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Humble daily A City Sleeps 40% off
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Daily Orcs Must Die 275% off
Humble daily A City Sleeps 40% off
I'm still hooked on Ass Unity. It's a bummer switching to FC4 after playing it when FC4 looks like a generation behind Unity in terms of shaders.
The true face of gaming and the reason we got sent to community.
Put it this way I've just finished Sequence 2 and already I've already done 3 open ended assassinstaion missions with various effective options to get the job done
Some CS:Go players on public servers feel like kids.
I mean burping/farting sounds?
Playing some music?
Have some laughtrack playing when they kill someone?
Come on...
You wait until you get to Rogue then. It has all the trappings of a last gen game technicaly and visually but it's one of the best Ass Creeds I've got sucked into.
Put it this way I've just finished Sequence 2 and already I've already done 3 open ended assassinstaion missions with various effective options to get the job done, visited a whole host of new locations in both the snowy North Atlantic and the River Valley which is more Northern Territories themed, having a bit more variety than most of the previous games (Sleepy Hollow was a nice stop over where the church is the Viewpoint and the stock Red Coat scarecrow we've seen in III and Black Flag has got a pumpkin head makeover). The dialogue between Shay and his 1st mate that happens after missions whilst sailing to the next has cut down on exposition cutscenes and kept the pace up of the story as well as developing their characters (with a few witty exchanges as well), plus experienced one of the best free running set pieces the series has to offer with some decent context behind it and only now have I just got into New York which is the same size as it was in III but teaming with life, not half fallen down and has the inclusion of Gang Hideouts which are like mini Far Cry fortresses to liberate and meet a whole cast a characters from III and IV.
That's not touching of the new gameplay mechanics leveraged from the discarded multiplayer, ship combat upgrades, collectables or pressent day stuff which is the same slant of Black Flag but seems to be even more selfaware and taking a few snipes at Ubi themselves. So yeah all that and I've just scratched the surface. Fingers crossed when this gets a PC release next year that can help clean it up a bit but from a gameplay stand point I'm more than chuffed already.
I'll grab it when it comes out on PC next year.You wait until you get to Rogue then. It has all the trappings of a last gen game technicaly and visually but it's one of the best Ass Creeds I've got sucked into.
Put it this way I've just finished Sequence 2 and already I've already done 3 open ended assassinstaion missions with various effective options to get the job done, visited a whole host of new locations in both the snowy North Atlantic and the River Valley which is more Northern Territories themed, having a bit more variety than most of the previous games (Sleepy Hollow was a nice stop over where the church is the Viewpoint and the stock Red Coat scarecrow we've seen in III and Black Flag has got a pumpkin head makeover). The dialogue between Shay and his 1st mate that happens after missions whilst sailing to the next has cut down on exposition cutscenes and kept the pace up of the story as well as developing their characters (with a few witty exchanges as well), plus experienced one of the best free running set pieces the series has to offer with some decent context behind it and only now have I just got into New York which is the same size as it was in III but teaming with life, not half fallen down and has the inclusion of Gang Hideouts which are like mini Far Cry fortresses to liberate and meet a whole cast a characters from III and IV.
That's not touching of the new gameplay mechanics leveraged from the discarded multiplayer, ship combat upgrades, collectables or pressent day stuff which is the same slant of Black Flag but seems to be even more selfaware and taking a few snipes at Ubi themselves. So yeah all that and I've just scratched the surface. Fingers crossed when this gets a PC release next year that can help clean it up a bit but from a gameplay stand point I'm more than chuffed already.
I'm sure they are kids and you would probably do the same when you were that age.
I remember one time I had an 'argument' with someone on Teamspeak with me just using a Jack Black soundboard in like 2004. It was funny at the time.
Some CS:Go players on public servers feel like kids.
I mean burping/farting sounds?
Playing some music?
Have some laughtrack playing when they kill someone?
Come on...
I quite enjoyed the experience ^_^. I hope that 2k treats the next entry into the franchise with respect.
Have some laughtrack playing when they kill someone?
Eh, if they're bringing GZ/5 to PC, 3 and PW are directly connected to those.
PW is crucial to GZ/TPP's story though, wouldn't make sense to leave it out, don't really see what makes you consider it optional when the MGS games we're about to get on Steam are a direct sequel to it.
