All of it are Spoilers. Seriously, don't read or look at the screenshots if you haven't played it yet.
Yesterday I played The Stanley Parable (Greeting to saunderez

why aren't you posting anymore bud?).
It was... an experience. A good one. I had a very pleasant time with it and was genuienly surprised throughout. Once I thought I finished all possible routes another whole crazy one opened up. Of course it takes you out when you repeat a section and it actually plays out exactly but hey, you can't expect total randomness on that level of narration.
I really liked how your choices took the game to whole different directions. Once in a psycho-route, then a meta developer route, then a mindcontrol-route. It is a ride I say! Totally got some genuine laughs at many points as well. Just try not to follow the narrator's directions. It can get hilarious!
Totally recommend it. After doing - what I thought to be - all possible things and closing the game I saw this:
Only 30% ??? Wow, I will go back at it but I am not sure what else I could do (or not do

Here some screens. I tried to choose less spoilery screens but still don't look if you haven't played it yet. There are HUNDREDS more very funny screens but this should suffice

Also, game runs at crazy high frames, in the hundreds!
I really enjoyed the mindbending, impossible levels, so I think I will try Antichamber next :3