Attention STRAYA.
Big W will have 10% off Steam cards from the 22nd.
End communication.
Even a great soundtrack couldn't have saved that slogfest.You know I feel like Castlevania Mirror of Fate would've been a more engagin game if it had a soudntrack like the traditional games.
I see Wolfenstein: TNO is on sale. Though it has been cheaper before. Anyone think it will be even cheaper during the steam sale?
Only if you asked for a refund.
If you never did or did so a long time ago, you do not have that restriction on your account.
Pathfinder Adventures is the opposite of f2p >_>
Can you get random card drops now for logging in? I frequently get booster packs but I just got a card for Baulder's Gate which I don't even have installed and the game doesn't show in my recently played.
Can you get random card drops now for logging in? I frequently get booster packs but I just got a card for Baulder's Gate which I don't even have installed and the game doesn't show in my recently played.
No but card drops will now be backlogged. Basically if a game gets trading cards and you already put hours on it before you will get those drops without needing to play the game again.
At the very least it will match it again. So you lose nothing by waiting.I see Wolfenstein: TNO is on sale. Though it has been cheaper before. Anyone think it will be even cheaper during the steam sale?
At the very least it will match it again. So you lose nothing by waiting.
It would've been nice if this applied retroactively.
It does.
I got icewind dale and bg cards today despite not having played them in months.
So what kind of deep, deep discount can I expect on RE7 next week? 15%?
Hi Steamgaf, need your opinion on something. Im experimenting on wherever I should revamp and make a new blog cause the limitations when using .wordpress as subdomain for the blog is really bad. I can't change theme, can't get better statistic overview, can hardly customize etc. As some of you might know, my current blog is at
Im experimenting on a new name, a new subdomain (until further, might buy my own domain if thiings go well). Also instead of writing in Norwegian, I will write in English.
The new blog/website is at What you guys think about the design and name compared to the older one?
Like I said, this is all just fun and experimenting in trying something new.
So what kind of deep, deep discount can I expect on RE7 next week? 15%?
why am I seeing US prices on my EU client >_>
why am I seeing US prices on my EU client >_>
Good job R*
Good job R*
I think something is up with Steam in general actually =/
The new name is getting closer to something I could remember. I would always forget the ezryo part.
The layout is fine. It feels less fancy, but not worse necessarily.
I read a bit of the Dead Cells write-up. I know you're just having fun, but there were quite a few typos that made it actively confusing to read. Just a heads up.
Just my 2 cents.
Pleasantly surprised to discover that Castle of Shikigami is out tomorrow. Neat.
Widescreen fix for BGE is so beautiful. Had to use one of the compatibility options to make it not run like ass and I also initially had a problem with it complaining about missing EAX, which was solved by running the settings app through uplay, as opposed to straight from the game folder. It installed some extra stuff and worked.
Giveaway Helper script is a godsend, makes joining/leaving Steam groups painless.Free Tomb Joe.
You have to join a bunch of steam groups, though.
I don't know if it has been mentioned already but Rockstar is going to make a "statement" soon regarding them shutting down the OpenIV tool.
They'll probably end the statement with a "please spend your money on GTA Online cuz you're all whales".
Take-Two's statement said:"Take-Two's actions were not specifically targeting single player mods. Unfortunately OpenIV enables recent malicious mods that allow harassment of players and interfere with the GTA Online experience for everybody. We are working to figure out how we can continue to support the creative community without negatively impacting our players."
fuck GTAO ... not only it killed chance for SP DLCs, now even modsPC Gamer updated their article with Rockstar/Take-Two's statement and here it is as follows:
PC Gamer updated their article with Rockstar/Take-Two's statement and here it is as follows: