I'm hating and loving Hitman 2. I love it because the missions are very interesting and the "plot" is intriguing, at least something different from what I saw until now. 47 has a personality and feelings, here, so I like this a lot.
But I hate the game when it throws at you an almost impossible (Motorcade Interception) or broken mission (pretty much all Japan ones).
I spent two hours on Motorcade because I keep shooting Onu soldiers, or when I managed to stop the escort and sniping the Khan, someone killed me with a random headshot istanlty. Really, it's just frustrating.
Oh, and I hate pretty much all missions including random elements to be placed. You plan a strategy, you die just to discover what you just learned it doesn't apply because the location of the objective changed.
Luckily I'm missing only five missions on Professional, won't touch another stealth game for a while, since lately I played a lot of them.
Pack it up SteamGAF, no FFXV PC announcement at FFXV Uncovered
This teaser leaked:
Well, I doubt SE planned an event just to show this crappy teaser. The fact Steam is missing could mean nothing: maybe the one listed are retail platforms while the PC edition will be digital only, maybe it will come later (SE loves double dipper and their money) and SE won't announce the PC platform yet.
If this is the case, I'm very tired about their crappy policies.
But do we have any proof that double-dippers are worth more than releasing the game at the same time?
Well who knows, SE is still not on the PC bandwagon. they'll release their shit sooner or later, mostly much later :/
I don't know, but if GAF is indicative, there are plenty of people who double-dipped for FF games, even for crappy ones like FFXIII trilogy. Also SE can always throw a garbage port like they did in 99% of the cases and even if they sell 1 copy on PC they still gained money, since they spent basically none to do the port. At this point, I'm curious to see how FFIX will run, just to discover if they put effort in the port or not.
Also I bet if FFXV will be ever released on PC, it will have 14 DRM on it.
the sold 120k of Type 0 on the PC and some of that was likely double dips so who knows. It's not like that game sold well on any platform really
Don't forget Type 0 on console was also 71€, just because it included the FFXV demo

And still, it sold a lot. SE basically went away by selling a 71€ remaster with a demo bundled on it. Just look at Kingdom Hearts 2.8, it's priced 58€ here, but at least there's one game, one...prologue? Introduction? Whatever? plus a novel no one will watch because KH plot turned into a garbage.
But at least it's not 71€, and the Aqua prologue it's not a demo (I hope).
They even celebrated Type 0 sells, I remember.
i recall SE being generally disappointed with FFT0's numbers on consoles, not just on the XB1. I have neither the energy nor the interest to look that up, though.
Nope, I remember they celebrated sales with a promotional art with Noctis and the Type 0 dude saying thanks, a thing which spammed a lot of "the money" gif from FFXV.