Why is football manager not available in germany? probably the biggest market for soccer games
First a PC gamer, now Pepe. How racist can PC folks get?!I had to taint my profile to gamble for expensive emoticons but it's all worth it now.
But griefIt's honestly broken. Obvious that it was done quickly to appease people who are unable or unwilling to wrap their heads around tank controls.
We were just talking about tank controls yesterday.
It's clearly completely unbalanced. The game wasn't designed around you turning on a dime at full speed, which makes many of the encounters trivial.
Just going by how it looks in the game, you have to believe that this was added in at the last minute in order to placate the people who are unwilling to devote the modicum of time it takes to adapt to tank controls.
I don't have any nostalgic attachment to tank controls either. Played Resident Evil for the first time with the Steam rerelease, the controls felt good after 5 minutes, natural in 15 minutes.
Why is football manager not available in germany? probably the biggest market for soccer games
It's clearly completely unbalanced. The game wasn't designed around you turning on a dime at full speed, which makes many of the encounters trivial.
Why is football manager not available in germany? probably the biggest market for soccer games
You can also make encounters trivial by lowering the actual difficulty setting. Does that mean that option shouldn't exist? I think the reason it looks the way it does is because they were not given a budget to re-work all player animations to accommodate the new control scheme. They felt it was still an option worth including despite that fiscal restraint. I think they made the right choice.
I wonder if Nightcry will get a discount during halloween.
The publisher just dumped it on Steam for like 23€, the game sold very bad, around 4000 copies, and it never got a discount despite of this.
It's like they forgot it.
why play a slower wow with smaller rotations and playerbase? if you can afford coke you should get it over rc cola
: ^ )
They need to give it steeper discounts than it's received for a start.
I'm intrigued by it but it's still just too expensive for my taste
Yeah, plus the fact the game seems still plagued by bugs and glitches and it seems it's just average, not even good in a junky way like Deadly Premonition. It's strange, I mean, if it sold pretty much nothing, you would try to push it instead of letting it on the store for full price doing nothing.
Humble halloween bundle time?
So if the encounters are balanced around having bad controls, and then those encounters get trivialized when you have good controls, is the problem the controls or the encounter design?
Deadly premonition's issues arent what id call the good kind
Glad I got it for $1 that one GOG sale where it was an error price.Deadly premonition's issues arent what id call the good kind
Deadly premonition's issues arent what id call the good kind
Deadly premonition's issues arent what id call the good kind
I've fought with it on and off for months and months and no matter what fix I try it still it won't work for me. Absolutely the worst PC port I've ever encountered.I fought with the game for a few hours (with all those damn fixes that don't work) and gave up. I can't rewatch the opening cutscene anymore.
Finished my 52 Games a year challenge. For some reason thought it was 56 tho, so i ended up doing more than was nessecary. Feels good.
A lot of games. Would be shocked if I'd reach half the figure. Congrats on the fun.Finished my 52 Games a year challenge. For some reason thought it was 56 tho, so i ended up doing more than was nessecary. Feels good.
You can also make encounters trivial by lowering the actual difficulty setting.
Does that mean that option shouldn't exist? I think the reason it looks the way it does is because they were not given a budget to re-work all player animations to accommodate the new control scheme. They felt it was still an option worth including despite that fiscal restraint. I think they made the right choice.
So if the encounters are balanced around having bad controls, and then those encounters get trivialized when you have good controls, is the problem the controls or the encounter design?
In fact I'm having a hard time thinking of a game or genre that isn't designed around its control scheme. Whether or not you think the controls are bad have nothing to do with it - changing those controls can have an effect on the effectiveness of the level and enemy design.
It's October, so it's time for some spooky games. First up, some wonderfully bleak, atmospheric, post apocalyptic horror from the FMV game The Bunker.
Finished my 52 Games a year challenge. For some reason thought it was 56 tho, so i ended up doing more than was nessecary. Feels good.
Actually the levels in Resident Evil 6 doesn't feel like they're designed with its controls scheme in mind. The amount of things you can do with the control scheme is hampered by the abundance of cramped and linear environments in the campaign. This is the main issue fans of the RE6 have with the game.
Finished my 52 Games a year challenge. For some reason thought it was 56 tho, so i ended up doing more than was nessecary. Feels good.
Actually the levels in Resident Evil 6 doesn't feel like they're designed with its controls scheme in mind. The amount of things you can do with the control scheme is hampered by the abundance of cramped and linear environments in the campaign. This is the main issue fans of the RE6 have with the game.
Very interesting. I never did get around to RE6.
I would agree there's definitely games out there where the levels don't match the controls. They're a frustrating bunch.
Very interesting. I never did get around to RE6.
I would agree there's definitely games out there where the levels don't match the controls. They're a frustrating bunch.
Resident Evil 6's biggest flaw is indeed inconsistency more than anything. Feels like they made the levels first, and then the gameplay. The gameplay really shines, mercs is proof of that. But the campaigns never give it as much breathing room as it should. Though there is still fun to be had even solo. To this day had RE6 been one campaign that was say 15 hours and finely tuned. I think the reception would have been much different. Outside anyone still upset at the time that they were still going for action.
Dang it I want it but I can't get it because I'm not level 5 !! How to do ? ;___;
what? really? wowso, uh
the ending cutscene of the steam release of quantum break apparently has the free FRAPS watermark on it.
could they not distribute the original one or something?
so, uh
uh. So apparently the ending cutscene of the steam release of quantum break apparently has the free FRAPS watermark on it.
could they not distribute the original one or something?
so, uh
uh, apparently the ending cutscene of the steam release of quantum break has the free FRAPS watermark on it.
could they not distribute the original one or something?
I am uploading 50 screenshots right now. Edit: Damn, max 25 points a day...
I think that's already been the case for the Win Store version. Why fix shit like this at all for a new release amiriteso, uh
uh, apparently the ending cutscene of the steam release of quantum break has the free FRAPS watermark on it.
could they not distribute the original one or something?
edit: no spoilers in image btw