Sorry you lost your job, Ozium.[/IMG
take this as a cautionary tale, AnimeGAF[/QUOTE]
I for one am waiting for thousands students suspended and people fired for playing GTA and obviously having murderous intents.
this is totally not real[/SPOILER]
[quote="Ozium, post: 180247180"]I don't anime tho[/QUOTE]
too late for denial
yo daaaamnHope you find work again quickly Ozium.
today's humble bundle grumble bumble: trash or treasure?
what does the future hold
Who the heck is Koji Oe? I google search gave me this
He got fired four years ago...
Square-Enix really doesn't give a fuck.
Even passing on the crappy port they did with FFV with fucked up tiles in the game, the title also suffers an annoying bug in which it changes randomly your command. So in example you selected Attack, the next turn the command selected is Items, and if you don't look at it, you can waste good items you need.
And this happens every single time. They really don't care at all, I think those ports cost them like 1€ and even if one person bought them, they still gained money, this is why they don't want spend money on fix this garbage. FFIV AE had a bug in which the game, for me, crashed everytime during the final cutscene, while a lot of people suffered from random crashes too. The game never got a patch.
Ozium just wants to stir up some shit
all will be right when LIGHTNING RETURNS
Is it really this good? Undertale I mean. I'm wary of that much of praise, seems fishy.
so what's so good about it? no spoilers, please, in case I'll decide to play it.
Spiegel made a report on Simulator games and cited Giants Soft that Farming Simulator 2013 sold 1.25 million. Did we already know that?
best thing about undertale are those insane card prices and insane emote prices.. shit is a gold mine... booster packs sell for like 2 euros I've heard (whatever that is in real money...)
Any sane person?Who doesn't want a lolicon teacher?
Better be decent port or it's gonna get returned.all will be right when LIGHTNING RETURNS
best thing about undertale are those insane card prices and insane emote prices.. shit is a gold mine... booster packs sell for like 2 euros I've heard (whatever that is in real money...)
Is there any actual reason to believe today's humble bundle is special in any way?
Remember when every humble bundle was special?
take your pick
That was a long time ago. When will the next numbered Humble Bundle come?
Is there any actual reason to believe today's humble bundle is special in any way?
Well I enjoy it quite a bit and gave me the same joy I felt when I played Bayonetta on the 360 which was just enjoying myself a ton.
We didn't have an Indie one in a century or so...
I'm still guessing Humble Origin 3 Bundle. With bonus Uplay keys for select titles.
Do those still exist? Honest question
Do those still exist? Honest question
We didn't have an Indie one in a century or so...
I'm still guessing Humble Origin 3 Bundle. With bonus Uplay keys for select titles.
Do those still exist? Honest question
Well I enjoy it quite a bit and gave me the same joy I felt when I played Bayonetta on the 360 which was just enjoying myself a ton.
The things I like about it thought are is the characters interactions with you and other characters in the game, the unique battle system, the odd humor, the fact that it remembers everything you do even if you don't save/save scum, and the music is used very well. I'm not the best at describing why I like this in particular though since most of the game can be spoiled since events change based on your decisions, but people who watched me said it seemed like Earthbound while not really just being a clone.
Also there is a demo so you can play that and try doing it the way the game tells you and then do another run doing the opposite also check out the dynamic manual while you do these runs.
Someone explain what a lolicon is because if I do a Google search I feel like I'll get raided by the FBI
Remember when every humble bundle was special?
Someone explain what a lolicon is because if I do a Google search I feel like I'll get raided by the FBI
I'm buying it now and then. I think they have more interesting games than in the regular bundles. Just no preorder since I usually don't want more than two games.does anyone buy greenlight bundles anymore?
seeing on groupees we are #31 now... my how far we've come
Someone explain what a lolicon is because if I do a Google search I feel like I'll get raided by the FBI
April hasn't been so long ago manI don't think so, we haven't got one for so long, I can't even remember when we had it the last time anymore.
No because I don't buy bundles really. Especially when they contain a bunch of games I won't play.
Humble Indie Bundle 14 was in April, 2015
The last Origin bundle was right after the last Humble Indie Bundle
Damn I can't think of the last time I have had that feeling with a game....probably dark souls was the last time I've been like that. That gut feeling when even when you're not playing you can't just wait to go back in.
I don't like playing a demo of story heavy games, seems like unnecessary spoilers to me.
Thanks for writeup.
The girls are lolis, the people who consume sexualized material of said lolis are lolicons. Lolicon is also the name of the genre itself. Usually in the context of fictional drawn animal girls.A person who likes underage girl or are the underage girls lolicons?
Remember when every humble bundle was special?
you don't say... it feels like a year before if not more.
so you are saying we are skipping Indie Bundle and are going directly for Origin/Uplay this time?
The girls are lolis, the people who consume sexualized material of said lolis are lolicons. Lolicon is also the name of the genre itself. Usually in the context of fictional drawn animal girls.
Or so I heard.
Someone explain what a lolicon is because if I do a Google search I feel like I'll get raided by the FBI
Lolis are the underaged girls and lolicons are those that like them.A person who likes underage girl or are the underage girls lolicons?
Were you around for the first few humble bundles? It was a magical time