only been a few days and those FH3 codes people got for $20 from Target are getting closer to the $50 mark for buying here in BST...that didn't take long
only been a few days and those FH3 codes people got for $20 from Target are getting closer to the $50 mark for buying here in BST...that didn't take long
only been a few days and those FH3 codes people got for $20 from Target are getting closer to the $50 mark for buying here in BST...that didn't take long
Sure. So the main thing that drives Oxenfree into GOTY territory for me is the very innovative way they handle dialogue. Rather than being locked in place and picking options, you get to walk and talk with the other characters, interupt them at anytime and even walk away entirely, and the game actually responds to your actions. It's the most natural method of delivering dialogue that I've seen, and works really well.
Ugh that's at least 10 GB too much.
I really hate how games are getting bloated in GB :/ It's bad enough with Wolf TNO and OB.
NISAinEurope ‏@NISAinEurope 8m8 minutes ago
Disgaea 2 PC is coming to Steam on 30th January 2017! http://store.steampowered.com/app/495280/
I have this mouse, and it's probably my favorite of the ones I've owned so far. Nothing complicated, and it feels great on any genere of games I play.Any opinions on Steelseries Rival 100? I am not really looking into a too expensive mouse. I rarely play games with a mouse anyway
NISAinEurope ‏@NISAinEurope 8m8 minutes ago
Disgaea 2 PC is coming to Steam on 30th January 2017! http://store.steampowered.com/app/495280/
Jeeez, I got lucky ordering one as soon as the thread went up probably.
As a person who definitely doesn't have time to play that especially with an impending Civ release, I am very excited that the ports for Disgaea are coming quickly. I wonder if the eventual goal will get to get all of them on Steam?
Got a question. So I got a GeForce GTX 980 Ti CLASSIFIED from amazon warehouse for $180.00 yesterday and was wondering if everything is fine and working, should I sell that and my gtx 970 that I currently have and put that towards a 1070/1080 or should I just keep the 980 ti for now and wait until next year for newer models?
As a person who definitely doesn't have time to play that especially with an impending Civ release, I am very excited that the ports for Disgaea are coming quickly. I wonder if the eventual goal will get to get all of them on Steam?
Looks like the next Ubisoft offering is going to be Beyond Good and Evil. The new thumbnail says 2435 which was the year BG&E took place I guess.
Too bad the PC version is a bit pants and doesn't even have built-in controller support.
Valve needs to stop putting out shit that can misinterpreted as trailheads for ARGs
The Robot sale banner changes to this occasionally
The bottom red binary translates to 'HELP'
Viagra DLCWhy did Valve make my dick stop working?
Any hints on what we can expect from todays bundle?
Why did Valve make my dick stop working?
What Transformers game (aside from Devastation, it's not my cup of tea) is best? Or should I go through them in order (and what order is that?)
Also, Hard Reset 90% off is surely a mistake no?
EDIT: And everyone who hasn't so far should get Binary Domain..
Discontinued for idling.Why did Valve make my dick stop working?
I feel like they've gone to this well at least five times by now
oh hey robot sale
which of the transformers games in Steam are worth the purchase? if multiple, pls rank them
War for Cybertron
Fall of Cybertron
First two are third person shooters. Devastation is more of a beat 'em up. All are definitely worth playing.
Devastation is better than Korra right?
Devastation is better than Korra right?