You wait until you get to Rogue then. It has all the trappings of a last gen game technicaly and visually but it's one of the best Ass Creeds I've got sucked into.
Put it this way I've just finished Sequence 2 and already I've already done 3 open ended assassinstaion missions with various effective options to get the job done, visited a whole host of new locations in both the snowy North Atlantic and the River Valley which is more Northern Territories themed, having a bit more variety than most of the previous games (Sleepy Hollow was a nice stop over where the church is the Viewpoint and the stock Red Coat scarecrow we've seen in III and Black Flag has got a pumpkin head makeover). The dialogue between Shay and his 1st mate that happens after missions whilst sailing to the next has cut down on exposition cutscenes and kept the pace up of the story as well as developing their characters (with a few witty exchanges as well), plus experienced one of the best free running set pieces the series has to offer with some decent context behind it and only now have I just got into New York which is the same size as it was in III but teaming with life, not half fallen down and has the inclusion of Gang Hideouts which are like mini Far Cry fortresses to liberate and meet a whole cast a characters from III and IV.
That's not touching of the new gameplay mechanics leveraged from the discarded multiplayer, ship combat upgrades, collectables or pressent day stuff which is the same slant of Black Flag but seems to be even more selfaware and taking a few snipes at Ubi themselves. So yeah all that and I've just scratched the surface. Fingers crossed when this gets a PC release next year that can help clean it up a bit but from a gameplay stand point I'm more than chuffed already.
That's not touching of the new gameplay mechanics leveraged from the discarded multiplayer
Was AC Freedom Cry good? I was kind of expecting it to be garbage because how could Ubisoft possibly treat the material in any respectful way, so I didn't follow it. But I may grab the standalone version if it's good.
So I'm trying to finish Dark Souls II now, is there any mage armor that doesn't look like a torn rag? I'm slightly disappointed that most other "classes" (or playstyles) get some really awesome looking stuff whil I run around in what looks like an old kitchen towel on my head and not much else.
Some CS:Go players on public servers feel like kids.
I mean burping/farting sounds?
Playing some music?
Have some laughtrack playing when they kill someone?
You wait until you get to Rogue then. It has all the trappings of a last gen game technicaly and visually but it's one of the best Ass Creeds I've got sucked into.
Put it this way I've just finished Sequence 2 and already I've already done 3 open ended assassinstaion missions with various effective options to get the job done, visited a whole host of new locations in both the snowy North Atlantic and the River Valley which is more Northern Territories themed, having a bit more variety than most of the previous games (Sleepy Hollow was a nice stop over where the church is the Viewpoint and the stock Red Coat scarecrow we've seen in III and Black Flag has got a pumpkin head makeover). The dialogue between Shay and his 1st mate that happens after missions whilst sailing to the next has cut down on exposition cutscenes and kept the pace up of the story as well as developing their characters (with a few witty exchanges as well), plus experienced one of the best free running set pieces the series has to offer with some decent context behind it and only now have I just got into New York which is the same size as it was in III but teaming with life, not half fallen down and has the inclusion of Gang Hideouts which are like mini Far Cry fortresses to liberate and meet a whole cast a characters from III and IV.
That's not touching of the new gameplay mechanics leveraged from the discarded multiplayer, ship combat upgrades, collectables or pressent day stuff which is the same slant of Black Flag but seems to be even more selfaware and taking a few snipes at Ubi themselves. So yeah all that and I've just scratched the surface. Fingers crossed when this gets a PC release next year that can help clean it up a bit but from a gameplay stand point I'm more than chuffed already.
Humble daily A City Sleeps 40% off
Have there been any patches for AC Unity that would warrant a purchase? I loved Black Flag and would like to try Unity when its reasonably stable.
Same here. I've been holding off on replaying it until its fully removed. Not sure if this has been discussed but will Dsfix get borked with this update?
It still feels like a broken mess. Broken fighting animations, bad performance and tons of bugs.
I am enjoying the game though. If you liked the AC2 trilogy, AC:U feels really similar.[IMG][/QUOTE]
That's about the sum of it for me. I don't think I've rated a mission less than 3 stars yet and even the one tailing mission I've done was really enjoyable. The level design is quite go and there's always at least one traversal based path that has been planned out perfectly. I've had no awkward falls or jumps to the wrong section. Then again this isn't exactly my first or even fith rodeo.
