I said GAF clan
I said GAF clan
I got 100. So good.
Welp, someone did it 101 times on mine. Not sure what's the endgame.
Thankfully gmail groups emails, lol.
MGS V had to balance what its core audience wants, as well be able to get the sales it needed to earn back its budget. It did a fantastic job of allowing you to play however you wanted. I stealthed through the game and didn't have any problems doing so.every mission's S rank is based on time, not just that one.. did MGS1-4 reward people with high ranks for running and gunning? no. does MGSV? yes.
not a stealth game
also you play as Snake in MGS2, it's Raiden's code name at the beginning
Do you remember that game given for free on Reddit this morning?
Yeah, this happened. I guess someone got really pissed about the fact the cdkey was already redeemed.
Welp, someone did it 101 times on mine. Not sure what's the endgame.
Thankfully gmail groups emails, lol.
I got 100. So good.
every mission's S rank is based on time, not just that one.. did MGS1-4 reward people with high ranks for running and gunning? no. does MGSV? yes.
not a stealth game
also you play as Snake in MGS2, it's Raiden's code name at the beginning
Censored screenshots on store page? Oh my.
I grabbed it because you can sell cards for those games for 0.40 each if not more, not sure it's worth so much considering the spam.
Its different with an open world tho. Lets be honest the soldier who quickly gets the job done should be rewarded more than the one that takes forever to do it. Its more realistic that way when you consider there is an entire Soviet military in Afghanistan. Previous MGS games just had some patrols here n there. It wasn't as big of a deal for the Snakes.
In n out quick using only a tranq pistol like a real Big Boss = Well deserved S rank.
I finished Obduction. It is real good. I will write more later, but just wanted to say for now that it is REAL good. If you're a Cyan fan, I really believe this deserves a spot in your collection
in n out quick guns blazing using an automatic rifle and sending the camp on high alert = an S RANK in MGSV
good stealth isn't rewarded, only time.. the penalties for killing or being seen are so low that it honestly doesn't matter if you are fast enough
S RANK is fucking meaningless in TPP
also "an entire Soviet military" equals an average of 2 perimeter guards and 4 guards per base? lol ok
As someone looking into 144hz monitors, the new Samsung ones sound great for someone like me who can't afford the best of the best.
That is, assuming they don't catch fire and blow up...
Do you remember that game given for free on Reddit this morning?
Yeah, this happened. I guess someone got really pissed about the fact the cdkey was already redeemed.
I foresaw this would happen so I just messaged the dev and asked for a key lol.
Successfully, I guess?
It was several, Space Engineers, Subnautica, and Sonic Lost World.
All of these games I had issues trying to refund within the period and I just gave up because I've had the worst luck with customer service with pretty much everything.
I just wanted to get enough credit to buy Enter The Gungeon, something I would actually play.
I also wanted to get Verdun while it was on sale. :\
I don't go into offline mode and I haven't ever used the refund system until fairly recently, when I tried to get refunds.
There isn't more to the story at all, Steam and most customer service sucks and I always get the shit end of the stick.
So SteamGAF, who's gonna enter SteamHandheldGAF and preordered GPD Win ? :")
Bought an Xbox One S controller today, they really do feel better than the original XB1 controller, the textured back and smaller bumpers are nice improvements, the face buttons feel more responsive and tactile too, it's probably because it's new but it's still feels really good.
SteamGAF... I had a sip of expired soy milk and now I want to die. Why, you wonder? Well, whoever unboxed it at the store nicked the top side with their box cutter--not large enough to make it leak, only unnoticeable when you open it and revel in the liquid death it unleashes.This is the second time in as many years that this has happened to me. Although this time I didn't drink the entire first glass before deciding "something is wrong." ugh
Ahem. Now, the thing with SR: Returns is that it's the most primitive game of the three, with the worst story, too. If you play either Dragonfall or Hong Kong first, there's absolutely no reason to go back to Returns--by comparison it is an unredeemable game.
That said, if you play Returns first, it is a passable experience. It may be a poorly designed game with some truly baffling design decisions, but it introduces a truly fascinating world and has some sharp writing. Like, the story itself is kinda ho-hum and railroady, but there's definite fun to be had there. And then the sequels improve on it in every way imagineable, particularly Dragonfall, which gives you something to look forward to afterwards.
Has anyone played Sakura Shrine Girls? I've been thinking about getting it.
I'm a little annoyed they use freesync since I have an Nvidia card but I guess it'll just be a regular old 144hz monitor then.Use the cash settlement from the explosion to get a higher end 144hz monitor?
Other than that, those don't sound too bad for monitors
Return it
SteamGAF... I had a sip of expired soy milk and now I want to die. Why, you wonder? Well, whoever unboxed it at the store nicked the top side with their box cutter--not large enough to make it leak, only unnoticeable when you open it and revel in the liquid death it unleashes.This is the second time in as many years that this has happened to me. Although this time I didn't drink the entire first glass before deciding "something is wrong." ugh
hmm wasn't there a alucard dlc for Lords of shadow 2 or something, was it good? I can't check on steam because lame ass konami region restricted the game.
hmm wasn't there a alucard dlc for Lords of shadow 2 or something, was it good? I can't check on steam because lame ass konami region restricted the game.
Play as Alucard in this extensive add on for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. The immersive story is expanded further as new branches of the plot are uncovered, along with rich new environments and challenging puzzles. Fight creatures of darkness and discover the true extent of Alucards involvement in Draculas story, his deal with death and his fight against Satan. Experience a whole new aspect of the thrilling conclusion to the Lords of Shadow saga, including some enlightening revelations!
Coincidentally I'm actually watching Arrested Development again and it's still so good.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 - Revelations DLC
$7.99 US
Haven't played it.
That's a shame, I was expecting something decent from the title of the game.Finished The Turing Test.
It's okay. The puzzles aren't super hard and I think I broke a few of them by solving them in ways not intended. They do introduce a some additions to the mechanics along the way, but it all gets a bit samey.
The story, well. I suppose it's not terrible. Kind of predictable from start to finish, I was hoping that they would throw some kind of wrench in there at some point but no such luck. The principal characters are generally well acted, can't say the same about some of the audio log guys.
Graphically it looks nice. There's very little environmental variation but the white hallways and test chambers look pretty good for the most part.
I wonder if at some point in dev the game was something a bit different. There are sections in-between chapters where you are essentially Gone Homing around some areas picking up objects, rotating them and then placing them down, but aside from few text logs and such, there's very little reason to actually do any of that.
Haven't gotten any emails yet, whoo.![]()
Do you remember that game given for free on Reddit this morning?
Yeah, this happened. I guess someone got really pissed about the fact the cdkey was already redeemed.
What has to be done so I don't have to use Steam authenticator every single time I log into Steam on Chrome?
What has to be done so I don't have to use Steam authenticator every single time I log into Steam on Chrome?
check 'remember me on this computer' when you log in
and Microsoft Edge is lightweight as fuck
What has to be done so I don't have to use Steam authenticator every single time I log into Steam on Chrome?
But it doesn't support Enhanced Steam you barbarian!
I seem to have been blind to this checkbox. Except I can't log in right now unless I go upstairs and get my phone argh.