Red Arremer

European sessions:
Wednesdays 21:30 to 23:00 CEST
Sundays 21:00 to 23:00 CEST
American sessions:
Wednesdays 21:00 to 23:00 Central
Sundays 21:00 to 23:00 Central
Americans, feel free to discuss this among yourselves.
Europe - Casual:
1. Kabouter
2. Lach
3. tmespe
4. shaldome
5. smjanssen
6. Royal_Phalanx
Europe - Competitive:
1. Orgun
2. Volodja
3. Brohan
4. KingSnake
5. fanboi
6. Octavianus
7. Airbar
8. CloudWolf
9. Uzzy
10. Aureon (can play at NA-favoured times)
11. Sickboy007
12. franbatista123
13. Gandysampras
14. Zeknurn
15. Calabi
Europe -

Red Arremer (I will decide later)
Skyward Sheep
1. HundredEyeMonk - Competitive preference
2. Forerunner - Competitive preference
3. CzarTim
4. Geist- - Competitive preference
5. Poodlestrike - Competitive preference(?)
6. Zoomed
7. -tetsuo-
8. exmachina64
9. Steel - Competitive preference
10. Limiting Factor - Competitive preference
Note: These are the first draft. Things here might change a bit.
1. If you consistently cause the game to drop below Normal speed, you will be kicked for the duration of the session.
2. Pausing only allowed when DoW happens to you. Then during the war it isn't acceptable. Players can pause once to make peace deals, but only for 25 seconds or so. PvP wars are not exempted.
3. A general anti-exploit rule. Basically, if it looks like an exploit, then don't do it. Don't try to circumvent rules through trickery. If you're unsure if something violates this rule, ask.
Empire Creation:
4. Try to avoid using too many similar colours, symbols and species. We might introduce the more colour mod if it works for MP so we can have more variety in that regard.
The casual session is aimed at players who only want to do PvP incidentally or in a very limited fashion.
5. Players may not guarantee, ally, or be guaranteed by more than 1 other player nation prior to 2300, 2 other prior to 2400, or 3 others prior to 2550. An alliance may not have more than 3 player nations prior to 2300, 4 player nations prior to 2400, or 5 player nations prior to 2550. This rule does not count for any player controlled subjects a player might have. Indirect involvement in wars (for instance threatening someone with an attack unless they don't engage in a war against human players) counts as an alliance for the player being helped and thus is only allowed if the player being helped does not exceed its human ally limit in this fashion.
6. Player nations that are AI-controlled (absent players) are open to attack once they miss three straight sessions, you can attack during that third session. If the AI attacks another player in his absence, they can demand up to 50% war score, but no more. If an AI playing for a human nation joins a war against a human player as a third party, up to 25% war score may be demanded from that country.
7. For PVP wars: Achieving an overall war score of 80% also means the losing side must automatically meet the demands of the winning side. Peace demands can not exceed 100% war score. People can't be forced to peace out separately in a PvP war, to avoid peace demands from being truly excessive. Similarly, don't circumvent the war score cap by declaring multiple wars as a single alliance. If you do this, the total demands can't be more than 100%. If non-aligned human players both attack another human player, this obviously does not apply.
8. The first session will have a global non-aggression pact between all players. If an AI allied to another player wants to declare upon a player nation during this session, the player nation allied to the AI must decline that declaration of war.
9. Researching Jump Drive and Synthoids is prohibited (i.e. the Unbidden and AI revolt crises cannot be caused by players). Of course there's still the Swarm crisis which happens randomly, or maybe the AI researches those tech.
The competitive session is aimed at players who don't mind PvP. This session can involve people piling up on each other, or betrayal between players (though if you are a backstabber, be aware nobody will trust you any longer).
5. Player alliances can be as big or small as desired.
6. Absent players' nations are only protected for one session, and if the AI piloting an absent player's empire declares war on another player, taking 100% warscore is allowed.
7. PVP wars are everything goes.
8. No global non-aggression pact during the first session.
9. All technologies are allowed. It is up to the players to counter any pan-galactic threats.
10. If you get knocked out, please don't be a sore loser. A bit of salt is fine, but don't be rude to the players who beat you.