Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
I've reached 7500 achievements and 49% average. Go me, 50% are near.
Had me worried for a sec... nah still got it.

I've reached 7500 achievements and 49% average. Go me, 50% are near.
It who shall not be named was accepted so I don't see why it wouldn't be allowed.
I need Hitman. Why isn't there more hype? I mean you can offer people massages, that's gotta count for something.
well since it was banned from twitch and stuff, idk
Had me worried for a sec... nah still got it.
God damn, looks like I got some catching up to do. And I thought I was doing so well...
Had me worried for a sec... nah still got it.
????I'm glad Yandere exists simply because you see all the usual suspects that defend their usual lolibait games by going "At least they're not violent like games you guys play!" totally drooling over playing it.
Kurt made it. I'm so proud.
Edited.Time stamp?
I'm glad Yandere exists simply because you see all the usual suspects that defend their usual lolibait games by going "At least they're not violent like games you guys play!" totally drooling over playing it.
I completely forgot about DxWnd. Got MtG Battlegrounds running at 4k. I am so happy.
Does anybody in here say that? I mean, shit, that's a hell of a strawman.
You know who wishes they'd sold as much as Battleborn? The Homefront devs.
That $15 Siege thing is pretty neat, I might actually get it now.
System Shock 2 works shockingly (get it...) well with the Steam Controller, first game of the handful I've tested today that really feels natural immediately.
Don't expect anything this year on that front, it's still in early design exploration.
Honestly I think you might as well wait for a sale on the full thing at this point, might not be worth all the grinding.
Would've been a great option at launch though.
Even as "Play of the Game". Kurt, you're famous now! What you gonna do?
SS2 is a great place to start with the Steam Controller. It does a really good job of showing off the potential of the Touch Menu.
If anyone was waiting for a Steam Controller revision:
Kurt don't step on us little people as you ascend to fame and fortune.
Tales of Symphonia for £6, tempting....
Have recent patches completely fixed the game now?
Yeah the touch menu is great, are there any other games that take advantage of it, or is it possible make a touch menu for a game myself?
You can create one for any game you'd like. You have full control over the icons, size, colors, placement, number of buttons, etc. It's really cool.
Odin Sphere looks great
Tales of Symphonia for £6, tempting....
Have recent patches completely fixed the game now?
Odin Sphere was one of the most boring and repetitive games I have ever had the misfortune of playing and I don't believe the positive reviews it is getting for a second.
Didn't care for Dragon's Crown either. Love the art though.
Hitman is fucking GOTY. I have over 120 hours on it and I barely touched Marrakesh.
Hitman is fucking GOTY. I have over 120 hours on it and I barely touched Marrakesh.
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos out now on Steam for $39.99
Also you can do charity and gift me a copy of the game
Don't shill it, if you can't buy it.