Is it still unsafe to use windows update with Win7? I accidentally did a manual check for updates this morning and I'm scared. Don't want none of that forced Win10 shit.
Pulling that noose tighter now that they have a huge catch.
Microsoft is making a really great argument for why you want a free (as in libre) operating system. Sad that Linux is still totally unusable for normal users though. Maybe Win 10 will become so bad that eventually a bunch of software companies come together to "fix" Linux, simply to have a good dev environment for their own developers that they can fully control.
Hey SteamGAF, what are your favorite indie games or early access games that have been released this year? Looking for something new and interesting to play and there's too many choices in the steam store lol
A bit late, but happy birthday man puncher~
Grim Dawn. Get it.
Is it possible to have two separate download directorys on uPlay(similar to steam)?
SSD is low on space so I'd rather download onto my HDD and keep my games on my SSD installed
There are way better choices.
I really wanted to like Grim Dawn, but I just don't think it's very fun. Combat is a slogfest, gear upgrades are way way too random as you're leveling (went 13 levels before finding a weapon upgrade in the middle of the campaign) and to stay strong in combat you end up dumping most of your points into passive stats. There's a lot of neat ideas in the game, and I liked Titan Quest, but it feels like they took TQ and slowed it down and only sort of balanced everything.
Blade Arcus in 5 hours. Anyone here getting that?
I just bought it. Seems to run fine. I'm not one to ask about netcode since I'm in San Diego County and there's probably a few people in the area who also have the game within a close proximity.... maybe.
EDF is seriously incredible. This is one of my favorite games in years
Blade Arcus is ass. I love fighting games but... this game is not good. I just played a slow motion match online and someone disconnected after I killed them and I was presented with this:
This game... is tragic. Even offline feels stiff and awkward. You're better off buying Melty Blood, Arcana Heart, Guilty Gear or one of the many other fighting games available.
Under Night In-Birth Exe Late deserves more sales tbh.
Under Night In-Birth Exe Late deserves more sales tbh.
This game, man.
Tried to leave a HUGE sidequest area without getting detected. Somehow fuck up and make my way to the roof. Shut off some transmission. Turns out I have now completely bypassed a main quest trying to leave a sidequest. (But props to the developers for making it available ahead of time, and having dialogue to reflect it.)
Get back to my apartment, "oh btw go back into that area crawling with villains so you can use the helipad." FFFFUUUUU....
Bundlestars has the Metro Redux bundle for $5.99, which I think is the cheapest it's been since last fall.
Deus Ex: HR? I think I know which area you're talking about. I had... an adventure getting to the top floor and back again--I refused to retreat. Being purely stealth spec, I was a bit unprepared for some of the enemies, IIRC.
Really surprised me how much fun it ended up being overall. A little janky in spots, but so engaging, particularly the stealth, infiltration, and hacking stuff. Like, even the Nigerian prince spam emails pay off.
That sounds pretty good. I've been waiting until my gpu could wring everything out of these games.Bundlestars has the Metro Redux bundle for $5.99, which I think is the cheapest it's been since last fall.
Well, seems Microsoft are going to prevent people cutting out Windows 10 "features" by preventing sets of group policy edits, unless you can get a hold of a education or enterprise version of Windows 10...
Fuck this noise
There are some blockbuster PC games coming relatively soon. No Man's Sky, Civilization VI, Deus Ex, all appeal heavily to the PC demographic.
I'm actually most excited for Dead Rising 1.
Bundlestars has the Metro Redux bundle for $5.99, which I think is the cheapest it's been since last fall.
Region-locked game -This Product will only activate in the following regions:
Japan, Korea, Republic of, Thailand, Taiwan, Province of China, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Israel, Malaysia, Viet Nam, Hong Kong, India, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Iran, Islamic Republic of, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Brunei Darussalam, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Cambodia, Oman, Syrian Arab Republic, Palestine, State of, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Afghanistan, Yemen, Timor-Leste, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of, Bhutan.
I like how you don't include the PC exclusive that will outsell all of those (well maybe not Civ 6, im not sure how those Civ games do on release, are they million sellers or release?)
Pretty sure you can install uPlay games wherever you want.
I had The Division beta (uplay) installed on my D: drive, while uPlay is on C.
Just realized that the game now has controller support. Not perfect, but decent enough.
I rarely (or maybe almost never) buy early access games anyway. I'll get them when they're released.
Kinda agree with the weapon upgrade. Sometimes I ended up getting my upgrades from the shops.
Hey guys. Built a gaming pc a few months ago and I'm really starting to dig in. Currently I'm playing Rocket League, DOOM, and Elder Scrolls Online. I noticed there's a NeoGAF group on steam. Any way I can get an invite from somebody? I need friends to play with!
You'll need to link your Steam profile for people to invite you.
MG patched The House Fata Morgana again with more new sprites that add more consistency in the artwork.
Also to celebrate the 3DS release in Japan they are doing sale on the game tomorrow on Steam and MangaGamer.
Maybe it's just me but I think the before looks better. The muted colors seemed to work better for the setting. The face as well. I haven't played it so I might be off.
You're not wrong. I just forgot about this one personally.
The rest of humor comes from the "narrator", Earl, who guides you through the journey, and the joke is based around his south american accent, that is just... not funny? Overall, I just found it to be tiresome.
Some screenshots:
Thats alright I'm sure Lain forgives you.
But how?