At this rate, I'm more hyped for Ricochet 2 than I am for The Game That Must Not Be Named.
Can't wait for that exclusive preorder bonus!Are those Aiden Pearce's iconic glasses inside the Watch_Dogs' iconic sheath?
Are those Aiden Pearce's iconic glasses inside the Watch_Dogs' iconic sheath?
Watch_Dogs_2 gonna be dope, just like Watch_Dogs.
Watch_Dogs_2 gonna be dope, just like Watch_Dogs.
when did Neogaf get facebook buttons on threads
Agreed. I loved watch dogs. Including Asshole Aiden Pearce. Mainly since he knew he was an asshole, but just wanted to get the job done.
Not like Cole Phelps, who was an asshole but pretended to have a heart of goldz
At this rate, I'm more hyped for Ricochet 2 than I am for The Game That Must Not Be Named.
Elder Scrolls VI announcement coming in 2 weeks. Bethesda gunning for the game of the generation.
Get ready SteamGAF
I don't usually care about stuff like that, my mind just stops noticing but the colors make it stand out in a jarring fashion. Thankfully easily blockable.when did Neogaf get facebook buttons on threads
when did Neogaf get facebook buttons on threads
I played a bit of Senran Kagura. Did a Trick or Treat mission and someone said sth. like:
"trick or treat. the objective is to get pounded"
Managed to snag a 980 ti from this sale.
and i am looking how to buy GTX970 below 350$
Also Watch_Dogs had potential but they missed few things in first game. I hope that they realized their mistakes and that Watch_Dogs 2 will be great game.
Managed to snag a 980 ti from this sale.
I'll sell you mine for less than that asap.
Nice deal.Managed to snag a 980 ti from this sale.
Happy birthday to you as well!Happy Birthday to you!And Happy Birthday to me!
I'll sell you mine for less than that asap.
How's the Senran port quality?
Don't worry morningbus, I'll pick you up a copy when it release. I've got your back man.
It really depends. They often rise in price when there's a new CS go event. On sales they can sometimes go down quite a bit because some people rush to sell them for summer sale funds.Will the prices for keys rise during the sale or the opposite?
Wonder if I should buy a lot now, then wait to sell or sell them after I bought them.
and i am looking how to buy GTX970 below 350$
Also Watch_Dogs had potential but they missed few things in first game. I hope that they realized their mistakes and that Watch_Dogs 2 will be great game.
It really depends. They often rise in price when there's a new CS go event. On sales they can sometimes go down quite a bit because some people rush to sell them for summer sale funds.
Basically, stock on keys and sell them immediately whenever they are in the 2.60$ ballpark
What was the name of the Paper Mario like game on Steam? As in side scrolling perspective, looks like paper moving about, cartoonish etc.
Best searching can find me is Saturday Morning RPG, but that's not what I'm looking for.
Aiden's going to be a Glasshole in WD2. No more smartphone, he's upgraded to some Google Glass.
Aiden's going to be a Glasshole in WD2. No more smartphone, he's upgraded to some Google Glass.
Flat Kingdom?What was the name of the Paper Mario like game on Steam? As in side scrolling perspective, looks like paper moving about, cartoonish etc.
Best searching can find me is Saturday Morning RPG, but that's not what I'm looking for.
overwatch is cool
One picture was leaked where the main character looked like a bespactled asian.