You can search for all your posts under your profile.I don't know if I dreamt it or what but I swear one of my posts vanished from the thread.
You can search for all your posts under your profile.I don't know if I dreamt it or what but I swear one of my posts vanished from the thread.
Search wouldn't bring back missing posts or my sanity.You can search for all your posts under your profile.
Search wouldn't bring back missing posts or my sanity.
My 3DS is 9.2 but back in the day when Gateway originally published their New 3DS exploit you had to have OOT3D or Cubic Ninja =)Maybe if you were like me and kept your 3DS on 9.2, you'd need no special games to CFW your 3DS.![]()
Man I wish No Man's Sky would release sooner.
I want to know if it'll be good or a crushing disappointment.
What's the best game you ever got from modbot?
Yep, I thought I was doing something wrong when I couldn't damage the first enemy. Luckily I asked here and someone told me to just run and get the sword in the next town, which I did. Great game, but starting it like that wasn't a bright idea.Started Ys 1
The difference that a slight upgrade in gear and leveling makes is even crazier than Oath in Felghana.
Also, imo it was really dumb to give the player a combat tutorial screen at a point when they likely have no weapons yet and fighting even the most basic opponent is suicide.
"Oh, so that's how this works? Alright, let me try it ou-" *DEAD*
If I need to move a game from one HDD to a SSD, what is best method?
Though I can download it prob in less then 30 minutes. Deleting games doesn't delete saves right?
ActuallyStarted Ys 1
The difference that a slight upgrade in gear and leveling makes is even crazier than Oath in Felghana.
Also, imo it was really dumb to give the player a combat tutorial screen at a point when they likely have no weapons yet and fighting even the most basic opponent is suicide.
"Oh, so that's how this works? Alright, let me try it ou-" *DEAD*
If I need to move a game from one HDD to a SSD, what is best method?
Though I can download it prob in less then 30 minutes. Deleting games doesn't delete saves right?
Started Ys 1
The difference that a slight upgrade in gear and leveling makes is even crazier than Oath in Felghana.
Also, imo it was really dumb to give the player a combat tutorial screen at a point when they likely have no weapons yet and fighting even the most basic opponent is suicide.
"Oh, so that's how this works? Alright, let me try it ou-" *DEAD*
What do you *do* there? Just swim around enjoying the view / finding shinies? Or is there a story?
If I need to move a game from one HDD to a SSD, what is best method?
Though I can download it prob in less then 30 minutes. Deleting games doesn't delete saves right?
I don't think it has a story, I didn't look too deep into it, as I planned to play day one, so the less I know the better, but it is an exploration game.
OTOH, NMS has no story either, so what's the difference?
Got it. No objections to having no story, just wanted to know because the screens look fantastic, but apparently worlds can be too open for me, I found my after-work brain appreciates some guidance.
You're talking secrets, when this is my first time playingActually
You dont have to fight
First u must find the vase which is somewhere in the north east or east area of the plains by a river side
Take it to the shop in minea and keep rejecting to sell it 10 times
This way he will buy stuff from u for 10% more
After selling it, buy the ring from him but only after u repeat the above step to get 10% discount
Take the ring to the bar in minea and talk to the trio of men to get some more gold
Now u have enough for
Tier 2 sword, tier 1 armor and tier 1 shield
And again, secrets, first time playingAs someone who is learning to speedrun the game you should avoid battling enemies until u get to minea and do the above steps
Also slaff will give u tier 1 sword if u talk to everyone in the starting village first then talking to him before leaving
He will giv u tier 3 sword for free after u save a certain someone if u return to the village and speak with him
Ah fair enough butYou're talking secrets, when this is my first time playing
And again, secrets, first time playing
It's dumb dumb dumb design to give you a combat tutorial at a moment when less than 23% of all players have ever even received the free shortsword! (According to Steam achievement stats)
"Here's a combat tutorial... but you should just fucking run to next town unless you have a guide in your lap"
I usually take the long route of making a Steam backup of the game, deleting the old installation and then reinstalling to the new location with the backup.
Save files are stored somewhere else. There are some games that are stored in the same folder as the executable files though
Use GameSave Manager if you want to be sure. Although if you play a very unknown game then it might not be supported by GSM
Just move the game directory and the corresponding ACF file to the drive's Steam directory and restart Steam.
I just deleted and re-downloading as a naked lady was yelling at me to join her in the shower.
I just deleted and re-downloading as a naked lady was yelling at me to join her in the shower.
I just deleted and re-downloading as a naked lady was yelling at me to join her in the shower.
Say hi to your grandmother for me.
Doge game has pricey cards for being >$1
Doge game has pricey cards for being >$1
It is my wife guys.
It's roughly a decade late, but this still makes me happy.
It's roughly a decade late, but this still makes me happy.
I still can't believe that PC is part of the logo in these cases.
Looks so tacked on, especially on Disgaea.
They should have figured out a good subtitle for them both that would also be a PC backronym, then I would approve.
Call it "Perfect Collection". Bam. Profit.I still can't believe that PC is part of the logo in these cases.
Looks so tacked on, especially on Disgaea.
They should have figured out a good subtitle for them both that would also be a PC backronym, then I would approve.
It is now my birthday.
For some reason, steam stop launching, I get as far as logging into account and steam closes. No error messages in the logs I can see. Rebooting computer hasn't fixed it. Any ideas before I try a reinstall?
It is now my birthday.