2.
So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
I have it, but I haven't played it since I had a majority of the story spoiled for me years ago. Seems like there isn't a point in playing it when you know the plot twists.
Any word on World of Final Fantasy coming to PC?
Wether it's coming or not isn't a question really. The only question is "when".
And as a treat for dedicated fans, completing Mankind Divided on Hard difficulty unlocks a mode titled, "I Never Asked For This." In this setting, players will only have one life to get through the game. Progress can be saved along the way, but if the player dies, that save gets deleted.
Focus a bit on alchemy. It is extremely OP if used correctly.So, The Witcher 1: Should I cheat engine the EXP gain to get better skills or what/ I'm level 10 in Act 2 and these stupid Salamander group people are kicking my ass as I don't have the human sword right now and Agni won't burn them continuously.
It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to musical-game-click the combat. :/
So it looks like Deus Ex: Human Revolution is going to have an unlockable hardcore difficulty mode.
So it looks like Deus Ex: Human Revolution is going to have an unlockable hardcore difficulty mode.
So is this EDF thing actually good? Or just cos animu?
What makes you think it's animu? Serious question in a non-condescending way.
Huh, I see Neptunia Re;Birth1 even has El Shaddai references.
So it looks like Deus Ex: Human Revolution is going to have an unlockable hardcore difficulty mode.
Man, I can't wait for the new Mount and Blade
Is it a new trailer?
I'm on Mobile data and don't want to click.
Even Ace Combat has idolm@ster skins as DLC.
Is it a new trailer?
I'm on Mobile data and don't want to click.
So, you're willing to buy overpriced DLC to prove a point?![]()
me and a bunch of stupid assholes are going to start buying overpriced anime DLC to either die or prove a very important point
they ruined Flash's suit
he's a power ranger now?
they ruined Flash's suit
he's a power ranger now?
they ruined Flash's suit
he's a power ranger now?
they ruined Flash's suit
he's a power ranger now?
So, you're willing to buy overpriced DLC to prove a point?![](), official confirmation! Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Ultimate Alliance 2 are making their way to current-gen consoles! Both games will be available individually and as a bundle on Xbox One, PS4, and PC THIS TUESDAY! Expect a review from us soon after that!
Why the hell do you people not lurk Gaming Discussion more often?
Why the hell do you people not lurk Gaming Discussion more often?
Focus a bit on alchemy. It is extremely OP if used correctly.
Looks interesting. Always mix this series up with X-Men Legends. Hoping those games come as well someday.Why the hell do you people not lurk Gaming Discussion more often?
MUA remasters are $40 each or a $60 bundle.
There are potions and oils. The idea is that you need to use them to actually be maximally effective. More important even than leveling up, IMO. Oils can do extra damage against certain enemies (humans, etc,) and potions can boost certain powers but induce toxicity so you can only use a limited amount. You don't need alchemy points only the formulae which you can buy. So the problem should really only be how you get them. The game also lets you experiment, right? So if you are really in a bind you could just gather the necessary ingredients and look up the combinations.I put points into it, but apparently the only thing I can cook up is like one oil with all the stuff I've been gathering. Does using that stuff give you EXP? Honestly, I'm not sure what the best way of gaining EXP besides exploiting monster respawns is and doing that without leveling so you don't decrease the monster exp gain while doing that.
MUA remasters are $40 each or a $60 bundle.