[quote="Zafir, post: 140068144"]I'll grab it when it comes out on PC next year.
I do still have my PS3 hooked up for the Japanese who are a decade behind in games development, but I'd rather not play games on it. I've been graphically spoilt thanks to my PC. :/[/QUOTE]
[quote="BinaryPork2737, post: 140068861"]
This just makes me wish that we got Rogue instead of Unity :/[/QUOTE]
Personally I wish I waited for the PC release as it's a bit rough in places that even a modest PC would see to over the aging consoles. Still I had to have something to fill the void of a new AC this year.
[quote="Parsnip, post: 140068894"]
Could you elaborate on this?
I haven't been too interested in Rogue, but got slightly curious after watching part of the GB quicklook and when [spoiler]Achilles[/spoiler] shows up and I realized when it takes place, it's now on my radar.[/QUOTE]
Sure. At about the point where I've got to you are now siding with the Templars (well Shay is sort of inbetwix inbetween at the time being) and one of the first missions teaches you the mechanics whilst cleaing out an Assassin's lead Gang Hideout. In this instance you're after the Hideout leader but whilst out and about you have Assassin stalkers on you. You know there presence by the Whispers that were used in the multi. The circualr threat meter that appeared in Eagle Vision during the multi makes an appearance so when you hear the Whispers, switch to Eagle Vsion and the treat meter appears, you then can locate them and have a handle on the location of your Assassin stalker. Of course the fun way comes how you chose to deal with them as you can use all maner of tools to dispatch them (the air rifle with firecracker rounds aimed at a near by barrel is my preffered method!). But also they can spot you and stike first so another returning multiplayer mechanic that you can counter them if you notice their approach beforehand.
If you liked III and IV then Rogue so far perfectly rounds them out as a great trilogy (and Liberation as well). It actaully is making me want to return to III and finish off the Homestead missions I stupidly skipped out on
GODDAMN Insurgency is so fucking good, I swear.
The nighttime maps with nightvision on seems like you are playing war footage.
CoD ain't got shit on this. I daresay its even more fun than CS:GO.
Wearing gas masks in WW1 Verdun is also dope!
This sounds pretty neat.Sure. At about the point where I've got to you are now siding with the Templars (well Shay is sort of inbetwix inbetween at the time being) and one of the first missions teaches you the mechanics whilst cleaing out an Assassin's lead Gang Hideout. In this instance you're after the Hideout leader but whilst out and about you have Assassin stalkers on you. You know there presence by the Whispers that were used in the multi. The circualr threat meter that appeared in Eagle Vision during the multi makes an appearance so when you hear the Whispers, switch to Eagle Vsion and the treat meter appears, you then can locate them and have a handle on the location of your Assassin stalker. Of course the fun way comes how you chose to deal with them as you can use all maner of tools to dispatch them (the air rifle with firecracker rounds aimed at a near by barrel is my preffered method!). But also they can spot you and stike first so another returning multiplayer mechanic that you can counter them if you notice their approach beforehand.
If you liked III and IV then Rogue so far perfectly rounds them out as a great trilogy (and Liberation as well). It actaully is making me want to return to III and finish off the Homestead missions I stupidly skipped out on
I actually haven't had a lot of glitches or anything, not more than any other AC in the past at least. The performance could be better, but I've settled on settings that give me a solid enough framerate most of the time too, so it's been kind of smooth sailing.Have there been any patches for AC Unity that would warrant a purchase? I loved Black Flag and would like to try Unity when its reasonably stable.
GODDAMN Insurgency is so fucking good, I swear.
The nighttime maps with nightvision on seems like you are playing war footage.
CoD ain't got shit on this. I daresay its even more fun than CS:GO.
You want to look at a long list of offline usernames? That's how mine has been since Battlefield 3 really. Even BF4 failed to give it much life.People with an origin account should add me, my friend's list is barren there. ricochetguro is still my name.
Wearing gas masks in WW1 Verdun is also dope!
My man! From a dude that bought Insurgency day 1 it's great to see more people giving it a chance and populating servers.
