Fucking R&D shooting training in MGSV. Why is it what it is, when the other ones make perfect sense?
Now now everyone if the steamGAF threads have taught me anything it's that we're all trash. One big happy trash family.
You know, you're right.
I've heard good things about most of them, and might give them a try if they showed up on Steam - even Kingdom Hearts despite the fact I'm not a Disney fan - but I'm hoping for Disgaea myself. How hard could it be? They ported it to the DS for goodness' sake.
We are in agreement that video games are trash.
I'm not trash
great news for the owners of FF type 0 dota item
now its $7.78
http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Genuine Final Fantasy Type-0 HD bundle
I would welcome and buy anything on that list day one, please japanese companies port some games.
Also what happened to SEGA's "stay tuned" about more PC ports?
Of course, that led me to ask how successful Valkyria Chronicles PC port was. As a good, truth-seeking Codex reporter, I straight up asked "So, how much did it sell?"
They couldn't answer that, because releasing sales figures is not a thing big publishers do. They did reveal, however, that the game sold about 30% less copies than expected. The team would love to work on a other games, but due to these disappointing sales, this ain't gonna happen. It kinda surprised them that their game bombed so hard, because Final Fantasy XIII had been such a success, and they had been shooting for a similar amount of sales as that game. [Bubbles comment: You can infer that Valkyria Chronicles sold roughly 70% as many copies as Final Fantasy XIII, based on however Sega calculated FF13's sales. Was turn based combat to blame?] Ultimately, it didn't sell enough for Sega to be interested in any other ports,even if you count in the discount sales. The Sega PC port campaign is, after a brief resurrection, dead again.
Where is Styx for sale?
Also, I haven't played MGS V for the past 2 days. I just hate doing small in order to proceed the main plot. I always quit such games as I feel it is a chore, but this is Metal Gear so I have to complete it, as it is my favorite franchise.
Jeez, either SEGA doesn't understand PC sales have a long tail or sales for VC even during sales really must've tapered off into nothingness. Maybe even possibly the latter, actually. That's a shame.
Hahaha just click the link, or read Knurek's earlier post about MMX. All will become clear!
Jeez, either SEGA doesn't understand PC sales have a long tail or sales for VC even during sales really must've tapered off into nothingness. Maybe even possibly the latter, actually. That's a shame.
Master fisherman
(Today, 05:16 PM)
They couldn't answer that, because releasing sales figures is not a thing big publishers do. They did reveal, however, that the game sold about 30% less copies than expected
Wait, seriously? Why was I under the impression that VC smashed even their loftiest goals in short order? Am I confusing it with another game?
Knurek rickrolled you. Click the link.
This is SteamGAF. We don't "click the link" here.
Better get rid of the dung that is GFWL, SecuRom and SocialClub from GTA4. Outright unplayable for me without using hacks and whatnot.All GTA games before GTA V got another beta update in SteamDB. What could it be?![]()
Would love all of them to come on PC, especially Dragon's Dogma.
- Resonance of Fate
- Dragon's Dogma
- Nier
- Dragon Quest VIII
just got gifted MGSV TPP![]()
Change look of the Ferrum's Secrets game. Feel like in the old cinema or like you're watching an old TV!
This DLC adds new cinematographs available in main menu of the game. Some of them gently change the atmosphere of the game but using others makes the game harder!
List of cinematographs in this DLC:
- Old red lime - If you like red colors use this adjusted old lime cinematograph. Easy difficulty level.
- Classic - Black&whie movie. Easy difficulty level.
- Old and stylish - Old and damaged tape. Easy difficulty level.
- Coloured years - Intense colors on an old damaged tape. Normal difficulty level.
- Film noir - Black&white dark movie. HARD difficulty level - makes the game harder!
- Faded copy - Old, faded copy of the movie. HARD difficulty level - makes the game harder!
Can you finish the game with these cinematographs?
This is SteamGAF. We don't "click the link" here.
One thing I will say about MGS5 that really gets on my tits is iDroid lady is very chatty. So chatty in fact that she constantly talks over and interrupts herself. Buddy has avriv... The map has been upd... Enemy presence detect... Support helicopter incoming. One sentence at a bloody time luv!
(...) The Mega Man movie is being developed by 20th Century Fox and Chernin Entertainment, with Peter Chernin, whose previous credits include Planet of the Apes (Rise Of, Dawn Of, and War Of), Oblivion, The Heat, and Exodus: Gods and Kings, producing. (...)
Street Fighter V will have 16 characters in all at launch. Eight are classic characters that you'd expect in a Street Fighter game, such as Ryu and Chun-Li; another four are characters from previous games not seen in a while, including R. Mika and Nash. The final four are brand new characters, the first of which is the big-hair, slashing-style fighter Necalli. The next three will be announced in the months leading up to Street Fighter V's launch in March 2016. After that, Capcom plans to add more characters to the game as DLC.
I was going to say, that looks the exact same as one someone wrote earlier.Hahaha just click the link, or read Knurek's earlier post about MMX. All will become clear!
.That fan movie from a few years back will be better than it and not alienate me like this movie probably will.
friendly reminder that this exists