Man, this looks real good. Atmosphere, dust and sand. They nailed it. Great Gifs by you fuzzy.-Mad Max goodness--Mad Max goodness--Mad Max goodness-
Always astonished to see you play all these usually "bundle-fodder"-deemed games. Cool that you have fun with those.Some impressions for Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition (not that crummy REGULAR edition):
You're absolutely right. I do get the cult following it has but it's not for everyone.I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the game despite its quirks. It definitely takes some getting used to and I wouldn't really blame anyone for not wanting to play it for more than ten minutes.
Their longevity and QA is just such low-quality. The majority of their mice have bad sensors, but even the ones that have good sensors have build quality issues just after your warranty ends, how convienent.
Purchase at your own risk, very rare to see a Razer recommendation from an educated consumer.
Every time I see you post you have a new peripheral.
That feeling when you've meticulously tagged every enemy in the stronghold, worked out their patrol routes, found the various entry and exit points with the least resistance, marked the target and slowly snuck in undetected only at the last minute to bumble into a bucket you didn't notice, alert half the guards and have to CQC the target and leg it out of there lugging him on your back while all hell breaks loose.
100% Scenarios (Main battles and story elements for Acts 1-5)
90% Game Design (combat mechanics are designed and programmed with the exception of the threat system)
80% Overall models (all base models are done which includes characters and environment - variant models are left to do)
70% Overall animations (90% humanoid animations are done)
0% Textures
0% Script (text for the game)
0% Unreal 4 executable (sandbox used to create the game) - this is the main thing we need a programmer for
0% Level Design (physically building the world, placement of objects and characters, lighting, and scripting) - obviously this cannot happen until we have the executable
0% Particle Effects
5% Sound Effects
0% VO (dependent on script and casting)
0% Localization (mostly dependent on script)
?% Music - 80 minutes of unlooped music is composed (JRPGs usually have 90 minutes) - still needs to go through post production/arrangement and recording
yeah, sadly i don't think it's something u can just do a kickstarter forYeah, it's definitely one of those games that could use a properly developed spiritual sequel. With a decent budget and enough time I'm sure Obsidian could make a great spy RPG.
Speaking of Alpha Protocol.
My favorite is when I do the same....and Snake slams the door open. SNAKKKKE. be quieter.
im having some fun in the AK PC performance thread. good times, good times.
Can we at least put a title or something with a YouTube link so I know if I want to click or not?
Their longevity and QA is just such low-quality. The majority of their mice have bad sensors, but even the ones that have good sensors have build quality issues just after your warranty ends, how convienent.
Purchase at your own risk, very rare to see a Razer recommendation from an educated consumer.
Every time I see you post you have a new peripheral.
I'm confused by the currency they use in the GreenManGaming promotions and store.
I participated in the Bioshock Infinite promotion and got it for 1€. This was the banner so I figured I would get back what I had spent, regardless of the currency used:
But I ended up getting what I think is 1£:
Not that I'm complaining, I just found that weird
Every time I see you post you have a new peripheral.
looks like a mobile port to me, along with the botched control scheme and lack of depth that usually entailsAm I misunderstanding it or do you just run forward while spamming attacks all the time?
Why do these controllers cost so much while the Steam one is 60ish? Is there a big difference in the build quality?
Can we at least put a title or something with a YouTube link so I know if I want to click or not?
Must be the shrapnel horn scrambling his brain. Worked for the contrived reason he doesn't understand Russian anymore (urgh). Though I did try to tranq a guy who was peering through a window that he just wasn't walking away from that i thought was open. Turns out all I did was a little bit of damage to the glass and have to Benny Hill it sharpish. Requires a lot of patience this stealth malarkey.
Install Youtube Me Again, will make things easier.
That feeling when you've meticulously tagged every enemy in the stronghold, worked out their patrol routes, found the various entry and exit points with the least resistance, marked the target and slowly snuck in undetected only at the last minute to bumble into a bucket you didn't notice, alert half the guards and have to CQC the target and leg it out of there lugging him on your back while all hell breaks loose.
That was me 30 minutes ago.That feeling when you've meticulously tagged every enemy in the stronghold, worked out their patrol routes, found the various entry and exit points with the least resistance, marked the target and slowly snuck in undetected only at the last minute to bumble into a bucket you didn't notice, alert half the guards and have to CQC the target and leg it out of there lugging him on your back while all hell breaks loose.
.It's pretty amusing when a fairly long stretch of successful stealth gameplay, not once getting caught while holding up and interrogating every guard you come across, suddenly goes to shit and you're like "fuck it". Bloodbath ensures.
Oh fuck, now I'm depressed:
Will get when 15USDGo
Mad Max
The 39 Steps for free on
Will get when 15USD
How you get GMG reward money? never got shit so far buying from them
The 39 Steps for free on
No. 5 bucks in sale.Go
Mad Max
Latest Grandia patch (1.03) is now available.
60 FPS battles and up to 4K resolution support? Now that's what I call a wonderful patch. Great job, Gung Ho America.
Will get when 15USD