This egregious impudence - stealing here means 1:1 copy without proper repackaging/zero ideas - crept into big budget console games recently. Imagine a case where you steal the neighbor's cat and paint the poor sod in the process, but leave out its head. So it's the neighbor's cat with a pink body. Even the stupidest individual would tell it's Mr. Sausage.
The baffling thing, that this is published by Sony... Well, everything goes to shit

Taking inspiration and blatantly lifting something - and also fucking up the stolen loot - is an entire different thing.

: Masteeer, I'm here! Returned from the scavenging mission!

: I've collected some diarrhea during my travels. If you want, I can activate it any time you are facing some big, bad, and ugly monster. Just don't take too much time, else I'll explode in your feacy face.