Very slim pickings this month.
If anyone has a copy of Evolve left I have about 7$ left in my PayPal.
On another note, how come is the November thread early? I do like the smell of a new thread though....
air 2 for steam looks pretty rad. it's like all white and shit
tho i kinda hate that rounded square thingie icon for maximizing with all my passion
new thread hype
Whooo, new thread!
If anyone has a copy of Evolve left I have about 7$ left in my PayPal.
air 2 for steam looks pretty rad. it's like all white and shit
On another note, how come is the November thread early? I do like the smell of a new thread though....
Hey, Jase thanks again for answering about Arma2.Oh, yeah, unreleased games don't show up on Steam Community unless you're a dev.
Hey i know this is completely off-topic. But those of you whom I helped get a copy of Evolve. Could you do me a small favor and go to the B/S/T 2015 thread and leave me a feedback? I need to build up my streets creds. Gotta represent.
Thank you <3
Yup, 30 fps loveI guess Ubisoft does care about PC...
Hey, Jase thanks again for answering about Arma2.
Just one more unrelated question. I got the 200 listings-message from Steam Market. As someone who is not from US, Steam won't send tax stuff to my departments here in Germany, right? Can I fake the form or better fill out correct?
Last question. This time for real.
Check thread rules.
Check thread rules.
Dammit, did I miss another price glitch? :/
It's not all that early. Orange lives in the UK and it'll be the 1st in a few hours.
Everyone lives in Provincia de Buenos Aires.
Really crazy country, we have a lot more space than it seems.
Fill it out correctly. Because if you ever bought something through the US store they'll want more documents.
completed bulletstorm today , fun game overalllame ending though , hate when the last enemy is a QTE -_-
Alright, fellow citizenFill it out correctly. Because if you ever bought something through the US store they'll want more documents.
Oh, one more reason then. Thanks.Also, within the last few weeks there were a lot of people who got perma-banned from trading for filling out this form using fake details.
Where do you get themes for steam?
Alright, fellow citizen
Will do. But what do you mean by buying something from the US store? I thought it's impossible to buy from different regional stores?
Was hoping the Dark Souls 2 season pass would go on sale this Halloween. Guess we have to wait for the winter sale.
Fill it out correctly. Because if you ever bought something through the US store they'll want more documents.
Interestingly, I moved from Canada to the U.S. and contacted them to switch my account over but they haven't yet asked me for updated tax info. No idea what the scoop is there
Is I Have No Mouth worth it? I love point and click adventure games, but the steam reviews seem pretty lukewarm.
This is a game plagued by the downfalls of the point and click adventure genre, including the usual obtuse puzzles and occasionally bug, but if you can overlook those, I Have No Mouth is a twisted disturbing ride that you should experience. The game expands on the short story's plot, giving back stories to the five main cast and largely not following the original plot, though there are a few references to it throughout the game. Each of the five characters has their own development over the course of their scenarios, which can be positive or negative depending on your moral choices in the game. Each of them has some flaw that, during each of their scenarios, they're pitted against and may or may not overcome in a chance for redemption; Ellen, for example, is deathly terrified of the color yellow, and the main point of her scenario is confronting her fear in addition to escaping AM. In my opinion, three of the scenarios are excellent, one is less great but still good nonetheless, and one is mediocre/average border-lining on bad (mainly because the puzzles become exceedingly obtuse), as well as a bonus final scenario that is overly complex yet interesting and rich in psychological themes. The gameplay is typical for a point and click, and is sometimes hampered by bugs, including instances where your character walks backwards. The animation isn't really the best and is dated. The art direction, on the other hand, is excellent, and much like the developer's other game Darkseed, is very much in the style of H.R. Giger. The backing soundtrack is good. The voice acting is spot on, especially AM's, voiced by Harlan Ellison himself. The narrative is dark and disturbing, filled with events that should make the player squeamish, including themes, that are at least alluded to if you've read the short story, of genocide, lust, homosexuality, rape (probably what made me the most uncomfortable), and clinical insanity; some were even too dark to include in the game, such as eating a baby. It's a narrative that is interesting on multiple levels, and everyone should experience through one form or another.
At this point, yelling "new thread smell" is a tradition. It's just something we have to do to inaugurate every topic, seeing how infrequent it is.
It happens twice a month now... it detracts from the conversation in hand if everyone starts doing it.
Air 2 burns my eyes. Just too much white!
At this point, yelling "new thread smell" is a tradition. It's just something we have to do to inaugurate every topic, seeing how infrequent it is.
Top stuff as always MRORANGE and everyone who contributed.
While I'm here and not hiding from trick or treaters can I reserve a recommendation for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes for next month? Technically written already but needs some editing down (a bit like Kojima's games).
Oh and also you have 29th December listed as the cut off in the OP which might be a little late![]()
Hell of a write up there, Dr.Dogg
Man, it's been a while since I visited a Steam thread since Destiny came out. But I'm trying to wean myself off of it and revisit my Steam library.
Happy Halloween guys!
Whoops, that's been fixed and you've been listed for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, thanks again for your support![]()
Then at least do it while posting something else.