Heh, I suppose there's really no point but it's just weird to log on and see one person online compared to steam where there are dozens.You want to look at a long list of offline usernames? That's how mine has been since Battlefield 3 really. Even BF4 failed to give it much life.
Yep. Its on my wishlist.
I'm glad the semi-realisticshooter is coming back. Red Orchestra really set the tone for this type of shooter, and Insurgency has brought it forwards in time, while verdun took it back.
Really loving the variety.
I don't think I can go back to a shooter with crosshairs and a HUD again.
Insurgency is the first time I've felt the maps to be real places in a shooter, not "video game map". Its Source engine, so no real bells and whistles but it feels more real than other better looking shooters. Something about the architecture and sprawling-ness of the maps really feels right.
I remember playing the mod years ago and thinking how great the lack of a kill confirmation was. There was quite a bit of backlash and they eventually put it back in the game.GODDAMN Insurgency is so fucking good, I swear.
The nighttime maps with nightvision on seems like you are playing war footage.
CoD ain't got shit on this. I daresay its even more fun than CS:GO.
I'm glad the semi-realistic shooter is coming back. Red Orchestra really set the tone for this type of shooter, and Insurgency has brought it forwards in time, while Verdun took it back.
I agree, tactical shooters are about all I play these days. You should look into Arma 3 and BF2 Project Reality mod if you haven't already, both are great TFPS.
Yup, my favorite type of shooters also.
Btw how can one check steam player numbers for a game over its lifetime, I'd like to see some Insurgency stats 'n graphs
Corrosivefrost thought he could quietly hide his shame in the previous thread before it is closed. Not so fast!
There's absolutely nothing that FFXIII does better than VC. VC obviously has vastly superior gameplay, more intricate systems, and a more unique art style. It has a better story, more likeable characters, and more replay value. Its port is also much better.
Now, I see that you put a "for me" in there, but this is one of those rare cases where an opinion is objeectively wrong![]()
Makes sense to have at least MGS 1-3/Peace Walker for PC gamers that missed out on this story-heavy series. 4 was rather bleh, but welcome nonetheless.
Awesome. Can't wait to get Rogue on PC then![]()
Good question.
I know the 60fps portion will no longer work, per Durante. The rest of it seems safe, but I don't know if it will require a new version. Here's what he had to say in the topic about it on gaming side.
Another question is whether it can just be run through GeDoSaTo instead.
GODDAMN Insurgency is so fucking good, I swear.
The nighttime maps with nightvision on seems like you are playing war footage.
CoD ain't got shit on this. I daresay its even more fun than CS:GO.
VC is a infinitely superior game to the boredom that is FFXIII.So for me, the character designs, visual style, and core gameplay of FF13 literally fucking DECIMATE VC all day, everyday. And the funny thing is, I like anime... this just happens to be one of the times that I don't like the particular style of the anime.
I guess I can't really blame you, after 120 hours of FF13 anyone's brain would turn to mush.It's stlil subjective... and from where I'm sitting, I have no shame to hide, sir. I put 120 hours into the platinum trophy for FFXIII on PS3
This sounds pretty neat.
I remember playing the mod years ago and thinking how great the lack of a kill confirmation was. There was quite a bit of backlash and they eventually put it back in the game.
Sorry, but no.
It's stlil subjective... and from where I'm sitting, I have no shame to hide, sir. I put 120 hours into the platinum trophy for FFXIII on PS3 and didn't even buy VC until it came to PC. The only reason I did buy it on PC was to show Sega they should port console games to PC because I want Bayonetta and Vanquish. I will probably never play the game because what little patience I had for SRPGs has long since passed. If I wanted to play an RPG and my choice was between these two games, I would play FFXIII again before I decided to play VC.
So for me, the character designs, visual style, and core gameplay of FF13 literally fucking DECIMATE VC all day, everyday. And the funny thing is, I like anime... this just happens to be one of the times that I don't like the particular style of the anime.
I guess I can't really blame you, after 120 hours of FF13 anyone's brain would turn to mush.
VC is a infinitely superior game to the boredom that is FFXIII.
In my defense I lowered it to "fun" after finishing itYou have no say here, sir. You thought Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate was *good*.![]()
well at least you like vanquish![]()