Phenomenally powerful princess Pink, or just "Pink" for short, is our hero. She can shoot down enemies from a distance, kick them when they are too close and dance to unleash a powerful attack! And as if all of this weren't enough, she can upgrade her powers too! To recharge her powers she eats lollipops!
Nobody knows from where the scary stinking slimy slugs come. But they are coming to destroy and they must be stopped.
Additional gameplay elements
Making a fully fledged game means adding more gameplay elements; below you can see what I'd like to add (there can be some changes as the development goes on):
If you get too close to the stinky slugs you become stinky and fill your stinky gauge. When it's full you get a random debuff!
The debuffs can be light or more severe, temporary or permanent: reduced armor, visibility or speed; inability to shoot, kick, dance or even move!
Multiple lollipops type with different effects!
With each passing level, the slime of the slugs will evolve and acquire new dangerous properties, thus making the slugs even more scary!
user-selectable difficulty at least one unlockable skin ("Casual princess", obviously for casual gamers)
DRM? Pay2win? Paid DLC? Always-online requirement?
These buzzwords have recently become the bane of modern gaming. But there is no place for them on my game! It will follow the "good old" tradition of being able to be run forever and without gameplay advantages. There will be DLC and expansions that will be forever be free to all users. For funding these I might sell cosmetic DLC.
Who am I?
I'm a member of the community of the open source 3d game engine JMonkeyEngine. Besides contributing, I developed a game of my own.
What is the plan?
The game will be released DRM-free for Windows, Linux (if stretch goal is reached) and Mac (if stretch goal is reached).
I'd like to expand the game in a episodic way. Each new episode will expand the story and add new features and gameplay elements. The funding goal of the kickstarter covers the development of the second episode and will bring improvements to the first episode.
The rewards
Backers at the "pinkschool student" and above will get a steam key if greenlit (in addition to the DRM-free copy). Steam cards with cool CG graphics will be added and steam integration will probably be added.
The best part by far is just cruising around. There were a few other good points, like when you have time a photograph for your cover. I usually don't care much for those vanity things in games, but I found myself focusing on opening up for the camera, thinking about what trick might look cleanest and most realistic... some of the vanity things got me in that game.
I'd also be interested if any NZ gaffer could gift it to me. PM please.There's a price mistake in the New Zealand store on NBA 2K16 Michael Jordan Edition and it's showing up as $7
But the Toronto Raptors though
lol you fell for it. He's obviously posting buzzfeed and other similarly stupid "hey, can you relate to xy!?!?"-lists to throw peeps off.It's alright, not judging, just curious is all. Far be it from me to dictate what anyone chooses to post. Unless this is a test?just trying to share some stuff i found interesting
sorry for bothering you
Only interested in Tier 2+3. Eh, BTA is high though. Forced pass.Humble Indie 15 bundle
TIER 3: 10$
- Skullgirls + DLCs
- Planetary Annihilation
- Xenonauts
- Gang Beasts
Awesome news: Phenomenally Powerful Princess Pink has been funded!
Vote on Greenlight!
The kickstarter is super close to unlocking it's next stretch goal: 2 more cool dlc skins! It only has 9 more hours to go, though. I hope it makes it!
? Early Access has no rule on how it works in regards to price . Some are more expensive than the final release, some cheaper, some the same. Each one has valid reasonings behind them.
I'm amazed that they just told you how many missions and locations you're going to get and yet you say that you will get "stuff".
They don't call it early access because each mission they deliver is complete. Its episódio, even if they reject that label.
Yay! Fall sale incoming.
I can then look at the prices and go "I'll wait for winter sale."
This thread is beyond saving
? What? Did you actually read the chart or? The specifics are there and are both the same for March content and the rest of the content.Morningbus is going full lashman.
While there's no hard and fast rules on pricing for Early Access games, pretty much every one is cheaper the earlier into the process you buy in. Not more expensive at beta and cheaper at release.
They list specifics for March launch content, they don't list specifics for post-launch content. That's the aspect that's vague like a season pass. They're clear on what you pay 35$ for, they are not clear on what you pay the remaining 30$ for. This is worse than a season pass because we're talking about the base game.
The level of polish doesn't change what it is. It's early access, the game is unfinished, even if the level content they release is "polished". Players will be interacting, indirectly, with the dev team through forums and community managers to provide feedback to shape the existing and future content. It's early access.
I don't understand why you would so willingly drink the Kool-aid or want to defend them. I can't even remotely understand why. They're the ones with everything to prove after Absolution.
Burn away the flags, begin againi'd argue that every thread needs to be nuked and we just have one thread that's exclusively about discussing the similarities and differences regarding Mortal Kombat 1's ports.
RE: Why FFV remake sucks and how to do better:
? What? Did you actually read the chart or? The specifics are there and are both the same for March content and the rest of the content.
Awesome news: Phenomenally Powerful Princess Pink has been funded!
Vote on Greenlight!
The kickstarter is super close to unlocking it's next stretch goal: 2 more cool dlc skins! It only has 9 more hours to go, though. I hope it makes it!
Burn away the flags, begin again
Hey, so these threads were fun, for a while, but now this is going to get nuked from high orbit.
Hey, so these threads were fun, for a while, but now this is going to get nuked from high orbit.
Hey, so these threads were fun, for a while, but now this is going to get nuked from high orbit.
If you need help getting a copy from New Zealand. Go ask these nice folks.
I just got 2 copies from 2 nice gents.
3 locations and 6 missions were confirmed for March.Kool-aid has been consumed, nevermind.
edited: almost bought Undertale, then I remembered that won't get to play it this year and was saved.
Yeah too bad i don't have any money on card, i would jump on NBA train even though i haven't played NBA game more than 10 years (i played NBA Live 15 Demo few days ago). Oh well![]()
I don't even like basketball.
I don't even like basketball.. but $5 was too good to "pass up".NFLGAF Represent
The only sport of worth is icehockey. *gets stabbed by HSV fans*I tried to like baskteltball and even went to quite a few live games since my city has a team in the national league (Germany)
it was mad boring