Finished INSIDE.
Go play it. Now. It's something special.
What if I'm not big on stealth or horror?
Finished INSIDE.
Go play it. Now. It's something special.
It isn't really either of those thingsWhat if I'm not big on stealth or horror?
What if I'm not big on stealth or horror?
Finished INSIDE.
Go play it. Now. It's something special.
What if I thought Limbo was nothing special?
That's why everyone hates PC gamers.
Meh, the people mocking him without even providing any help... :/
My wife's cousin who doesn't even speak my language had me come and help him choose parts.
Now hes coming over with the parts (stuff was back ordered) and I am going to help him.
We don't even speak the same language.
My wife's cousin who doesn't even speak my language had me come and help him choose parts.
Now hes coming over with the parts (stuff was back ordered) and I am going to help him.
We don't even speak the same language.
I'm a big fan of bundles![]()
I feel like Rockstar would not have agreed to enable Xbox backward compatibility for RDR if a remaster was in the works.
PC gaming - the universal language.
You should stream it like Butterlive or whatever he was called
Finished INSIDE.
This is the first Tales game with a female protagonist, right? I mean, not that anyone would be able to tell the difference, but it's a nice academic distinction.Tales of Berseria is looking good.
This is the first Tales game with a female protagonist, right? I mean, not that anyone would be able to tell the difference, but it's a nice academic distinction.
Unity Player [version: Unity 5.1.4f1_36d0f3617432]
dxgi.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module dxgi.dll at 0023:700a4d76.
Error occurred at 2016-07-09_145126.
C:\Applis\Steam\steamapps\common\Haven Moon\WIN\HavenMoon.exe, run by Wok.
32% memory in use.
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
700A4D76 (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
700AA31B (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Tentative d’accès à une adresse non valide.' (Address: 700A03E0)
700A03E0 (dxgi)
ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: 'Tentative d’accès à une adresse non valide.' (Address: 7009FA8E)
7009FA8E (dxgi)
700AD815 (dxgi) ApplyCompatResolutionQuirking
700D760C (dxgi) DXGIGetDebugInterface1
700D7369 (dxgi) DXGIGetDebugInterface1
61A96A0E (gameoverlayrenderer) OverlayHookD3D3
016B2591 (HavenMoon) RectT<int>::GetXMax
016B3094 (HavenMoon) RectT<int>::GetXMax
01158CD7 (HavenMoon) RectT<int>::RectT<int>
0138E81D (HavenMoon) Append
012EF755 (HavenMoon) RectT<int>::Contains
0139561D (HavenMoon) PlayerWinMain
016E6808 (HavenMoon) RemapPPtrTransfer::TransferTypelessData
017223B8 (HavenMoon) RemapPPtrTransfer::TransferTypelessData
74AF38F4 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
77D65DE3 (ntdll) RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
77D65DAE (ntdll) RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
**** Crash! ****
Xillia 1
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
While Haven Moon has a nice Myst-like vibe, the game does suffer from some aliasing. So I have tried to use GeoDoSaTo for downsampling as a way to force anti-aliasing.
I have followed this tutorial, but unfortunately, the game crashes at the "A big dump" section, only when GeoDoSaTo is activated. Has anyone managed to use GeoDoSaTo for Unity games before?
I have an error.log file:
and an output_log.txt :
Finished INSIDE.
I chuckled, I thought I was better than this.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Finished INSIDE.
Go play it. Now. It's something special.
What if I thought Limbo was nothing special?
I don't know if I'm late, but I was able to buy Dracula's Origin Pack from Nuuvem without VPN and using my own paypal. (USA here)
Maybe they're allowing some titles to be bought by everyone now?
Finished INSIDE.
Go play it. Now. It's something special.
Yeah I heard that some stuff is not region locked from them now.
Cool! Anything good?
No idea. I only saw someone mention it in the Summer Sale thread if I remember correctly.
Oh,some how i read it PGS.It's GPD, they are alright. The fishes you are smelling come from PGS instead. Besides, this one is on IndieGogo, not KS
Guys, is legit? They have Football Manager 2016 for really cheap and I kinda want to give that series a shot. I have to buy a key, because EA and their licenses are blocking these games from being sold in Germany.
Guys, is legit? They have Football Manager 2016 for really cheap and I kinda want to give that series a shot. I have to buy a key, because EA and their licenses are blocking these games from being sold in Germany.
i'm unironically liking doom3
but the enemy encounters are sorta lame
Only on the second mission of Doom but it's shaping up to be really damn good. The demo should've given you more weapons to mess with and bigger arenas.
Thanks GMG for the below $29 price.
Doom 3 isn't a bad game. It just is a game that is very different from what Doom has been. It doesn't even try to recreate the feel of the old games and just goes for the Half-life approach. I liked Doom 3 when it came out and I still think it is good for what it tried to be.
Do I prefer what Doom 2016 did though? Yes, absolutely.
Thanks for doing this Speevy. It's indeed something that everyone should covet (though I've already finished it)
Here's a 3 hours raffle, I tried to mirror your restrictions, etc.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
to my one homie who was discussing 10000000 and you must build boat some days ago, boat is indeed much longer (and jusr overall a better game), it took me 7 hours on mobile to finish and I didnt get all the upgrades (compred to the 3 hours / all upgrades on 10000000)
great games tho, especially you must build a boat
I'm going bundle cold turkey. Though I did spend my almost $3 groupees coin on the last build a bundle as I wanted to try Tales from the Void. It's terrible. But that was the last one, I swear!
Yeah I noticed that worth multi level arenas in the second mission and on the hardest difficulty available the game shines.I mean I enjoyed that game from the start, but it only becomes better. They give you more tools to have fun with and the arena become more complex.
I don't think it'll be cheaper during Quakecon and will probably just match the summer sale price of $35.So should I wait on Doom for an even lower price? Seems like it's shooting way down really quickly.
Guys, is legit? They have Football Manager 2016 for really cheap and I kinda want to give that series a shot. I have to buy a key, because EA and their licenses are blocking these games from being sold in Germany.